Just saw Lars and the real girl, got to me

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29 Feb 2008, 1:44 pm

Last two evening I saw Lars and the real girl (in parts, because I was home late).

That film was a bit strange and emotional for me. In some films I identify with one of the roles, when I am really into the story. In this one I identified myself with Bianca (the doll) for some reason. Sometimes I feel like I am a person that does not lead a real life, that I am just accepted by other people. A bit like the towns people find a job and volunteer work for Bianca, the society finds a role for me. As if I am not a real person.

Maybe I am just feeling a bit sad today and need some days off to relax. But the film got me really emotional.

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29 Feb 2008, 5:07 pm

Do you feel like that alot? Like you're not in control of your life?


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29 Feb 2008, 5:22 pm

greendeltatke wrote:
Do you feel like that alot? Like you're not in control of your life?

In some ways. Most of the times I feel happy with my life. But it is not exciting at all when compared to other peoples life, I only have some plants to take care of but I am not going around doing exciting things like a lot of people who are alone do. It is almost the life of a nice house father, except I miss some kids and a wife.

It seems also that there are some persons in my life that have a lot of influence on the background, whose role is difficult to find out. Sounds a bit conspiracy-like, but sometimes it seems like people find things for me to do. Even when they could get people with better skills for the job. Sometimes I found out later that there were some relations between certain people I know.

To relate it to the film again. Biance (the puppet) was doing volunteer work in the school with reading stories (a cassette tape was played) and the children pretended she was real. After that she was put back in her room, just being a puppet. Sometimes I feel like that. They find some task for me and get some people to listen to me, then they put me back in my apartment or cupboard or box. And some people decide what I do, even when I have taken some form of initiative.


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11 May 2008, 3:13 am

I'm surprised there wasn't more discussion here about this movie. Just saw it tonight. From the preview I thought it was going to be a comedy. Surprisingly there wasn't one funny moment in the film, and it was painfully slow and awkward. Anyway, it seemed to me that Lars was an aspie suffering from a delusion, not just an NT with a delusion as they said in the film. Anybody else who saw it think so too?


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11 May 2008, 12:18 pm

I have not seen the movie.

Is it good?

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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11 May 2008, 12:33 pm

The trailer for that movie disturbed me. >.< I'm not sure why.


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11 May 2008, 1:11 pm

My psychotherapist told me about the movie and I was tense while watching it, only because I really related to Lars. I have myself been working on finding ways to be connected to "real" people, and found the film to be hopeful. At the time I watched it I was in a relationship with a "real girl" after having not even tried in years. I liked the movie (the relationship unfortunately seems to have ended) and when it comes out on DVD I'll get myself a copy.



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11 May 2008, 6:56 pm

I saw it over a month ago, raved about it back then. Yes, it's an excellent film. I got it over the torrent network because no cinema closer than an hour away was showing it, and I will buy the DVD when it comes out.

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13 May 2008, 10:06 pm

It is an excellent movie with some funny moments but Lars is a character that can be related to by everybody

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