Anyone here obsessed with My Little Pony?

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Emu Egg
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28 May 2015, 8:28 pm

Does anyone else love MY Little Pony? Many times when I tell people I love my little pony they think I am weird and childish. I like it for the characters and the lessons about friendship. Fluttershy is definitely my favorite character because she resembles my personality and I also love animals. If you love my little pony, what is your favorite thing about it and who is your favorite pony/character?


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29 May 2015, 7:08 am

It's a well written show that accepts that some people will refuse to be redeemed by the Power of Friendship, and Twilight Sparkle.


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31 May 2015, 2:22 am

I like it.
Not obsessed exactly, but it's a good show.
It's good to see something positive once in a while.
Rarity would be my favourite.


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31 May 2015, 3:22 pm

Wouldn't say obsessed, but as a person who would, if able, list "the Internet" as country of origin, the show has been hard to miss for quite some time, and I gave it a watch to see what all the fuss was about. The show is funny and extremely memetic, the characters are more rounded than their initially stereotypical roles make them seem, and the show is much more entertaining than a 20 minute flash video for girls aged 4-11 has any business being. Seriously, this show has a character that is pretty much a cartoonified Q from Star Trek, voiced by same. And Slenderpony!
Basically, after watching Criminal Minds, Dexter, the Blacklist, the Mentalist, Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones, it can be nice to clear your head of all the gruesome and just watch some pastel ponies for a bit.

Also, by far the girliest thing about this show is the intro theme song.

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31 May 2015, 3:43 pm

I love mlp! :D

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01 Jun 2015, 2:21 pm

jenisautistic wrote:
I love mlp! :D

Me too :P I watch each new episode as soon as it comes out.

Emu Egg
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15 Jan 2016, 10:17 pm

I LOVE MLP! :D Its a awesome show! and my favorite character is rainbow dash and vinyl scratch!


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02 Feb 2016, 10:06 pm

i love MLP so so much!! ! this forum made me rock back n forth a little in excitement!! ! i think fluttershy is most like me i love her so much but also i love pinkie pies energy ! !! the flash animation is sometimes a little wonky but otherwise very aesthetically pretty!! ive been into the show and fandom since around 2013? i love drawing all the characters and ive definitely been teased for it from my friends and family but i dont really care anymore! ive seen all the episodes so far i love mlp so much :heart: :heart:

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03 Feb 2016, 8:18 pm

It was the only thing keeping me sane while I finished college.


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04 Feb 2016, 4:23 pm

Of coarse! I love it! My favorite of the main six is Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. My favorite of the Cutie Mark Crusaders is Scootaloo. I have also seen all three Equestria Girls movies. One of my friends got me hooked to the show. Also, my favorite princess is Princess Celesta. :D

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04 Feb 2016, 5:27 pm

Just as long as you're not a 30 something year old male that go to Bronycon conventions...At that point, you start tipping the scale of weird. And not Lady GaGa, Richard Simmons, or Gary Busey weird, but The Child Catcher in “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" weird.


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05 Feb 2016, 1:42 am

No but here's a song about it :arrow:

My little pony
My little pony
Ah ah ah ah

My little pony
I used to wonder what this show was about
My little pony
Until the day I had to check it out
My little pony
And to its awesomeness I can now vouch
My little pony
I can't get up 'cause now I'm one with the couch

[verse 1]
I once heard of the "brony"
A grown-ass man who watches My Little Pony
My own ass would never think the bronies were real
'Cause I didn't really ever see the pony appeal
And then I heard of the cons
A deranged group of nerds with their strange goings on
I don’t deeply understand what goes on in that world
All these creepy older men hanging out with little girls
(eww) But I was wrong with my assumptions, well
I don't think they're being sold off for slavery or something
No, there's a guy with his daughter and wife
He's dressed as Pinkie Pie, having the time of his life
(huh) Maybe it is a good show
The guy swears by it so I really should know
I started watching with the guys that Friday, then soon
I looked up and realized it was Monday afternoon

[verse 2]
In the land of Equestria
Live six pretty ponies and Princess Celestia
Who share with all their friends the good times they've had
And it's almost as intense as Breaking Bad
Twilight Sparkle is the new girl in town
Reporting back to the Princess all the gossip around
Rainbow Dash can fly high in the sky
So if it rains on your wedding day, now you know why
Pinkie Pie tends to get the great quips
But friends this is why you shouldn't eat paint chips
Fluttershy is like the Pony Whisperer
'Cause she gets other animals to only listen to her
Need a dress? Rarity can make it
Which is odd 'cause the ponies almost always go naked
And Applejack'll harvest all the fruit she can, though
I never trust a girl who solves a problem with a banjo


[verse 3]
And now I can't get enough
So enchanted that I watch it while I do other stuff
Like on my day at the gym, or when I play on some teams
Or when I do it pony-style with the girl of my dreams
This show has so many layers
Don't listen to the dissers 'cause they're just neigh-sayers
Don't hate the players, don't even pay 'em no mind
Now I'm off to get a cutie mark tattoo on my behind
Friendship really is magic
And if you don't believe that, that really is tragic
It's not an illusion like the usual phony
Stuff from The Great and Powerful Trixie, or David Copperpony
So now I'm gonna holler
'Til I'm Guest of Honor at the Grand Galloping Galla
You should come see me soon and I'm-a yell for ya
At my upcoming gig in Phillydelphia

[end chorus]
My little pony
I used the Elements of Harmony to write this song
My little pony
And if you don't like this show, well you're just wrong
My little pony
I can marathon the show from beginning to end
My little pony
Don't you know you are my very best friend?

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17 Sep 2024, 5:34 pm

Yes, I’m completely obsessed with MLP. I personally call myself a brony and I have seen all the episodes. I have a lot of merchandise too.

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