A Stephen King musical? Does this mean that it is a musical written by Stephen King, or is it a musical inspired by the writings of Stephen King? I know that Mr. King has a band of fellow authors that do music, but I was always under the impression that they just did covers and didn't have any material of their own. I've been told that he isn't half bad at playing a guitar.
My thought is that this is probably a musical based on the writings of Mr. King. For some reason things like that are quite common in Chicago, and probably in any largish city. Chicago was home to the Torso Theatre's "Cannibal Cheerleaders on Crack," so we've seen quite a few strange productions. There is even someone doing a production of a musical version of "Carrie" called "SCarrie". I don't remember who or when they are doing that one, I just remember seeing the poster for it. I was paying attention to the graphic on the poster, and the stylized "SC," so I didn't really pay attention to what the poster actually said. Sometimes AS is so annoying.
My life is a dark room. One big dark room.
-Lydia Dietz, "Beetle Juice"