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14 Apr 2008, 9:50 pm

What is your first name? Phillip

Age: 22

Location: Edmonton, Canada

Hobbies and Interests: Music, Audio equipment, Sound manipulation, numbers, geography, economics

Why are you here? My family has a widespread history of aspergers and ADD/ADHD from my mother's side. MY brother and my sister are formally diagnosed with it. I have some traits of it - my mom says I'm a carbon copy of my grandfather, except with some musical talent.

Favorite subjects: Choir, math, history, geography

Year/Grade: 1st year at technical school

Favorite music: Electronic music

Books: Anything dystopian, really. I like the darkness.

TV shows/Movies: Spoofs. Any spoofs really. I get a good laugh out of them and then I'm done. Law & Order is also good.

Instrument: Synthesiser, vocal chords

Do you like sports? Somewhat, not really. Snow soccer, floor hockey and baseball are my favourites.

Family: aspergers from my mother's side. Three brothers and two sisters.

Clothing: Utilitarian, minimalist, comfort

How did you find this website? Someone linked to this after remarking about someone complaining about their internet ID. It's actually quite humourous.

Job: Going to do accounting or some business related field.

Plans for the future? Get a job, get married, have 2.5 kids, a dog, yearly vacations, white picket fence, three bedroom house.

Any comments? I dunno.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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16 Apr 2008, 1:42 am

What is your first name? John

Age: 23

Hobbies and Interests: music, collecting records and other music-related stuff

Why are you here? i was considering the possibility that i have asperger's, or at least some of the tendencies of someone with asperger's

When were you diagnosed?: ADD at 12 years old

Favorite subjects: molecular genetics, some philosophy

Year/Grade: i am a graduate student

Favorite music: i like a lot of music, but lately: early 90's stuff in the vein of Shellac, Unwound, The Jesus Lizard

Books: Richard Dawkins is a pretty good read.

TV shows/Movies: i like a few too many shows. short list: house, lost, mythbusters, dirty jobs, arrested development

Instrument: i dont play anymore, but, trumpet

Do you like sports? watching sports or playing them? i like to watch hockey. i like to play a pick-up game of nearly anything if i'm offered, excepting hockey, as i can't skate. i love skiing, and i go as often as i can.

Family: as in do i have one? yes, i do. and i have a very good relationship with nearly all of them.

How did you find this website? wikipedia

Job: i work in a research lab

Plans for the future? work in research


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16 Apr 2008, 2:41 pm

What is your first name? Sam

Age: 11

Location: Maine USA!

Hobbies and Interests: A lot of stuff. Love to be outside. goin to the mall, lot of sports and diff things. On the PC I Like chattin to ppl and oline games

Why are you here? My counseller told me abt it yesterday and said it mite be good for me to check it out so thats why!

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Don't kno. I have alway had probs w. to much energy and Cant sit still or concetrate, but I have high IQ! :twisted:

Favorite subjects: None!

Year/Grade: 5th

Favorite music: Like a lot of diff stuff but not EMO! :roll:

Books: Dont read a lot rite now but probly will Later wehn I have more time.

TV shows/Movies: South Park, Family Guy, Punkd

Instrument: No b I would like to learn drims

Do you like sports? Yes love them! Celtics, Bruins, Patroits Woo Woo! :lol: The sports I play are baseball, gymnatics and BMX riding if you think thats a sport? :x

Some ppl think boys doin gynmnastics is ghey but its not! Your body gets ripped and Girls love that. And it helps me get rid ofa lot of energy and its fun to do to. Its a good sport for the Winter.

Family: Yes. My Moms from Ireland but I'm American!

Mom- Meg
Sister- Molly. she's 19 I think. she's Nice but I barley see her!
Brother- Sean. 14. he's ok most of the time. kind of stuck up thou
Brother- Seamus. 9. hes aright for a little brother b. he hangs on me to much!
Dog- Slim Shadee
Cat- Fluff. I didnt name her my litle bro did so dont Blame me!

Clothing: Yes! Shorts n t shirts all the time

How did you find this website?

