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Emu Egg
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06 Sep 2008, 1:30 pm

Hi there,

I'm a teacher of young children with ASD, I'm hoping to learn from the community here a bit more of real life from your perspective so that I can make my little rugrats journey through mainstream school a bit easier. I'm only an NT but I'll try not to sound too stupid!

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06 Sep 2008, 1:43 pm

Good for you! Too many teachers wouldn't go to that much effort. Your students are very fortunate.

Welcome to WP! :)

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06 Sep 2008, 2:01 pm

not al people with asperger syndrome are smart (me for example)

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06 Sep 2008, 3:11 pm

I'm a loooooong way from childhood, but I have worked with kids in the past years (just retired from 10 years driving school bus.)

I have had good results in tying what I want the AS child to learn into whatever is the kid's obsession of the moment.

Remember that most AS will turn of attempts to continue in a subject they think they have already learned. Often, once that point is reached, the only way to get to them is to have them start applying the knowledge to accomplishing tasks.

That trick was one taught me by my elder sister as I was growing up. "You think you are so smart, then do this." It would either allow me to demonstrate my mastery of the subject ( :P )or dig to get the knowledge I needed to "I'll show her." 8)

AS are intensely single-minded. The trick is to get them intense about the subject YOU want to get across to them.


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06 Sep 2008, 4:00 pm

"Hi," trixiecat, and welcome to Wrong Planet. And all the best in the WP world to you and to your precious "little rugrats."


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06 Sep 2008, 4:32 pm

Welcome trixecat, being a mother its refreshing that other not on the autism spectrum want to know, one thing I always say is that we are diverse and different on the autism spectrum, then those that are not. One of our biggest problems is that our differences are invisible and often so unintentionally misunderstood.

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06 Sep 2008, 5:40 pm

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06 Sep 2008, 10:28 pm

Welcome to WP

As a child, I would've wanted my teacher to use real life examples, and not the apples an pears and other stuff. Imagination isn't all great. Use a shopping list, then they can relate and take notice of the world.
I had an alternative way of thinking which would require a different teaching method. I would recommend a few backup alternatives just in case.
I once turned a math equation from a subtraction into an addition, the result worked and explaining to the teacher was hard, so I lied.
I already learnt algebra, but at school the method used wasn't anything like I already knew. I believe I could teach an ASD person algebra as I would use actual examples.

I'm hoping my post will help you from the lack of teaching I received. I hope your students benefit from this :)

Emu Egg
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07 Sep 2008, 11:56 am

Thanks for all the welcomes,
It's fantastic to hear the opinions and advice from people that know more than I'll ever know what my little charges experience. It's a great community you have going on here. I have worked in special needs for a good few years now but it was having responsibility for my first student on the spectrum a few years ago that made me realise how unprepared I was for it. I felt quite inadequate and ran back to postgrad study to learn more. o.k. so I finished the best course Ireland has to offer but each child I've taught since has been an entirely new and unique challenge. The beauty of the asd world is its' diversity and when I apologised for only being an NT I meant it because the way of looking at the world through AS eyes has taught me more than books can ever teach me. And plenty more to learn which is why being made feel welcome on this forum is so reassuring. Thanks!


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07 Sep 2008, 12:01 pm

maybe also try to give them colord paper sinds white paper is like a flashlight in my eyes


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07 Sep 2008, 12:26 pm

Or just ask them straight. Don't rush them for an answer as what could easily be heard by you could be just sound, then realise it's words then "are you deaf?" then it's understood at what is said. Sometimes during the time I ask someone to ask again what they said, I understood it.


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07 Sep 2008, 3:58 pm

Welcome to WP!

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07 Sep 2008, 5:47 pm

I wish more NTs had your attitude, trixiecat. Too many people want to lump us all into one group, or make us conform to their ways. I love that you treat each student as an individual and that you realize that NTs and Aspies can learn from each other. I repeat, your students are extremely fortunate to have a teacher like you.

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07 Sep 2008, 7:47 pm

Nice to meet you, trixiecat. :) 8)

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07 Sep 2008, 9:19 pm

I love you, trixiecat. You might go to the parenting forum and read the stickies about what you wish your parents had done for you.

If your classroom has those long flourescent lights that drove me to distraction in school, you might see if you can put those oriental paper and rod curtains over them. I love the kind of light you get through white Japanese rice paper.
You can ask if any hear bothersome noises. I used to hear lightbulb whistles. You can give the bothered one soft earplugs and suggest the parents get them auditory training.
etc etc


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08 Sep 2008, 7:30 am

NT does not automatically = sounding stupid


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