"Now the question on every lips is this ....... are you single?"
Yes, I'm single, but can't say I'm really looking...at least right now.
"Funny you should say that Smelena....
the question busting to get out of my lips was "Do you like Australopithecus Afarensis?"
Then again, that is the question that is USUALLY busting to get through my lips..."
Sorry, I don't know what that means.
"How accurate are these tests? I do understand they are basically guidelines and shouldn't be used to definitively asses anyone but I have completed one on behalf of my 11 year old daughter and sure enough it confirms what I suspect. However, I find a lot of the questions would indicate I am also AS positive (which would answer a lot of things)."
I don't know how acurate they are, but like you said they are only there to be guidelines. So if you do suspect that you or your daughter may have it, try researching the subject of asperger's some more(if you haven't already) and if you really think it sounds like you than maybe you should look into trying to get tested.