Job: No I'm 11 and to busy neway

Plans for the future? I would like to ride BMX in the X Games and Vans tour but realistacly probly a veternarian or Lobstah fishermen? :?:

Any comments?

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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20 Apr 2008, 7:33 pm

What is your first name? Amber

Age: 19

Location: Massachusetts, USA (though I go to college in Rhode Island)

Hobbies and Interests: Writing (everything. Experimental fiction/poetry mostly, but also fantasy/steampunk/gothic horror), painting, playing the guitar, traveling (road-tripping, mostly), photography (not darkroom, though; it terrifies me), being outdoors, going to the cinema (I love independent movies!) wandering around cities looking for interesting things, just living life to the fullest.

Why are you here? I need someplace to talk with people who are in similar situations, people who won't judge me for having AS

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): around age 15, very mild Asperger's

Favorite subjects: Creative Writing classes, art. (I seriously hate English literature, though. Nobody seems to understand that Creative Writing and English Literature are two entirely different areas of study.)

Year/Grade: Sophomore in college

Favorite music: Augustana, the White Stripes, Bob Dylan, Bright Eyes, Jet, most classic rock, most alternative rock, some emo.

Books: SHANTARAM by Gregory David Roberts is my favorite book ever. I also love Jack Kerouac, Hunter S Thompson, and poetry by e e cummings.

TV shows/Movies: TV--House, Monk. MOVIES--Benny & Joon, Edward Scissorhands, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Pan's Labyrinth

Instrument: I play the guitar. (Badly.)

Do you like sports? I like to watch baseball; I am a hardcore Boston Red Sox fan. I like outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking, and mountain biking.

Family: I live with my parents and younger sister when I'm not at college.

Clothing: I dress like a weird combination of a bohemian and a punk. Lots of black, lots of leather, lace, long skirts, band t-shirts.

How did you find this website? Wikipedia, probably. :oops:

Job: I'm a college kid now.

Plans for the future? I want to be a writer and a college professor. And to be happy.

Any comments? Not yet.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 Apr 2008, 4:23 pm

What is your first name? Emily

Age: 21

Location: NY

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, TV serial dramas, Autism

Why are you here? I have Asperger's

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2006 officially

Favorite subjects: Neuroscience

Year/Grade: College Senior

Favorite music: Depends on the day, hour, minute...

Books: So many...i love books. i'm currently reading oliver sacks

TV shows/Movies: TV-friends, how i met your mother, house, bones, lost, grey's anatomy, mystery diagnosis, the old seasons of ER

Instrument: Not anymore

Do you like sports? Playing?, lacrosse, swimming Watching? no, i find it pointless

Family: Parents, older sister

Clothing: What's in style, combined with some eclectic t-shirts

How did you find this website? I don't recall...

Job: student for another 2 weeks

Plans for the future? MD/PhD, autism research and treatment, maybe writing a book

Any comments? depending on the day i will obsess over different things...softness, sunshine, reading, drawing, jewelry making, music

That's me in the picture to the left...


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23 Apr 2008, 4:41 pm

Nice to meet you, Emily. :) 8)

"You are the stars and the world is watching you. By your presence you send a message to every village, every city, every nation. A message of hope. A message of victory."- Eunice Kennedy Shriver

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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23 Apr 2008, 8:43 pm

What is your first name? Robert
Age: 24
Location: Scotland

Hobbies and Interests:
I listen to music - just like most people my age. I enjoy playing and collecting computer games - both PC and console games. I'm a huge Nintendo fan - although I have a PS2 and an Xbox - and I've owned every home console they've released from the NES (which was my first console) to the Wii. Apart from gaming - which, to be honest, I'm a bit rubbish at - I play pool and ten pin bowling. I'm not much good at pool or bowling either, even if it's something I do regularly, but it's a lot of fun. I also spend hours browsing the internet.

