What was the weirdest TV edit you've ever seen?

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19 Apr 2009, 2:09 pm

One weird thing that TBS does is that they chop down the opening credits to both "Saved By The Bell" and "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" to 15 seconds.


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19 Apr 2009, 2:24 pm

When the Simpsons only shows the couch scene in syndication, rather than the chalkboard phrase and the rest of the montage.


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19 Apr 2009, 2:30 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
When the Simpsons only shows the couch scene in syndication, rather than the chalkboard phrase and the rest of the montage.

Well, they sometimes show the full opening credits in syndication, too.

Also, it was kinda weird that edited down Bart and Lisa's "Will you take us to Mount Splashmore?" line for syndication.


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19 Apr 2009, 2:38 pm

Yeah, that was weird.

It's like they'll cut out good parts just to fit it in a certain time period.


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19 Apr 2009, 4:26 pm

The weirdest one I've seen recently is when I watched Snakes on a Plane while grading papers the other day. They changed Samuel L. Jackson's semi-famous line written by the internet to "I've had enough of these *monkey-fighting* snakes on this plane!"

Then there's the few times I've noticed that a show changes the lines from the original airing in all of its subsequent showings, both on the original channel and in syndication, sometimes even on the DVD.

The first one was from the episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, when Meatwad summons Santa Claus from his bed in the North Pole.
Original line:
"Those faggoty little elves don't even wake me until November!"
New line in all following airings and on the DVD:
"Those sweet little elves don't even wake me until November!"
This one I can understand them changing, as it's just a wee bit offensive.

The second is from the episode of Scrubs, when we can hear what's happening in Ted's mind when he does something that screws over Dr. Kelso:
Close what the original line is:
"Yeah! I'm the one that did it! Suck it b***h! I will murder you!! !!"
All following airings:
"Yeah! I'm the one that did it! *Long pause* I will murder you!! !!"
I always thought it was weird that the airings on Comedy Central included this edit, since they seem a bit more lax on what they edit in comparison to NBC. I don't have the DVD for this one, so I don't know if it's changed in there, too.


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19 Apr 2009, 8:52 pm

Well when they were showing Friends at an earlier time here in aus, they ut out anyting too sexual, this often meant the laghing track is going and no idea what the joke just was, like when two of them were walked in on in the bath.

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20 Apr 2009, 7:11 pm

roygerdodger wrote:
One weird thing that TBS does is that they chop down the opening credits to both "Saved By The Bell" and "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" to 15 seconds.

TNT which is part of the Turner Network of Channels, does the same to their broadcasts of original Law and Order, Charmed, ER, and Bones. They do that just to cram more advertisements.

As for the edited for television movies, I don't know why cable channels in the US still demand edits for television, even though indecency rules only apply to broadcast television, while other Western countries don't demand edited versions of movies when broadcast on television. Even in the United Kingdom, most if not all movies are run uncensored and in widescreen for years.

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21 Apr 2009, 6:43 am

I saw a TV edit of robocop on tv once (thats a movie for you youngsters) in the scene where the bad guys kill the cop (before he turns into robocop) he walks in the screen goes black you hear one gun shot and then they flash forward 5 mins and he is robocop.. ttaaaddaaaa


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21 Apr 2009, 7:07 am

I hate cuts. Mr Bean: Ultimate Disaster Movie... When I saw the extras, I was pissed. Apparently there was a lot more involved in the beginning and some scenes I would have loved to have seen at the cinema. I don't mind watching a film for 2 hours as long as it's good.
Then in 2Fast2Furious, there's a scene where the big cop and Brian Conner are on the roof talking... That was cut, scenes like these make more sense when included.

Considering I pay close price to rental, and they still get money from advertising to fill the rest of the gap. At least give me my monies worth

Terminator 2 Judgment Day. They cut out the part where the Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) tells John about the switch for learning and Sarah Connor is tempted to smash it regardless. If this wasn't included, why didn't it learn to begin with? Only to find the next morning, "Are we learning, yet?" This is true even on the BBC channel where no adverts are available. It is true that cuts are made to fit a schedule. Those parts of the movie were made and were intended to be included in the story line. It's like making a WW2 movie and mentioning nothing about Hitler... or something, but you get the point, I hope :lol:


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21 Apr 2009, 2:07 pm

DNForrest wrote:
The weirdest one I've seen recently is when I watched Snakes on a Plane while grading papers the other day. They changed Samuel L. Jackson's semi-famous line written by the internet to "I've had enough of these *monkey-fighting* snakes on this plane!"


Something tells me this was the director's (or even Sam's) idea. :lol:


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27 Apr 2009, 3:06 am

The episode of the Simpsons Abe and the Fighting Hellfish or something where homer is getting a snack and grandpa says would you like to come with us on an adventure that will put your manhood and courage to the test? or something like that. Homer then says pass and goes to his room. They cut that out of the syndication. The one where Homer buys Snakes car and Kirk gets his arm cut off, that part is also cut out.

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02 May 2009, 4:12 am

Some of the weirdest are from movies aired on tv. I get a good laugh out of them usually, though. I do prefer it if they just blank out the words if a logical substitute can't be found. There are cleaner versions of a lot of sayings. But I could understand it in The Last Starfighter when the boy's exclamation of, "What the s**t!" could not be replaced. So why did they change it to, "What the stink?" Makes me laugh, though.

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