Dokken wrote:
tcorrielus wrote:
Dokken wrote:
Like in the original 3 Star Wars, all the bad guys are British. In Star Wars you never see a good guy that is British. Why is that?
Alec Guinness and Evan McGregor played Obi-Wan Kenobi (who was a good guy) in the Star Wars movies, and they were BOTH British.
I don't mean the last 3 they put out. I fotgot what they where called, oh yes, special effects galore. Ewan McGregor isn't in the original 3.
Ben Kenobi is british, but still, you don't see any british people helping out the rebel alliance besides obi-wan. All the fighters that fly in the x-wings and stuff are all americans or not british.
Actually very few Rebel pilots
weren't British.
Since they filmed in England, they hired British actors for most minor roles.
American Rebels -
Episode IV:
Mark Hamill (Luke)
Harrison Ford (Han)
Carrie Fisher (Leia)
William Hootkins (Red 6)
Episode V:
Billy Dee Williams (Lando)
Jonh Ratzenberger (Major Derlin)
British Rebels -
Episode IV:
Alec Guiness (Obi-Wan)
Anthony Daniels (C-3PO)
Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca)
Alex McCrindle (General Dodonna)
Eddie Byrne (General Willard)
Drewe Henley (Red Leader)
Denis Lawson (Wedge)
Garrick Hagon (Biggs)
Jeremy Sinden (Gold 2)
Graham Ashley (Gold Five)
Episode V:
Frank Oz (Yoda)
John Hollis (Lando's Aide)
Christopher Malcolm (Rogue 2)
Ian Liston (Janson)
Episode VI:
Sebastian Shaw (Anakin)
Caroline Blakiston (Mon Mothma)
American Imperials -
Episode IV:
James Earl Jones (Darth Vader - Voice)
Richard LeParmentier (General Motti)
British Imperials -
Episode IV:
Peter Cushing (Tarkin)
Don Henderson (General Tagge)
David Prowse (Darth Vader)
Episode V:
Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett)
Kenneth Colley (Admiral Piett)
Julian Glover (General Veers)
Michael Sheard (Admiral Ozzel)
Michael Culver (Captain Needa)
Episode VI:
Ian McDiarmid (Emperor)
Michael Pennington (Moff Jerjerrod)