Yeah, unfortunately.
It's over the top and they only introduce new characters as public service announcements. I can't believe that school would still be open after all the crap that happens in it almost on a weekly basis. I don' understand why that guy hasn't gone completely mad (forgot his name- he's the english teacher who had two girlfriends that died and one that left him and he's now going out with a recovering alcoholic).
Come to think of it, pretty much ALL the teachers are english teachers (except a few).
The character Carla is actually quite a good portrayal of an aspie, but her bits are too dramatic and she's not part of the storyline unless there's an autism related issue to be addressed. Otherwise, she's just in the background. That annoys me becuse in Grange Hill, they had an aspie character who was a major character in the storyline and didn't always address autism issues and he was also a humorous character that was easy for people to relate to.