I posted a response to a thread first. Sorry about that.
My name is Zasha, I'm a university student currently in northeastern NJ. I'm diagnosed with AS when I was 16 or so, but very quietly. My parents thought it as good to have an explanation, but never brought it up. It's just so hard to explain.
I read Asperger's From the Inside Out by Michael John Carley over the summer, and decided to reach out to my fellows. Hi. I'm here.
I read. A lot. I sew (cross-stitch mainly) because it allows me to pay attention to minute details and feel productive. I fence (in the sense of the modern sport, not like the Renaissance Fair, though I have nothing against the Ren Fair crowd), even though I have chronic knee problems.
I was hoping, and by poking around I think I've already accomplished this, to find some people who knew where I was coming from. who I could discuss thing with, not have to explain everything.