Hey i'm a 21 year old aspie living in Belgium.
The reason why i wanna give this forum a try is because i don't have anything to do and i don't know anyone with aspergers syndrome besides me and my brother, so i have nobody to really talk to.
I have my family but it's not the same as friends or a partner.
I don't get out my house much because people think i'm weird and i don't like that (i think they are weird
And if i go out with "friends" i don't like it either because then they get drunk and i don't get why getting drunk is fun and people are annoying when they are (i've never been drunk so), especially after someone i knew died from excessive alcohol usage.
My favourite thing is music, it is beautiful noise compared to all the other noise i listen to when i'm not listening to music. It also makes me not think about everything except the song i'm listening to.
I also love art, animals, dancing, reading, writing, etc...
Also did you know Fluffy Bunnies with enormous sharp teeth control this universe, it's true.
For those who think the above line is serious it isn't, so don't believe what i said.
So that is my little introduction i hope it isn't to much and thank you for reading it.