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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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25 Jan 2008, 8:19 pm

The "header" is the cutting rig on the front of a combine harvester.

"Harvesting a wet crop is gross. It doesn't work. It's like trying to suck up a wet blanket."

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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27 Jan 2008, 12:24 pm


Crippled Dragon

Tufted Titmouse
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22 Apr 2008, 4:04 pm

hey i'd love to get more people in on this so please someone tell us about why you think you're otherkin and how you found out about it

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24 Apr 2008, 3:31 pm

I don't know if this counts but there are times when I believe I am a bird. It only occurs in "modes" and not all the time. Right now I know I am human. But when this happens, I sometimes think I can fly and have actually tried to fly by jumping off tall objects. Luckily for me my brother saved me. I also lose the ability to speak properly in this mode. All the words that come out of my mouth is gibberish. It is very hard to explain but it is just so weird. So, does this count? By the way I have no clue what kind of bird I am in this mode. Probably a parrot of some kind because I own parrots including a very adorable one who is cuter than a puppy, cuter than a kitten, and cuter than a newborn baby. This is when he "shows off."

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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24 Apr 2008, 6:30 pm

I've been a huge student/researcher/practitioner of the occult for around 12 or 13 years now, and throughout that time I've come across a lot of 'otherkin'. Some were pretty obviously just playing out a fantasy, but a lot seemed to genuinely be something else. I learned a lot about the phenomenon through these friends and my own research, but I never really considered myself part of it. Now and then I'd think I was exhibiting symptoms, but I always decided it was something psycho-somatic coming on because I spent so much time researching these things and was beginning to see them in myself when they weren't there.

One problem is that when you look into this sort of thing, especially via the internet, you'll be able to find someone claiming to be anything you've ever imagined. You'll be able to find a website that tells you you're anything you've ever wanted to be. It's very easy to get sucked into something like that and lose your grip on things. So even though believing in the occult takes a lot of faith, you still have to keep a healthy bit of skepticism too.

All that said, after a lot of work and study, I'm pretty confident I'm something or other. I don't know precisely what, but I'm slowly narrowing the field. It's extremely frustrating and makes me endlessly restless. Oh well.

Tufted Titmouse
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24 Apr 2008, 9:59 pm

thanks it's nice to know there's even some science behind this. and don't worry about not knowing, that comes with time.

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29 Apr 2008, 3:30 pm

welcome to wrongplanet.


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03 May 2008, 2:10 am

autism wrote:
welcome to wrongplanet.

lol nicely stated

I am other kin. I believe I am some kind of elf ,or was in a past life. Someone said they wanted people to share there stories, well my first vision was of me singing and my voice was so beautiful. I had never heard anything like it. I cant even begin to describe it . The only thing I can say is it didn't even sound human it was like it echoed and vibrated through the forest which I was standing in.

Another vision I had was In a house it was a strange building because there weren't many walls just pillars mainly to hold up the roof and the rooms were separated by beautiful colorful curtains and I was mid 30's or thats how old I looked. I had very long black hair that went down to the floor. I was being toled by a man to do something I couldn't understand the language in this life but in the past life I understood him . I did what he toled me and I move my hand toward a wooden chair and it shattered into pieces like it was exploded . I did this by making the wind somehow channel in such a way as to blow up the chair.

I toled this story another place in wrong planet but I left out the magic part because I didn't want to be ridiculed ( I wont be responding to any hateful comments) But I thought it was a good place to post the full story .

By the way I was wondering if any of you knew if there was an other kin site out there that was any good. I used to be on a very very good site called [other haven ]but it closed down and I haven't seen a good one since


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03 May 2008, 2:13 am

Oh and I forgot to post the fact that I looked like the picture in my avatar hence the reason its there.


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03 May 2008, 2:59 am

I grinned when I saw this topic.

Not an otherkin or furry.

I am a Scorpio :P 8)

I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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05 May 2008, 8:29 pm

Yes! I am a centaur. I have not been able to find a centaur avatar for my computer use, however. But if you could see me - you would know I am a centaur.

Tufted Titmouse
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05 May 2008, 9:31 pm

never heard from a centaur before, excuse me if the thought of horse makes my mouth water (hungry draggie here :) ) sorry bad joke

Crippled Dragon

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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11 May 2008, 8:57 pm

hey it wasn't that bad of a joke, and i would never eat a sentient being :roll:

Crippled Dragon

Tufted Titmouse
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07 Aug 2008, 10:21 am

fnord if you were to read my last post you would see that i did give evidence to the truth other than "Prove that I'm not!", "How dare you! / How Rude!", or "Just go away!" i told you that i have phantom limb syndrome in that i can feel my wings sprouting out of my back, and many other things that prove that we are otherkin are unable to be proven by most means. so please just stop with comments asking for proof, it would be much appreciated.

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07 Aug 2008, 11:58 am

Fnord wrote:
Dracon wrote:
... if you still have something against this thread why don't you just ignore it and find something you enjoy to do.

Oh, I have nothing against the thread, per se. It's the claims of past lives, other-species involvement, and non-human-ness - based solely on subjective dysmorphic sensations - that seem unwarranted.

Again, I'm willing to concede the existence of "Otherkin" if only one such person would provide irrefutable evidence of their claim of being something other than human; evidence that is something other than "Prove that I'm not!", "How dare you! / How Rude!", or "Just go away!".


I posted earlier to this thread about the idea of a changeling
and why my own experiences with AS might lead me to think
I were one--just for fun and for the purposes of this thread.

While I respect your scepticism, I want you to read, or re-read,
my posts on this topic and the nature of Scots/Irish folklore.
Perhaps your rigid, obsessive belief in the natural sciences is an attempt
to avoid feeling foolish when some people talk about other ways
of knowing.


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07 Aug 2008, 12:01 pm

Personal perceptions are not proof of anything, even though they may indicate some underlying medical or neurological cause.

I could claim that my headaches are "proof" that I am really a god-like being that is struggling to free his enormoous intellect from a puny human brain, but that would be a delusion (if I believed it) or an outright lie (if I did not believe it).

And for the record, I am not a god-like being.