I hate introductions, but it is the normal thing to do right?
My sister has become pretty informed with autism, as my nephew was diagnosed early in age due to language developmental problems. I guess because she is my sister, she feels inclined to study me and try to understand me. She has suggested on many occasions over the years that my "weirdness" may be due to Asperger.
I watched a movie called "Punch Drunk Love" and really identified with Adam's character. When my sister informed me that he showed a lot of characteristics of Aspergers, I decided to google a bit and found this forum.
All I can say is wow. I do not feel so weird now. I read many posts on here and its like many of you read my mind.
Everything from loathing small talk, crowds, discussing someones feelings, and the many other things that are considered normal by other people, down to the terrible hand writing (I am embarrassed to be 28 and writing like a 2nd grader), even being told in every serious relationship over and over, that I am cold hearted and do not care about their feelings..
I can't stand check out lines and having the person in line with me, or the cashier, desire to talk about something trivial as "Oh I love that brand of pasta sauce!"
What am I supposed to say to that?
Literally, I think through "Ok, smile midly and tell him/her that it is a very good sauce."
Reading the posts on how many of you hate your phones really stuck out.
I mean, most people will say they do not like talking on the phone, but I do not think they mean it as much as I do. I literally want to smash my phone with a hammer (but I cringe at the thought of the sound a hammer makes), or answer cuss the person out for having the nerve to bother me.
I feel at ease when I am alone.
Seeing someone pull up makes me cringe. I am now expected to entertain this person with small talk, or discuss something of little importance, like last nights episode of whatever.
I see movies like "I am Legend" and think of how wonderful that could be, minus the crazy people running around trying to kill me.
Or, I can log onto World of Warcraft for a few hours and receive a dose of socializing and be content. I really am happy with just that level of human communication.
I look normal, I like normal things, I just don't feel like other people. The website domain name really says it all.
If we are alike, most of you probably haven't read down this far, and thats ok. I probably wouldn't have either
Whether I have Asperger's or not, I really identify with a lot of you on here and am glad I found your forum.
My myspace is in my profile, and feel free to add me.