Yupa wrote:
Alright, here are my two or three bits on the movie 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. This was a quality movie. It was well-acted. None of the performances let me down. It was also likeably bizarre, and extremely funny. Yet it had its share of flaws. In the book I got the impression that Willy Wonka was eccentric but emotionally strong. In the movie they made him a tortured young genius, seeming like a combination of Mr. Rogers and [Name Omitted]. Another problem was that in the scene where the oompa loompas were first being shown, they seemed like racist stereotypes of Native South Americans. This movie also sickened my delicate aesthetic sensibilities- The inside of the factory was candylike, but not in a good way, i.e. it was artificially sweet. And the fluorescent lights were irritating.
I'll give this movie three and a half out of five stars, just for being an odd and entertaining two hours.
Yeah, the backstory they gave Wonka was why I assessed it well
on its own merit because while that was an obvious deviation from the book... well, I found it kind of funny. I'm sick, I know.