I so have to see the places pictured in films, too! I think, now that I know I am AS, it was to gain the connection between the film, the people in the film and me. I shriek and get all little girl excited (hand flapping, sometimes even rolling in it like a puppy). I remember being totally obsessed with Bob Dylan's first album in 1962 and carried it around with my junior high school schoolbooks (it was wider than they were and dug a permanent crease in my forearm!) I became extremely jealous of anyone else liking Bob Dylan, something I didn't do when I was besotted by the Beatles at 13 and the president (and only member) of the George Harrison fan club. Screaming and twitching was the mode of the day and being a girl I was not noticed as being especially ditzy sitting in the Orpheum movie theatre screaming and stimming my lungs out with the other girls watching 'Help' or "Hard Day's Night".
This was long before any videos were for the general public, so watching movies were regulated by if they were showing, or if I had saved any money from my skimpy allowance. So I read books and fixated on them, instead. I have collected all the books (and have them near to hand) that I can now see shaped my life because I suppose I adapted their values and mores within my self. Wow. I would have chosen other books, perhaps, had I known, but then I have had a pretty amazing existence.
How has the movies you obsess with shape your lives? your morals, your expectations in life?
or is it all just entertainment?
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon