Santa Inc.
It takes serious effort to make something that outdoes the Star Wars Holiday Special as the worst Christmas related media ever. At least the SWHS can be a guilty pleasure at times, but Santa Inc. is just pure garbage. Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman are not funny. Everyone who's seen it has reviewed it as terrible while trusted professional reviewers refuse to even touch this special because they know it's bad and they don't want to get on Seth Rogen's bad side. I know I have because everyone who hates this series is being called an -ist and a -phobe by the woke.
What's the plot?
Santa is an old white man and a feminist elf wants to change that and Christmas. Whatever.
I miss when Christmas specials were holiday feel good stories.
This is why YouTube disabled the dislikes because they want to defend corporate crap like this from criticism. They've already disabled the comment section.
Media is becoming more safe and controlled and we're going to be getting more crap like this more frequent from now on.
The age of mediocrity is upon us.
I am sick, and in so being I am the healthy one.
If my darkness or eccentricness offends you, I don't really care.
I will not apologize for being me.