ToadOfSteel wrote:
What Star Trek needs to do is go further into the future with a new series... It's time for some new ground, not rehashing TOS...
I agree. I never liked TOS much. But it hasn't been the same without Gene Roddenberry. The Next Generation was great, DS9 was ok, Voyager was inconsistant and didn't feel like Star Trek, and Enterprise was freaking terrible. Nemesis and Insurrection weren't great films, either. In my opinion the last great Trek property was the film Star Trek: First Contact...well, unless you count the game Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force, which was awesome.
They just need to have real writers who really get what Trek is all about. It's cerebral. It's philosophical. It's about imagining a future of pacifism, of logic and science and compassion, a world where technology and everyday morality have both progressed to the point where money is no longer necessary. Such a future that is becoming increasingly hard to imagine--the writing of it was never the same after Bush became president. Enterprise just didn't get it. Enterprise was just always about dangerous aliens or diseases coming to kill us. Voyager was handled better (better acting and scripts) but had the same problem, focusing too much on Borg attacks and what not. Granted, First Contact was all about one big Borg attack, but it was handled so perfectly and with enough twists that it felt like so much more, even if it wasn't particularly philosophical.
So I'm not sure I necessarily want a new Trek least not unless new people are handling it, people who understand what Star Trek is about better than the guys who have been handling it after Roddenberry's death. (I forget their names...Berman and something? I don't know.) At least this new Trek film is being handled by someone new....