I just saw this today and I thought it was good. The lady didn't show much autistic traits except I thought she looked more OCD because of the fact she didn't want Alex in her kitchen or anyone else. She couldn't touch the trash, wouldn't hug or allow people to touch her except for her parents and daughter. She did have Alex hug her tightly eventually but not touch her with his hands. She was even obsessed about cleaning and wanted everything neat.
I also thought she acted weird too like making these funny sounds but no wonder kids saw me as weird? I can remember my ex saying I get all giddy but I can't remember if he said I make funny sounds or not when excited. I think he should see this movie. I wouldn't be surprised if he compared me to her and saw me as her because she also acted immature too. But I'm not even like her at all. I may have used to have OCD like her, fear of shoes on the floor, fear of messes, hated things being out of place and I always cleaned and I loved trampolines as a little kid. Then my interest changed.
But when she tells Alex he is selfish and he tells her she is unreasonable, she yells "I'm autistic." That bothered me because it sounded like she was using it as an excuse for her to act that way. I hope that's not what she was doing, if so then shame on her.