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17 Jul 2005, 9:38 pm

Last night, I had a chance to see Charlie and The Choclate Factory. Of course, Charlie was the good kid and the four spoiled brats got what they deserve. In comparison to the original, I liked the oompa loompas and Willy Wonka in the original better. Sure the oompa loompas did a musical every time one of the kids got in trouble for being bad, but you could hardly understand a word they were saying in this version. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.


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17 Jul 2005, 10:23 pm

Dad is taking my sister and me to see this tomorrow(monday). I'm looking forward to it, because I adore Johnny Depp...he is a hugely amazing actor, I love everything I've seen him in(especially Edward Scissorhands, Benny & Joon, and What's Eating Gilbert Grape) I'll post my opinion when I get back.


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18 Jul 2005, 12:22 am

I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Friday evening. I thought it was really good. The kid who plays Charlie is amazing. I loved him in Finding Neverland too.


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18 Jul 2005, 3:56 am

Chocolate Factory is the first book I ever read (when I was 5!). I still remember opening my copy as a 5 year old and reading about Charlie's family! I saw the trailer for this new film and, what the heck? A young Wonka without his famous goatee beard? I dunno If I could see that. I think I'll stick with Gene Wilder.


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18 Jul 2005, 6:25 am

Read the book in fifth grade and saw the movie about five years ago.

I don't think I'll be seeing this version.

I remember the book had a cuss word in it "Burp you silly A$$" and my teacher was reading when he got to that line and made a faux pas trying to omit the a-word, but ended up saying it anyways.

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18 Jul 2005, 6:33 am

I don't think it was considered a cuss word by British writers at the time, Scoots. I think it refered to the animal, not the body part.


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18 Jul 2005, 11:18 pm

I just got home from watching this, and I thought it was wonderful! As for the original movie, the only good thing about it, IMO, was Gene Wilder, who can do no wrong, and did a masterful Willy Wonka. The original story was a bit sweet and a bit darkly goofy. Gene Wilder's Wonka is the sweet version, this one is the darkly goofy one. They are different interpretations of the same book, not different versions of the first movie. I thought this adaptation was perfect, except all the stuff about Wonka's past that they added in, but that didn't take too much away. Johnny Depp was perfect...almost exactly how I imagined him from the book...and so funny!! And I loved the Oompa Loompa songs, too...especially that they were the lyrics from the book. I went to get the soundtrack after the movie was over, and FYE, Media Play, and Wal Mart were sold out of it, so I ordered it off Amazon where it is ranked #8 in music sales. This movie replaced Big Fish as my favorite Tim Burton movie. Hooray for Tim Burton and Johnny Depp-Geniuses!!

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18 Jul 2005, 11:39 pm

I read in a collumn that the character of the grown-up Charlie was based upon the American tycoon Howard Hewes


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19 Jul 2005, 5:45 am

WhiteRaven_214 wrote:
I read in a collumn that the character of the grown-up Charlie was based upon the American tycoon Howard Hewes

Does that mean Charlie is a billionaire playboy, innovator and has OCD? He may like chocolate and make it but God fobid he get it all over his person. LOL.

I may see it. But I never read the book, nor seen Wily Wonka and the Chocolate Factory entirely. So I guess I should see the first movie just for the heck of it.


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19 Jul 2005, 4:24 pm

I voulunteered in making a theatrical verion of it last year at a children's drama camp. I did all tech. I've skimmed the book and love the first movie. Haven't seen the new version yet, but Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, wow. :P



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20 Jul 2005, 2:43 pm

I enjoyed the movie. I liked the actor as Willie. Very well done.


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22 Jul 2005, 3:36 pm

If you've read the book, this movie was far superior than the Gene Wilder movie. It used the original poetry and stuck more with the book right up until the end. I give this movie 5/5 stars for what it was.

Especially funny to me was the "Sorry, I was having a flashback," line. Perfect delivery on that. That, and the reference to 2001: A Space Odessy- that was hilarious.


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22 Jul 2005, 8:06 pm

Alright, here are my two or three bits on the movie 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. This was a quality movie. It was well-acted. None of the performances let me down. It was also likeably bizarre, and extremely funny. Yet it had its share of flaws. In the book I got the impression that Willy Wonka was eccentric but emotionally strong. In the movie they made him a tortured young genius, seeming like a combination of Mr. Rogers and [Name Omitted]. Another problem was that in the scene where the oompa loompas were first being shown, they seemed like racist stereotypes of Native South Americans. This movie also sickened my delicate aesthetic sensibilities- The inside of the factory was candylike, but not in a good way, i.e. it was artificially sweet. And the fluorescent lights were irritating.
I'll give this movie three and a half out of five stars, just for being an odd and entertaining two hours.


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22 Jul 2005, 9:11 pm

Yupa wrote:
Alright, here are my two or three bits on the movie 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. This was a quality movie. It was well-acted. None of the performances let me down. It was also likeably bizarre, and extremely funny. Yet it had its share of flaws. In the book I got the impression that Willy Wonka was eccentric but emotionally strong. In the movie they made him a tortured young genius, seeming like a combination of Mr. Rogers and [Name Omitted]. Another problem was that in the scene where the oompa loompas were first being shown, they seemed like racist stereotypes of Native South Americans. This movie also sickened my delicate aesthetic sensibilities- The inside of the factory was candylike, but not in a good way, i.e. it was artificially sweet. And the fluorescent lights were irritating.
I'll give this movie three and a half out of five stars, just for being an odd and entertaining two hours.

Yeah, the backstory they gave Wonka was why I assessed it well on its own merit because while that was an obvious deviation from the book... well, I found it kind of funny. I'm sick, I know.


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22 Jul 2005, 11:05 pm

I just got back from seeing it. I thought it was brilliant, I was laughing the whole way through it.

In comparison to the orginal, I give it 3.5 out of five stars. As the movie alone, I give it 4.5 stars.

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25 Jul 2005, 12:34 am

Serissa wrote:
Yupa wrote:
Alright, here are my two or three bits on the movie 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. This was a quality movie. It was well-acted. None of the performances let me down. It was also likeably bizarre, and extremely funny. Yet it had its share of flaws. In the book I got the impression that Willy Wonka was eccentric but emotionally strong. In the movie they made him a tortured young genius, seeming like a combination of Mr. Rogers and [Name Omitted]. Another problem was that in the scene where the oompa loompas were first being shown, they seemed like racist stereotypes of Native South Americans. This movie also sickened my delicate aesthetic sensibilities- The inside of the factory was candylike, but not in a good way, i.e. it was artificially sweet. And the fluorescent lights were irritating.
I'll give this movie three and a half out of five stars, just for being an odd and entertaining two hours.

Yeah, the backstory they gave Wonka was why I assessed it well on its own merit because while that was an obvious deviation from the book... well, I found it kind of funny. I'm sick, I know.

I didn't see the movie, but to me that addition reeks of the time they gave the Grinch a backstory. We don't need to know EVERYTHING about a character to accept him/her!! !