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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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27 Sep 2008, 12:38 pm


I'm not an Aspie...supposedly. But I am a Bordie, I.E. I have Borderline Personality Disorder, but I need a community and I can't find any boards that have to do with BP, so I was hoping you guys might take me in.

Boyfriend is AS, and I'm pretty sure I have some Aspie traits, namely the things we have in common, I can certainly become obessed with things (one of them actually being Aspergers). I got a rather high score on the infamous aspie quiz, okay, but my therapist nearly laughed at me when I brought it up, so there you have it. I'll take my current diagnosis and leave it at that. Athough, I really resent being called NT, my brain/neurology is far from typical. :-D

I think I have a lot to say about stuff. Hopefully this will work out.


Snowy Owl
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27 Sep 2008, 1:08 pm

Welcome to WP ethos, hope you find the site helpful

"Oh Well, Whatever, Nevermind . . ." - Kurt Cobain


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27 Sep 2008, 1:18 pm

Welcome Ethos.

Enjoy and best of luck,

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27 Sep 2008, 2:02 pm

Welcome. I'm sure you will add a lot to these boards.

P.S. Nice avatar!

All you need is love.

I don't want my screen name accessible to the world, but please PM me if you want to talk on AIM or MSN. I'm always up for a good conversation.


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27 Sep 2008, 2:13 pm

oh...welll......shah, you get to be here by default cause of your boyfriend.

welcome A Board. aboard. board. uh....bored. ab or d? a boar d. abo r d.

"I'm sorry Katya, my dear, but where we come from, your what's known as a pet; a not quite human novelty. It's why we brought you.... It's nothing to be ashamed of, my dear, but here you are and here you'll sit."

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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27 Sep 2008, 2:23 pm



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27 Sep 2008, 2:42 pm

Well, if you're without a country, Mars needs Women...;)

Welcome. We're a fun bunch, so drop by any time...


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27 Sep 2008, 5:35 pm

Oh of course you are welcome here. That is the good thing about WP! :D

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27 Sep 2008, 8:12 pm

Welcome to WP! :)

Autism Speaks does not speak for me. I am appalled to discover that Alex Plank has allied himself with an organization that is dedicated to eliminating autistic people. I no longer wish to have anything to do with Wrong Planet. Delete this account.


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27 Sep 2008, 9:30 pm

Welcome to WP!

Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!


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27 Sep 2008, 11:21 pm

Mighty pleased to meet you, fellow traveler ethos, and welcome to the Wrong Planet community. I am an aspie who is fortunate to have a good therapist; but from what some of our fellow citizens on WP have experienced with their therapists, I sometimes think that in some cases, aspie quizzes are more reliable. Here's wishing you and your boyfriend all the WP best in everything. Take great care of yourself now, and keep writing those posts, too.

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28 Sep 2008, 10:01 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

Life! Liberty!...and Perseveration!!.....
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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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29 Sep 2008, 8:24 am

welcome :D

don't have a country?

but at least you have a planet :D


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29 Sep 2008, 9:46 am


I am the steppenwolf that never learned to dance. (Sedaka)

El hombre es una bestia famélica, envidiosa e insaciable. (Francisco Tario)

I'm male by the way (yes, I know my avatar is misleading).