Describe what would be, to you, THE MOST ULTIMATE FILM EVAAA

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11 Oct 2007, 6:23 pm

Possible things to get into:

Screenplay writer
Dialogue style
Production Designer/Visuals
Effects House
Running Time
Standout scenes (i.e. action sequences, sex scenes, montages)
The overall feel and tone (dark, sad, bright, happy)
Intro credits and music

I'll post mine in a bit...need to finish writing it. XD


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11 Oct 2007, 6:36 pm

Genre - Drama/Thriller
Director - Vincent Price. But since hes dead it will have to be me :P
Screenplay writer - Me.
Cast - Dont have time to brainstorm Ill get around to it when I can
Plot - Same
Setting - Same
Dialogue style - Silent
Production Designer/Visuals - British Film Finance
Effects house - ???
Soundtrack - I would make my own, Ive made songs for something like this already in the past. Half of them I cant even find :( So Ill have to do them over anyway.
Running time - Over an hour, at least
Gah my dads making me do something Ill get back to you :x

"In sin I want to live... Under the freezing moon"


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11 Oct 2007, 7:38 pm

Director-Tim Burton
Screenplay writer-Charlie Kaufman
Cast-Don't matter who, as long as it's well acted. Ok Johnny Depp at least.
Plot-Man travels the universe in search of the meaning of life. He gets into many adventures and encounters dangerous situations on his quest. He has his own views on the meaning of life, but by the end of the film his view drastically changes.
Setting-The universe
Dialogue style-Half the time intellectual and the other half filled with dry wit
Production Designer/Visuals-Lawrence G. Paull
Effects House-WETA Workshop
Soundtrack-Danny Elfman
Running Time-A movie like this would have to be at least 4 hours long for the ground it would cover.
Standout scenes (i.e. action sequences, sex scenes, montages)-The end scene would standout the most and most definitely include a twist.
The overall feel and tone (dark, sad, bright, happy)-A mixture of seriousness and humor.
Intro credits and music-Eh I don't know, but Danny Elfman music would run through the whole film.

Currently Reading: Survival by Juliet E. Czerneda
Vote Kalister 2008


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11 Oct 2007, 7:51 pm

ghostgurl wrote:
Director-Tim Burton
Screenplay writer-Charlie Kaufman
Cast-Don't matter who, as long as it's well acted. Ok Johnny Depp at least.
Plot-Man travels the universe in search of the meaning of life. He gets into many adventures and encounters dangerous situations on his quest. He has his own views on the meaning of life, but by the end of the film his view drastically changes.
Setting-The universe
Dialogue style-Half the time intellectual and the other half filled with dry wit
Production Designer/Visuals-Lawrence G. Paull
Effects House-WETA Workshop
Soundtrack-Danny Elfman
Running Time-A movie like this would have to be at least 4 hours long for the ground it would cover.
Standout scenes (i.e. action sequences, sex scenes, montages)-The end scene would standout the most and most definitely include a twist.
The overall feel and tone (dark, sad, bright, happy)-A mixture of seriousness and humor.
Intro credits and music-Eh I don't know, but Danny Elfman music would run through the whole film.

Oh man, I would so love this movie. Burton, Kaufman, Depp, Elfman, AND WETA? Sweeeeeet.

I want people to know that the categories above are just possible suggestions, not a structure to follow....


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11 Oct 2007, 8:57 pm

Genre: Video Game-based Comedy
Director: Uwe Boll
Screenplay writer: George Lucas
Cast: Larry the Cable Guy, Rob Schneider, Andy Dick, Eddie Murphy
Plot: Based on the worst video games of all time. Three Guys drive big rigs around, explore craters looking for buried atari carts, and pretend to be German mercenaries, all in the name of...paying the rent or something!
Setting-America someplace
Dialogue style: unfunny and poorly written
Production Designer/Visuals:
Effects House: The guys that do that Crazy Fox commercial
Running Time: 1.5 hours
Standout scenes: A few gayish scenes because that stuff is funny. And of course the toilet scene.
The overall feel and tone (dark, sad, bright, happy)
Intro credits and music

