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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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08 Jan 2008, 12:22 pm

Like i was saying earlier, i would like people to share stories of how they discovered they were otherkin, or stories of how you deal with different possible problems that come with it, or even if you've told anyone you know and how they reacted. i would ejoy it if you told us some of these types of stories but you can also tell some other stories as well. here is a cool comic site for otherkin people httpWeb Page Name please tell me what you think of it

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08 Jan 2008, 2:55 pm

Tufted Titmouse
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08 Jan 2008, 4:22 pm

that has nothing to do with this

Crippled Dragon


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08 Jan 2008, 5:44 pm

Dracon wrote:
that has nothing to do with this

it does to me.....

have you drawn your own dragon? i have though perhaps not so classically. i identify with the people here who have experienced altered states... i used to do drugs to learn from them though i no longer need to... and i dream as easily as i wake.

a dream i had when i was 8 had these two dragons that placed something into me... and from then on, i could fly and do whatever i liked in my dreams... i wrote it down and still remember it vividly from falling asleep to them scratching at my window and beckoning me to leave with them to having to sneak back into my room before my alarm went off... i remember considering whether i was then dreaming and decided whatever the world, i wanted to follow them, their radiating warmth that filled mt head with colors.

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Jan 2008, 4:38 pm

you could have told us that story instead, and yes i have drawn many dragons

Crippled Dragon

Tufted Titmouse
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21 Jan 2008, 7:14 pm

i would like other stories if people would be so kind

Crippled Dragon


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22 Jan 2008, 5:15 am

i have come across and researched otherkin beliefs before, if i were otherkin i would probably be dragonkin as it matches my personality (that and i love dragons!), and it also interestingly go's with the description for my birth sign, Scorpio (which also describes me very well).

I am however not otherkin though it does interest me in terms of personal symbolism.


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22 Jan 2008, 1:35 pm

I'm not a dragon or fae or anything really, but I am an Empath, does that count?

Last edited by Legato on 22 Jan 2008, 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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22 Jan 2008, 6:27 pm

not really, but it is interesting.

Crippled Dragon


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22 Jan 2008, 7:37 pm

I just joined the site today and wasn't sure what to expect. I suppose I'll dive into this otherkin topic first. There's a lot of issues flying around here including the scientific basis or lack thereof for therianthropy/otherkin; it has nothing at all to do with science and more to do with the spirit and perception. If I identify with what I perceive as the spirit of a lion (which I do) and that helps me to find my way in the world can anyone tell me there's something wrong with that? If I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour (which I do not) who is to say that's wrong? It matters not a bit that there's not scientific evidence for or against such things. It's a personal identification with an archetype, as Jung might have said.
I have so many ideas running through my mind it's difficult to organize them but the issue of perception is a sticky topic. Our understanding of reality is entirely based on perception, scientific or otherwise. Reality is created entirely in our minds through the use of measurements and language, which can never be reality itself. The identification with an animal and/or mythical creature is an explanation for a state of being and helps me to unify and work with my own reality, perhaps even transcend it. I can't prove that I'm a lion nor do I care to; if others disagree, that is their right.
Uhhh yeah. So how did I come to the spirit of the lion? I've always had a strong feline connection, never met a cat that didn't like me, I'm a leo born in the year of the tiger, and when I met other people who were into therianism, they said they saw it in me. It seemed to fit so I have gone with it since. I have to say, though, that those who believe only in what empirical data tells them will lead a barren existence indeed. I must also add that science is far far FAR from infallible. In the world of molecular biology, there are often multiple possible interpretations for the same results. People wrangle and argue based upon their own particular beliefs, interests, and perceptions of the data until and answer is generally agreed upon but even that is not set in stone. There are as many false starts wrong turns as there are in, say, evolution.
OK. I'm done. I'm sure I've bored everyone enough. Hello all...


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23 Jan 2008, 10:27 am

wu_wei_lion wrote:
I just joined the site today and wasn't sure what to expect. I suppose I'll dive into this otherkin topic first. There's a lot of issues flying around here including the scientific basis or lack thereof for therianthropy/otherkin; it has nothing at all to do with science and more to do with the spirit and perception. If I identify with what I perceive as the spirit of a lion (which I do) and that helps me to find my way in the world can anyone tell me there's something wrong with that? If I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour (which I do not) who is to say that's wrong? It matters not a bit that there's not scientific evidence for or against such things. It's a personal identification with an archetype, as Jung might have said.
I have so many ideas running through my mind it's difficult to organize them but the issue of perception is a sticky topic. Our understanding of reality is entirely based on perception, scientific or otherwise. Reality is created entirely in our minds through the use of measurements and language, which can never be reality itself. The identification with an animal and/or mythical creature is an explanation for a state of being and helps me to unify and work with my own reality, perhaps even transcend it. I can't prove that I'm a lion nor do I care to; if others disagree, that is their right.
Uhhh yeah. So how did I come to the spirit of the lion? I've always had a strong feline connection, never met a cat that didn't like me, I'm a leo born in the year of the tiger, and when I met other people who were into therianism, they said they saw it in me. It seemed to fit so I have gone with it since. I have to say, though, that those who believe only in what empirical data tells them will lead a barren existence indeed. I must also add that science is far far FAR from infallible. In the world of molecular biology, there are often multiple possible interpretations for the same results. People wrangle and argue based upon their own particular beliefs, interests, and perceptions of the data until and answer is generally agreed upon but even that is not set in stone. There are as many false starts wrong turns as there are in, say, evolution.
OK. I'm done. I'm sure I've bored everyone enough. Hello all...

your absolutely right :wink:

ive come to pretty much the same conclusion though subjects like quantum mechanics and researching the many flaws of the theory's that modern science tends to pass off as fact's.. and well pretty much everything along those lines really.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 Jan 2008, 5:00 pm

I'm still wondering if anyone has any stories of how they discovered they were otherkin or stories of any other experiences relating to otherkin such as telling someone you know and how they reacted or instances where like your wings or tail got in the way of everyday activity.

Crippled Dragon

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24 Jan 2008, 7:35 pm

I am machine-type Otherkin, and experience the problems you speak about a lot. The main thing is... the header gets in the way of a lot of things. I don't like sitting in booths in restaurants because of it.

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24 Jan 2008, 8:22 pm

I have no story to tell but I am fascinated by the topic.


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25 Jan 2008, 6:27 am

Hi and welcome , not sure what I am but do not always seem to fit into the human prototype.

Face Book "Alyson Fiona Bradley "

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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25 Jan 2008, 4:51 pm

interesting. and Harvester52, i'm just curious what the header is having no experience of it myself since i am a dragon otherkin not a machine one.

Crippled Dragon