Why are you here?
I am not only here because I'd like to learn more about Asperger's Syndrome - I'd ultimately like to meet a few people - with Asperger's syndrome or otherwise - who I can relate to or with whom I can forge friendships.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
I was diagnosed as having Asperger's Syndrome two years ago, in the summer of 2006. I was aged 22. I was previously treated for depression and anxiety.

Favourite subjects:
I don't have a favourite subject, but I tenmd to perform better at scientific subjects. I tend to struggle when it comes writing assignments though, so I fear English and I worry about subjects that rely heavily on essay writing. I am currently studying biology, chemistry, statistics and mathematics so I'm just delaying the inevitable. Next term I will finally resume my English studies so I will see if I can confront my problems.

I quit school aged 16, so I'm some way behind where I'd like to be educationally. I'm at college now, but I don't think I have an assigned grade. I suppose the work is similar to what I would have been doing at doing had I stayed on for my 5th and 6th secondary school years (age 16-18 ).

Favorite music:
Since I got into metal music about half a decade ago, it's been mostly that. Power metal, symphonic metal, heavy metal, melodic progressive metal, melodic death metal and thrash are all good with me. I listen to Children of Bodom, Blind Guardian, Nightwish, Nevermore, Symphony X, Judas Priest, Kamelot, Angra, Sonata Arctica, Megadeth, Rodrigo y Gabriela, Van Halen, Arch Enemy, In Flames and plenty others.

I honestly don't read a lot of fiction. I'm a little embarrassed about this. I'm more likely to haphazardly scan reference titles as my attention span sees fit.

TV shows/Movies:
Science fiction and comedy (Simpsons, Futurama, Star Trek, Farscape are a few favourites). As for movies - I enjoy a mixture of genres and I enjoy too many to mention. There are few movies that I would personally describe as life-changing. I like to keep up to date with current affairs too, but political programmes are usually on at inconvenient times.

Well, I can't play anything but I enjoy LISTENING to the guitar, piano, bass guitar and drums. The violin is pretty cool too.

Do you like sports?
Yes. I love football! I watch and (very rarely, unfortunately) play football - the kind with the round ball. I used to be a big Championship Manager nut, but I haven't bought a new version since the title was changed to Football Manager, and I just stick to games consoles for my football gaming fix these days. Aaprt from that, I like to play pool and ten-pin bowling, but I told you about that earlier.

Mother, father, brother, deceased sister. I love my family dearly.

Cheap, casual and scruffy - I tend to wear things out before replacing them. I neglect clothing when it comes to spending my money, almost always opting to spend my money on some new gadget, game, CD or DVD. I plan to change that eventually, but for now I have yet to find "my style".

How did you find this website?
Someone told me about this. I cannot remember who it was. The woman who I thought had told me insists she didn't.

I am not currently employed. I don't want to get a job right now - I'm still adjusting to a more normal way of life after many years of isolation, and college is enough for me right now. Maybe next year.

Plans for the future?
I plan to obtain some more qualifications - qualifications that give me a better platform for higher education or employment. Ideally, I want to make some solid, lasting friendships. It's so difficult to find individuals who have overlapping interests, who I can trust and rely on, and who are enjoyable to be around.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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29 Apr 2008, 8:34 am

What is your first name? Stefanie

Age: 16

Location: Canada

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, writing, figure skating, and any type of video games

Why are you here? Probably am an Aspie

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): soon probably

Favorite subjects: English, history, and math

Year/Grade: 11

Favorite music: anything but rap, i love Trans-Siberian Orchestra and Queen

Books: Harry Potter, the Twilgith series, anything by Tolstoy

TV shows/Movies: Jeopary, Wheel of Fortune, anything on the discovery channel, oh and Criminal Minds

Instrument: Piano, Alto and Tenor Sax, flute, trumpet and kazoo

Do you like sports? Yes Figure skating, soccer, hockey (love it!) and many others

Family: me, my mom, my cat

Clothing: AE, smart set, and anything i can buy at NEON. but basically i dont care what evr is clean, sometimes whatever is within reach,

How did you find this website? googled Aspergers and this came up in the Wikipedia search

Job: N/A

Plans for the future? Writer

Any comments? not really

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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05 May 2008, 1:40 am

What is your first name: Glynnis

Age: 20

Location: Baltimore, MD

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, writing non-fiction essays, being with my dog, walking outside, surrealist art.

