neongrl wrote:
How many people here have been called "Rain Man" because of their aspie/autie traits? I'm self-dx'd and still pretty "in the closet" but my sister has called me Rain Man. I think she's got me figured out...
Good movie, BTW. You never know what level of accuracy you're gonna get from Hollywood and I think they did a good job on this one.
Oh, but I
am Rain Man. My mom called me Rain Man for a few months, and evantually got bored with it I guess. I really like the movie, I can spot some of the similarities with myself. I've seen a person with LFA come through my line at work once. He was with his mom, and tlaking about on of her friends and how he remembered her through her lips rather than face. I was kind of at awe.
sandra3 wrote:
i've seen movies like that one and i am sam with sean penn. but people cant help who they are, but it doesnt mean they cant live normal lives and be productive.
"i am sam" is an awesome movie.