"I reject your reality, and substitute my own" -Adam Savage


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11 Oct 2007, 8:57 pm

Ok I got the chance to work on it better here it is

First of all, we should go over the budget. This is definitely going to be a Bmovie, yet interesting and mind stimulating.
Genre - Drama/Thriller
Director - Vincent Price. But since hes dead it will have to be me :P
Screenplay writer - Me.
Cast - James Russo - Insane man (name?)
Jeffrey Combs (except this time his character wont suck :P) - Student (name?)
Everyone else will be pretty much insignificant characters. There wont be too many in the first place.
Plot - A clinically insane mans history is traced back to where his life began by a student in neurology (who is working for an instatution the man is staying at). He believes that ones mind must be twisted to insanity to reach it. According to him one cannot be born this way. During his assigned work, his discoveries lead him further from the institutions expectations and closer to the truth. His great efforts gradually start to lose meaning, for what he finds eventually brings him to a similar state of mind. (In the very end)
*Spoilers - The insane man will be in an institution the whole time literally, however there will still be scenes where you will see what he sees, and what he has seen and done through out the film. Certain scenes will be in black and white, but in a photoshop "stamp filter" kind of way. The other scenes will be grainy, but not vintage looking. The students findings become more and more unrealistic (in an interesting/disturbing way) and out there as the movie goes on, yet it all makes sense in the end. Findings include: the mans journal, a particular book (sort of like "the evil dead" kind :P), an underground catacomb, (and maybe something about a castle, but I dont want to go too far lol) and other things that he finds from reading the journal.
Setting - In a seemingly normal residential area on the border of a thick forest, and within the woods itself.
Dialogue style - Silent (In most scenes, however some sound affects and music will still be present)
Production Designer/Visuals - British Film Finance
Effects house - ???
Soundtrack - I would make my own, Ive made songs for something like this already in the past. Half of them I cant even find :( So Ill have to do them over anyway.
Running time - Around an hour, at least
Catch phrase: One mans insanity is anothers fascination...
Stand out scenes: Parts where it shows the perception of the insane character. These scenes will be most disturbing and jaw dropping for sure.
Overall feel/tone: Obscure, tense.
Intro and credits music: Intro will be somewhat upbeat, then slowly drop to the general nature of the film. Credits will be the opposite.

Yup, cheesy sounding, but I pretty much just made up everything now anyway.
Ok I edited it a bunch of times so it should be complete now..

"In sin I want to live... Under the freezing moon"


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12 Oct 2007, 7:13 am

Genre - Science fiction
Director - Steven Spielberg
Screenplay writer - Melissa Matheson
Cast - Unknowns
Plot - An extraterrestrial left behind on Earth is befriended by a little boy
Setting - California
Creature effects - Carlo Rambaldi
Soundtrack - John Williams

Oh, wait - that movie exists already. It's called "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial". No wonder it's my favourite movie!


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12 Oct 2007, 9:31 am

If you enjoy extreme emotion, but cannot get happiness, maybe like me, you get your fix from Sadness, in which case, the saddest film I ever saw was

Dancer in the Dark,
Starring Bjork

I wont spoil it for you, but I only have to get the CD out the box and allready Iam crying!


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12 Oct 2007, 6:58 pm

CAST AND CHARACTERS: Eva Green would play the main character, a gothic succubus. Ron Perlman would play a gargoyle. Various other characters would be played by Alan Rickman, Crispin Glover, and Monica Bellucci. (And no, Bellucci would not be playing a whore, or a queen—for once. Seriously, she’s almost always one of those.) It would also feature the voices of Rob Paulsen, Hugo Weaving, and Stephen Russell. However, it would mostly be unknowns…I have no idea who’d play the male romantic lead, for example. One of the characters would have the look of the character of the Snow Wolf from the film "The Promise"—cloaked, but in a tragic sort of way, rather than creepy.

VISUALS: The film would have a dark, gothic sort of feel akin to Sleepy Hollow or Cradle of Filth’s Nymphetamine video. Almost everything in the film would be black, white, or blood red. Most of the characters would look gothic, with lots of eyeliner and black lipstick, and Victorian-era dresses with corsets. The sets would be decadently detailed. Nearly every shot would look like a beautiful painting. It would be set in a modern dark fantasy world. And when I say modern dark fantasy, I mean somewhere between the fairy tale magic of something like Peter Pan (or perhaps American McGee's Alice), and the dark, gritty urban world of something like Se7en, filtered through the darkly seductive atmosphere of something like Queen of the Damned.

INTRO: The opening titles of the movie would be a little bit like the intro to the game "Thief: The Dark Project,” and a little bit like the end credits to the film “Running Scared.” It would have animated drawings of the characters, and one of the original songs on the soundtrack. (See below.)

STORY: A tragic tale of passionate love and dark magic…ok, I don’t know the details, but it’d be good.

STRUCTURE: The film’s structure would, for the most part, resemble that of “The Prestige”—it would jump around through different points in time in a way that heightened the mystery and drama, but was completely understandable. The mystery would build up until the very end, where we find out the truth before the big final end fight.

MONSTERS: It would feature monster effects by Chris Cunningham, legendary director of Rubber Johnny," Bjork’s "All Is Full of Love" video, and Aphex Twin’s "Come to Daddy" video. The monsters themselves would be reminiscent of those found in Silent Hill: twisted, misshapen, and disturbing.