Why are you here? I like talking to other Aspies (I only have a few aspie friends) and sharing common chatter, ect.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 13

Favorite subjects: Biology, english, neuropharmacology

Year/Grade: SHOULD be a junior in college; I was in nursing school, but changed majors, so now I'm a sophmore.

Favorite music: I am absolutely obsessed with Pink Floyd; I have been since a kid when my dad used to play all his old albums.

Books: Lord of the Rings series, including the Silmarillion, The Hobbit, and Children of Hurin. Anything non-fiction, particularly compilations of essays, as well as autobiographies.

TV shows/Movies: Classic Simpsons, Weeds, Family Guy, How It's Made, Mythbusters, Food Network, and Conan O'Brien. My favorite movie of all time is The Lion King. I know the Swahili/Zulu phrases, and their translations.

Instrument: I play both acoustic and electric guitar, as well as a tiny bit of piano

Do you like sports? Not really, but I enjoy going to Orioles' games, I guess you can say I follow them.

Family: I come from a large dysfunctional Irish family; I am number 5 of 6.

Clothing: Anything casual and cotton. I often wear two pairs of pants, or two shirts if the fabric has an irritating texture.

How did you find this website? Browsing for Aspie research

Job: I'm a student, and a nursing tech on a pediatrics ward at a community hospital. I also substitute teach.

Plans for the future? get my BA/BS in English and biology, respectively, and minor in education. I'd like to work in an outdoor learning center, like a nature camp.

Any comments? Glad to be here :)

La la la la la la la life is wonderful...

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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05 May 2008, 3:34 am

What is your first name? Bill

Age: 26

Location: Washburn, MO USA

Hobbies and Interests: can't really say I have hobbies. interests - I love certain rock music esp. Evanescence, older Nightwish, and Pink Floyd., and I love reading about conspiracies esp. anything to do with the illuminati.

Why are you here? I believe I have Asperger's and this seems like a really cool group

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):

Favorite subjects: Sociology, Geography, History, and the Paranormal

Year/Grade: "13th grade" lol. I'm a college dropout

Favorite music: Evanescence, Nightwish, Within Temptation, Pink Floyd, Ozzy Osbourne. many others mostly classic rock, but those are my top 5.

Books: Children of the Matrix by David Icke - the most informative book ever written, imo!

TV shows/Movies: tv/movies? lol. I've seen a lot of movies, but not really into many. I guess the 'Children of the Corn' series was cool. As for TV, I used to watch a lot of sci-fi stuff like Stargate SG-1, Farscape, and anything Star Trek related. I <3 all those shows, but I almost never watch TV anymore. If I had to watch 1 show, it would be M*A*S*H. Hawkeye Pierce is legend.

Instrument: um...kazoo? I love music, but I'm not musically talented

Do you like sports? other than air hockey? no

Family: they're mostly Christian fundamentalist Republicans. I don't have a whole lot to do with them

Clothing: has to be comfortable. no collars and NO TAGS! I wear blue jeans & blue shirts for work, but at home usually black shorts or sweatpants and a black t-shirt (usually a band shirt) unless I'm wearing one of my Pink Floyd shirts. they're grey

How did you find this website? google. :p

Job: Wal-Mart Unloader. It can be dangerous and kinda sucks, but I've had much worse

Plans for the future? hopefully win the lottery or go on disability if I get diagnosed

Any comments? Is Asperger's considered a disability in the U.S.?


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05 May 2008, 3:09 pm

Nice to meet you, Bill. :) 8)

"You are the stars and the world is watching you. By your presence you send a message to every village, every city, every nation. A message of hope. A message of victory."- Eunice Kennedy Shriver

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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07 May 2008, 4:53 am

What is your first name? K

Age: 25

Location: Manila

Hobbies and Interests: reading, newspapering, collecting records and books, indiepop, cooking, making sandwiches, Scrabble

Why are you here? Was diagnosed with having borderline AS and social learning disability. Needless to say, the diagnosis boggled me and friends said I should get a second opinion.To find friends.

