I was just getting ready to hit the sack, and came back and googled aspie forums, and found you guys. Thought I'd introduce myself.
I'm married, 41 years old, a father of 3 daughters and a self diagnosed aspie. A longtime friend recently was diagnosed with aspergers, and told me of his struggles and it was like he was describing my life. I've taken several tests and scored high in the aspie/autism spectrum. I feel like for the first time In my life I understand myself, but lately, im not sure if that makes it any easier. Makes life any better. I just don't know. I'm really struggling with it right now.
I consider myself "high functioning", to the degree I've been succesfully self employed for years, and I feel that i'm very good at what I do, but the social aspect has kept me from really excelling in my field. I just don't like social situations. I don't get the point of them. Small talk, the rituals, the give and take. It sends mixed signals to the people I work with because I can be very funny and make people laugh, but once that stage is over in the conversation, i feel trapped and want out. its difficult for my wife I think, because she needs social interaction, but I know eventually I will say something rude, or stupid, and it makes it extremely difficult for us.
My friend tells me to just not put myself in those situations, but i would REALLY love to be able to live that sort of "normal", neurotypical life...... but if, after 40 years of trying to be like the neurotopicals and failing, is there any hope that I can? I feel like I've gotten worse the older that I've get. More isolated, more withdrawn because Im comfortable with that. I know I can fake it, but I feel like a fake. does that make sense?
Makes it hard to be a good parent and husband. I'm just not good at those things. Its depressing. the hardest part, is noone really knows. I'm sure i just come off as strange sometimes, but i feel people that want to connect with me, and I just do not have any idea how. It doesnt make any sort of sense.
I dont know if I really have a question, I guess Im just looking for some help, something thats difficult for me to ask for.
Anyway, this forum rocks. Great resource, Im looking forward to getting to know some of you.