ACTION SEQUENCES: There would also be a swordfight with a similar feel to a notable one in Jet Li's Fearless, and at the end there would be a large full-scale battle—think The Lord of the Rings or 300—that eventually came down to a dramatic duel. Despite having 4-5 hard-hitting fight scenes (two of which would be fairly long), it wouldn’t seem like an action movie because it would have such a large emphesis on storytelling and romance. But then, this would probably be a 2 and a half hour film. The actions sequences would NOT have quick cutting—they would be a ballet of violence, not a struggle to keep up with what’s going on. Lots and lots of pretty shots. That said, it wouldn’t be gratuiutusly bloody. There would be a few bloody moments, but they wouldn’t be unbearable—nothing that makes you want to look away from the screen. Rather, they would both use blood in an artistic way. (Not sure how to explain.) The fight scene choreography would be by Woo-Ping Yuen.

OTHER SCENES TO NOTE: You know that one montage-like scene in the last act of “The Matrix Reloaded,” right before Neo meets with the Architect? There’d be a scene that was cut like that. Hard to explain if you don’t know what scene I mean. There would also be a scene were Eva Green does Gothic Bellydancing!

SOUNDTRACK: The soundtrack would have two disks. One of them would be Danny Elfman’s original score, and the other would be featuring exclusive all new songs by Evanescence, Cradle of Filth, Rammstein, Angelspit, Psyclon Nine, and Dark Sanctuary. And these wouldn’t be half-assed new songs, they’d rank up their with the artists’ best work. The song lyrics would relate to the plot of the film. It would also have a Marilyn Manson cover of Oingo Boingo’s “Insanity” (he already covered Danny Elfman’s “This Is Halloween”), an Orgy cover of “The Days of Swine and Roses” (originally by My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult), and an Emilie Autumn violindustrial cover of Metallica’s “The Call of Ktulhu.”

TONE: The overall tone of the film would be very very dark, sometimes creepy and disturbing, and sometimes very sad. This would be the sort of movie that would have you in tears at times. There would be sweet, romantic moments with the characters, moments that resemble those small character moments in films like “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” or “Garden State” or “Me and You and Everyone We Know.” It would even have brief moments of quirky humor. But these moments would be undermined by the more powerful dramatic moments. See, this would be the sort of film that people would make a shedload of fan movies out of, taking the most dramatic moments, recutting them to fit the rhythm of often-shitty pop songs, and uploading the ghastly-but-lovely thing to YouTube. You know those kinds of fan movies? This movie would be a goldmine for people who make them.

PACING: Generally fast, but not too fast. Again, no MTV-style quick cuts here!


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20 Oct 2007, 4:35 pm

Another one (haven't fully thought it out):

Starring: Tony Jaa


The martial arts fight scenes would resemble the animations by Monty Oum.

They would combine melee action with gunplay. I’m talking the kind of visceral gunfights reminiscent of something like The Killer, but with swords added in for close-range combat

Fight choreography by Woo-Ping Yuen.

EDITING: Comic-book panel editing, like in "Hulk."


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20 Oct 2007, 5:03 pm

Genre(s): Science-fiction
Director:Anyone with enough skill
Screenplay writer:Anyone with enough skill
Cast: No big names (unless they happen to be good actors)
Plot: I'm not too'd have elements of 1980s/early 1990s sci-fi and cinema in general. Some elements might resemble Dances With Wolves and V for Vendetta. I'd like there to be some anarchist and socialist undertones.
Setting: Across the universe
Dialogue style: I'd like the dialogue to be straightforward and realistic, with maybe some cheese thrown in occasionally
Production Designer/Visuals: I want this movie to look like it was made in the 1980s or early 1990s.
Effects House:I don't care, as long as they can give me the look that I want
Soundtrack: The music should generally be orchestrated lightheartedly to accompany scenes of discovery and darkly to cover scenes of politics and bureaucracy. There should be some New Wave/synthpop-like music thrown in occasionally.
Running TimeAnywhere from 90 to 150 minutes - it depends on how the movie is made.

Action Sequences:Action sequences should not be overly glamorous and should serve the plot. There would be absolutely no slow motion. There may be some scenes with focus on peril.
Sex Scenes: These should be quick and not overly glamorized. I wouldn't use a full-blown sex scene with no importance any more than I'd use a scene of a guy eating breakfast alone for five minutes with no importance.
Montages: Montages should be discreet and used if scenes tend to run overly long and can be compacted.

The overall feel and tone: Happy and sad should be the main emotions in this movie. I'd like scenes with villains to be a little bit angry, but also quite sad.


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27 Oct 2007, 11:55 pm

DejaQ wrote:
Sex Scenes: These should be quick and not overly glamorized. I wouldn't use a full-blown sex scene with no importance any more than I'd use a scene of a guy eating breakfast alone for five minutes with no importance.

I've seen way too many movies that have that second one. "Lost in Translation," "Broken Flowers"...god damn Bill Murray...get in some good movies again!