When were you diagnosed?: last month, april 08

Favorite subjects: anything that requires reading (English, Creative Writing, History), some science like biology

Year/Grade: went to grad school for a year, but stopped to devote myself to newspaper work

Favorite music: mostly indiepop, 60s girl groups

Favorite movies: Alfred Hitchcock movies. On top of my head: Clean, Leon, Eastern Promises, Ghostworld, Lovers of the Arctic Circle. Hong Kong action movies.

Books: Oh man. I studied Comparative Literature in college, so needless to say, I have TONS of favorites and I read anything, from fantasy to SF, short stories, critical theory books, Man-Booker-types of novels. Recently though, I’ve been into a lot of Scandinavian mysteries/detective fiction. Really, my love for Henning Mankell knows no bounds.

Clothing: mostly t-shirts and jeans and sneakers. And hoodies, and jackets and cardigans, because I’m overly sensitive to cold.

TV shows/Movies: Arrested development, Buffy, the X-files, The Late Show with Jon Stewart, CNN, BBC, 30 Rock, Pushing Daisies, Ugly Betty, House

Instrument: used to play a bit of keyboards, but stopped to devote myself to reading

Do you like sports? I like tennis and hope to learn it soon

Family: I don’t talk as much around them and they generally leave me alone to do my thing, which is perfect. My younger brother’s pretty cool, though.

How did you find this website? Surfing the Interweb

Job: I work as a reporter for a newspaper and mostly, I cover police, crime, and local councils

Plans for the future: be a better, kick ass reporter, expose a crook/ or a shady deal in the government that will lead to reforms (HAH!, but seriously :lol: ), and explore European/Scandinavian horror fiction

Any comments: Hello, everyone


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07 May 2008, 8:18 am

Nice to meet you, K. :) 8)

"You are the stars and the world is watching you. By your presence you send a message to every village, every city, every nation. A message of hope. A message of victory."- Eunice Kennedy Shriver


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10 May 2008, 5:40 am

Hi all. Guess this can't hurt for a first post. So...

What is your first name? Chris (the guy kind, not the girl kind :) )

Age: 28 and some change

Location: Northern Colorado

Hobbies and Interests: Yes. Uh, I mean: History, restoring old bicycles, watchmaking, psychology, music, philosophy, physics, solving all of the world's problems.

Why are you here? Why are any of us here? :) ;) Yeah, I'm pretty socially inept (surprise, surprise) and figured I'd might as well give internet socialization a try.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I haven't actually been formally diagnosed yet. I first started reading about Asperger Syndrome in about 1999-2000 and finally decided that the diagnosis fit last week. Eight years? Naw, I don't over-think things at all :).

Favorite subjects: If I were an artist: anyone who'll sit still long enough for me to paint 'em. If I were in school: any and all who's teacher knew how to teach. In conversations with a friend: the tragic comedy of social interaction seems to be a big one these days.

Year/Grade: Well, I have some red wine from 2001 in my rack. I haven't had any for more than two years but from what I remember I'll give it a 'B-'.

Favorite music: Nearly everything. If I had to pick one I'd say Blues, Jazz, Classical, Classic Rock, Jimmy Buffett (where does he fit in?), and some Pop-ish stuff :).

Books: Covering a wall in my bedroom... everything from an organic chemistry book from ~1965 to biographies to "junk food" fiction (Tom Clancy, Lawrence Sanders, Tim Dorsey, etc.)

TV shows/Movies: Nearly anything with some actual content. Mostly comedy.

Instrument: Guitar, some mandolin, and I'm working on the piano.

Do you like sports? Ehh...

Family: I come from one, but haven't started one. My brother is an astrophysicist.

Clothing: Yes... for now :). I don't know, mildly nerdy? Jeans and ugly button-downs in the winter, jeans and polo shirts int the summer. Fashion doesn't interest me.

