chris1989 wrote:
I remember for a while I refused to watch The Exorcist until I watched it and there were rather disturbing scenes in it but it didn't give me any nightmares after watching it. Since then I've watched few times before and it doesn't seem as scary as when I first saw it or before I saw it. I think I had heard of it being one of the scariest films of all time and that there were scenes in it that were terrifying in it such as Linda Blair's character being possessed where her head turns and she walks down the stairs like a spider and seeing the face of the demon and it was for those parts that I had seen photos of, that I refused to see it.
Another disturbing film which I didn't refuse to see was the Japanese version of The Grudge which had plenty of disturbing scenes in that and after it had finished late at night, it took me a while to get to sleep after watching it.
I recently listened to a podcast episode of
Stuff You Should Know. It was about exorcisms. It was interesting. They discussed the movie a bit and commented it was not as scary as they remembered it. However, evidently the exorcism was pretty accurate.
Saw or it's sequels. I won't see them.
There have been scary movies I would not see, but eventually I did, they did not live up to their reputation.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre was one.
Blair Witch Project was pretty intense. I liked the ending. I'll never see it again, but not because it was scary. It made me very nauseous because of the camera movement. It was painful.
Some Japanese directors really have mastered making disturbing imagery. Sometimes it is just creepy scary disturbing, in my opinion.