Hello, all. Greetings from Ontario. I'm mom to a 13 yo who was diagnosed with Aspergers last year, at age 12. Although he is very high functioning, we knew for years that he was probably on the spectrum, but hadn't pursued a diagnosis. We did lots of direct teaching and sensory therapy with him at home, when he was little. In Grade 6, DS was miserable, and pushing away all peer contact. He was also getting very little support or understanding at school, so we went ahead with assessment. After the inevitable waits to see a psychologist and developmental pediatrician, he was diagnosed as Gifted with a profound written expressive language disability, and also with Aspergers.
I'm happy to report that we have seen a remarkable turnaround in the last 2 years. He is now getting support and understanding at school (including a computer system). Most important, he has friends (!) and has come to understand himself better.
We also have a 10 yo son who has Tourette syndrome (I don't know what's up with the neurological disorders in our family!). My husband has subsequently been diagnosed, too.
Despite their quirks and challenges, both of our kids are professional actors who do quite well in the profession. Our oldest doesn't do any on-camera work, but has done a fair amount of voice work for film and TV. Our youngest has had several large roles in film, TV, and commercials. Strangely, he doesn't tic on camera. As a parent, I feel a bit conflicted about allowing them to continue in the business, because it leaves them vulnerable to criticism. It's also a bit dicey, deciding how much to disclose, and to whom, when parts are offered.
I'm looking forward to learning from this community!