How did you find this website? Some random web search.

Job: Until a couple months ago I spent six years working at an auto restoration shop. Currently nothing.

Plans for the future? About all I really want is a romantic relationship of some kind and enough money that I can go nuts with my hobbies without worry. Y'know, just the basics.

Any comments? Lots, but I've learned to hold off 'till someone asks a specific question :).


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11 May 2008, 4:11 pm

What is your first name? Sarah.

Age: 39.

Location: Eastern UK.

Hobbies and Interests: Art, music, writing, sometimes in roughly that order.

Why are you here? Well, first the earth cooled, then the dinosaurs appeared....Oh, you mean why am I on this site? I found it recommended in various places online and decided to check it out.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I haven't been diagnosed, but I strongly suspect I have AS.

Favorite subjects: Linguistic oddities, aspects of spirituality, human anatomy, the novel I'm currently working on, and anything a bookstore would shrug and put on a shelf marked 'Miscellaneous Weird Stuff'.

Year/Grade: I'm all grown up and thankfully faaaar away from the mire of despair that is compulsory education. I always loved learning but hated school, so spent a lot of time (and still do) in libraries.

Favorite music: Anything that makes me go 'Hey, this is good!'. Looking down the CD rack here I have the Pixies, Trachtenburg Family Sideshow Players, Medieval Baebes, Bat for Lashes, Thermals, Shonen Knife, Modest Mouse, Johnny Cash, Beatles, Rasputina, Go! Team, Deerhoof and P. J. Harvey, to name a few. Oh, and I have a Nirvana obsession. :)

Books: Yes please. I'm reputed to read the backs of cereal packets, but that's not quite true (the sides are usually more interesting), and my other reading matter includes: fiction of many kinds but especially fantasy/SF, biography, art, music, writing, religion and philosophy, occult, mythology, history, languages, travel, poetry, psychology and the weirder reaches of science. Oh yeah, comic books - anything by Alan Moore or Neil Gaiman - they are not 'just for kids'.

TV shows/Movies: QI, My Name Is Earl and various cartoons. Not a great TV watcher. I like good movies (Truman Show, Airplane series, anything starring Tenacious D are faves) but I never seem to get round to watching them till long after 99% of the world has already seen them.

Instrument: Guitar and 'cello.

Do you like sports? Duhh....what is this 'sport' of which you speak? :lol: (Seriously, if anyone can teach me how to follow and understand American football, do tell.)

Family: One husband and one cat who are my daily companions. No children, because while I love kids the idea of raising one totally freaks me out. Various other family members whom I keep at a...manageable distance.

Clothing: Jeans below, whatever suits the weather on top. I'm a thrift-store hunter-gatherer. Also, I like odd hats.

How did you find this website? Like I said, rooting around after Asperger info elsewhere and seeing the number of times it came up.

Job: Medical clerk.

Plans for the future? Long-term, involve emigration to the USA, running an arts center and having a small devoted underground following as a singer-songwriter. Short-term, surviving the work week and getting through Friday night's open mic without throwing up from sheer terror would be nice.

Any comments? Am I the oldest one here?!

"Grunge? Isn't that some gross shade of greenish orange?"


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12 May 2008, 2:43 pm

What is your first name? Lily

Age: 18

Location: Canada

Hobbies and Interests: reading, writing, movies, music

Why are you here? A friend of mine is a regular visitor here and told me about it. I thought it sounded interesting...

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Earlier last year

Favourite subjects: writer's craft, living and working with children

Year/Grade: 12

Favorite music: metal, musicals, opera

Books: I'll read almost anything

TV shows/Movies: sci-fi shows, anything but documentaries for movies

Instrument: bass guitar

Do you like sports? no

Family: Grandparents, two brothers, sister, sister-in-law, step-nephew

Clothing: soft clothes or jeans ( I like the way Jeans feel :D )

How did you find this website? Friend suggested it

Job: part-time mc donald's worker

Plans for the future? want to get my ECE (early childhood educator) and work with kids