I saw it yesterday, and overall I'd say it was an exceptional movie. People are used to saying that Dreamwork's animated output isn't as "memorable" or quality as Pixar's, and while usually I agree, this movie proved they can produce films close to that. The animation was beyond fluid, and the action was insanely choreographed and shot. I'd have to say the 3D was also very well used in making the experience more immersive, and often served the story - still, the obvious "in-your-face" effects got a chuckle out of me. Big props to the voice cast, everyone was spot-on (Colbert had me in stitches), and Witherspoon gave life to Susan, making her a very likable heroin, and was probably my favorite character.
Also, I think BOB was quite an achievement. Anyone who has experience trying to animate soft-bodies like that know how difficult it can be to program the dynamic behaviors, they probably had to do quite a bit of R&D to make sure the blob worked. That's a weird thing to notice, but I love animation and was thinking about that after I'd seen the film.