gwenevyn wrote:
Do you find that this is easier than watching in moderation? I feel that way about many things.
It is much easier. I really can't do moderation, especially with something that is so easy to sink into and find mildly amusing. I still find myself wasting more time than I'd like watching TV shows on DVD, I put in a DVD hit play all... and found an hour and a half gone. But the thing is, it's always in a predetermined time. Once the disk is done, I'm usually content to go and do something else. Plus watching 4 episodes of a show is just about as much as I can take in one sitting.
Internet use is an order of magnitude harder to manage, since my current lifestyle needs it... not like TV. Especially considering my forgetfulness, having instant information is more useful than the problems that go along with it.
I was thinking about canceling internet service, and just using wifi and shops and my university. But I know I'd end up wasting just as much, just not at my place...
I'm working on it though, I have a plan to turn off my computers at night.... always no matter what day it is. That little barrier of turning on the computer should be enough to keep me from squeezing 5min of use... which inevitably turns into 15min which then means I'm late.
Actually the worst was the double whammy of internet and TV. I would use the internet, till I was bored... watch a little TV till I was bored of that... and switch back and forth in 15min intervals... all the while sitting in the same chair. Ugh... never again...
Wonder what it feels like to be in love?
How would you describe it, like a push or shove?
Guess I could pretend that this is all I need
Wanting more than what I have might appear as greed.