Generally I don't like too much watching films based on comics, some things like for example clothes of superheroes, looking so perfectly normal in comic books start to look ridiculously when shown in a movie.
I truly hope the fourth film will show us Apocalypse
It's my favourite mutant
Btw, translation of some names of the characters into our language was simply stupid - something sounds so pretty in English but in Polish a literal translation of them is a veritable madness
Cerebro's name was in Polish version not Cerebro but the Brain - there was that scene when Xavier was talking to Jean about this device and he asked her(I am not sure how it sounded in original English version): "Have you ever used the Brain"? Jean:"No, for someone like me it would be too dangerous".
Well, sincerity is considered a priceless quality
...Iru , how are Western contemporary movies such as the X-Men presented in Polish ? Dubbed ? Sub-titled ?
Or , with a narrator reading along with the show , as I have read is the tradition - Or , was . - in Polish movies and TV when using foreign material ?????????