Asperger syndrome traits, auditory processing disorder, flat affect
Just mumbling a lot about not a lot (again...)
Waffling on about not a lot as usual!
Woah, what happened to the picture quality?! Sorry about that. There's not much to see anyway and it hides some of the tics And I don't know why I keep randomly pulling my cheek and lips lol.
I had to film this in parts, so the picture and the speech direction might jump around a bit!
Oh, and I'm not entirely sure what that noise near the beginning is, but it's NOT me letting off!
Transcript (because my speech is not very clear again! Sorry!):
I'm a bit confused because I have lots of traits of Asperger's syndrome(or Asperger's [with a hard 'g'] is the correct term...erm...correct pronunciation), like...I don't have...I don't know...just...I'm hopeless at the whole social thing. I've got about like two proper main friends and a few more sort of acquaintances and...
I know they'll be some stupid people who'll come on and say 'get your arse and actually do something' but, like, it doesn't work like that. Like, I have actually tried to make friends. And other things like I don't fit into the actual category the...I don't fulfil the criteria for Asperger's. So, it's a bit of a mystery. I think it just goes with the Tourette syndrome [and the general neurological dodginess!] and it's really horrible.
And I have other things [traits of Asperger's] as well, not just just the social thing, but...I think...I don't have like major obsessions. I had one major obsession once. I have like interests which come and go, but so does everyone else, so that's not part of it. I don't fulfil that part of the criteria.
I think I have a bit of a flat affect or a bit of a weird affect, which is not...I have not got schizophrenia. Because that's commonly associated with flat affect.
I kind of...there's a point where...most of my emotions seem to be negative, so I go from really irritable and upset and everything to normal. And then I can know I'm happy, but I don't kind of fully feel happy, apart from like at one point where I might go really high...well, not high, but my emotions will go high, and then I'll have like a small amount of that feeling and then it goes back down to normal and just knowing I'm happy. There's a like a gap [unintelligable mumble]. I don't's got really worse recently, lately, and also...
I also have auditory processing disorder I thnk because certain sounds like a helicopter - it's like really obvious what the sound is but, or like an alarm or something and I'm like, 'what's that sound? It's like really's like...' and me a while to get it [and it's really obvious once I've worked it out] and...apart from on these videos, I talk to loudly apparently [looks out window] and there's like [cut in filming].
And apparently like I often [pronounced a bit weirdly?] I often...well I do often feel like annoyed or irritable or angry [unintelligable mumble], but I apparently sound really cross a lot of the time when I'm not.
I've...I find it difficult sometimes to use the phone - to hear what people are saying. [Twists neck] sorry.
What else? Loads of things I can't remember, I can't think of them at the moment. Erm, yeah, can't think of them at the moment.
Back to the Asperger's thing...I don't know, because I can read body language and facial language and I do know the signs to give back, but I still have a problem with it and I think that's why I wouldn't actually fit the criteria [video cuts off].
Sorry for all the 'like's in there!
None of my videos are for comedy of sympathy. If you are looking for something to laugh at, please go elsewhere.
If you have any (polite, respectful, genuine, mature) questions, please go ahead and ask and I'll do my best to try and answer them for you
I don't have Aspergers, I'm just socially inept
Dodgy circuitry! Diagnosed: Tourette syndrome. Suspected: auditory processing disorder, synaesthesia. Also: social and organisation problems. Heteroromantic asexual (though still exploring)