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18 Mar 2006, 4:35 pm

What is your first name? Jeff

Age: 52

Location: Florida (Gulf Coast)

Hobbies and Interests: Hiking, biking, quad roller skating, computers, skiing, cooking

Why are you here? To learn from others' experiences

When were you diagnosed? Self-dxd two years ago

Favorite subjects: Computer science, math, architecture

Year/Grade: n/a

Favorite music: 70's mostly: Moody Blues, Don McLean, Meatloaf, Eagles, disco

Books: Not an avid reader, but I like nonfiction

TV shows/Movies: Frazier, 3rd Rock, That 70's Show. My favorite all-time movie was Network.

Instrument: Bari sax in H.S. , none now

Do you like sports? Watching hockey, football, basketball; see above for participant sports.

Family: Father, brother, and companion of 23 years.

Clothing: Jeans or shorts and t-shirts (it's usually too hot here to wear jeans :( )

How did you find this website? AS books

Job: I've been a programmer / systems analyst

Plans for the future? Hoping to semi-retire if I can make ends meet

Any comments? Can't think of anything else


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19 Mar 2006, 11:55 am

What is your first name? Mary

Age: 15

Location: Indiana

Hobbies and Interests: Star Trek, Quantum Mechanics, Astrophysics

Why are you here? Because I have Aspergers.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): December of 2005

Favorite subjects: Maths/Physics

Year/Grade: 9th

Favorite music: Pink Floyd/The Beatles

Books: Fantasy and Science Fiction

TV shows/Movies: Star Trek

Instrument: Cello

Do you like sports? Only soccer

Family: Mother and one brother

Clothing: Anything that's comfortable

How did you find this website? I just stumbled upon it.

Job: Babysitting

Plans for the future? Go to university and study phyisics

Any comments? None.


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21 Mar 2006, 8:44 pm

figured this would probably be the appropriate place to introduce myself.....

What is your first name? Jon

Age: 21

Location: orlando

Hobbies and Interests: music, movies, politics, science

Why are you here? uhmmmmmm i dunno.....i found the page when looking up asperger's because i was thinking about that lately for some odd reason

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): uh...diagnosed back when i was 17 (i think 17....maybe life is a blur to me like that) but my mom said BS on it...f'ing perfectionist. (is it okay to pseudoswear here? any first amendment rights at all?)

Favorite subjects: when i was in school, i liked science a lot. i went to a special school for music.

Year/Grade: graduated

Favorite music: funk, ska, punk, rock, metal, jazz, blues, classical, a little country.

Books: currently reading lenny bruce's biography, i loved high fidelity, fight club, american psycho, imperial hubris, and farenheit 451

TV shows/Movies: family guy, simpsons, south park, boondocks, mythbusters, penn and teller's BS!, curb your enthusiasm, cowboy bebop

Instrument: guitar and i used to play trombone too

Do you like sports? not really.....i can somewhat follow football and get interested in baseball when the playoffs roll around but that's about it.

Family: i have them. older sister, mom, dad. the normal stuff.

Clothing: in need of washing(and in need of quarters). normally dressed in my own weird match of things but i normally end up looking like a relic from the mid 90s or so. (which i guess i am!)

How did you find this website? wikipedia's article on asperger's syndrome.

Job: sales at circuit city

Plans for the future? i'd like to get into sound engineering...particularly recording bands in the studio and doing that whole thing....although i would really love to get into politics....though i don't see myself as especially having the personality for it to be successful.

Any comments? hi


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21 Mar 2006, 9:10 pm

skafather84 wrote:
currently reading lenny bruce's biography

:D :D Wow!! Someone I will be able to have a coherent discussion about Lenny Bruce with!!

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21 Mar 2006, 9:16 pm

neptunevsmars wrote:
skafather84 wrote:
currently reading lenny bruce's biography

:D :D Wow!! Someone I will be able to have a coherent discussion about Lenny Bruce with!!

and also the other greats like carlin and hicks.


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21 Mar 2006, 9:35 pm

skafather84 wrote:
and also the other greats like carlin and hicks.

Yes I'm also a big Bill Hicks/George Carlin fan but Lenny paved the road for them. There was also a philosophy in his work that won't ever be matched.

We need more suckers in our lives
We need more candy
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21 Mar 2006, 9:50 pm

neptunevsmars wrote:
skafather84 wrote:
and also the other greats like carlin and hicks.

Yes I'm also a big Bill Hicks/George Carlin fan but Lenny paved the road for them. There was also a philosophy in his work that won't ever be matched.

i think the really particular aspect of his philosophy that defined him was the jazz world. i could see him hanging with bird or exchanging stories with django and just enjoying life.

carlin is kind of a stiff in that aspect...and bill hicks was more of a cynical hippie...which is an irony and awesomeness all to itself.

take a ton of acid and squeegee your third eye.

this just in: the past is just a memory and the future is a theory. the only thing that exists is right now and we're not so sure about that one either anymore.

edit: also, to specify which.....i'm reading the trials of lenny bruce.


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22 Mar 2006, 2:00 am

What is your first name? Stacey

Age: 30

Location: Anchorage, Alaska

Hobbies and Interests: many, anything to do with science

Why are you here? interested in having fellowship with other Aspies

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): March or April of 2005

Favorite subjects: science (physics, astronomy, chemistry, etc)

Year/Grade: N/A

Favorite music: techno, Therion, Dead Can Dance, The Heathens, alternative, Peter Gabriel, Azam Ali, etc.

Books: Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar series, Guardians of the Three series, anything sci-fi/fantasy

TV shows/Movies: Hackers, Spider-Man I and II, Daredevil, X-Men I and II (and III), Lord of the Rings I, II and III, Pirates of the Carribean, many others

Instrument: drums/shamanic rattles... anything rhythm-based

Do you like sports? like to watch hockey and baseball in person

Family: yes, i have one

Clothing: stuff made in India, baggy jeans, baggy t's

How did you find this website? Google search hehehe

Job: housewife (waiting for SSDI or SSI to go through)

Plans for the future? i would like to go back to college for either a translation certificate in Japanese or a degree in physics or astronomy (deep space)

Any comments? thank you for having me

You must be the change you want to see in the world. --M. Gandhi

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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23 Mar 2006, 4:47 pm

What is your first name? Helen

Age: 26 in a couple of weeks

Location: West Midlands, UK

Hobbies and Interests: Music, music and when I'm bored or stressed out, a bit of music :lol:

Why are you here? I think I may have AS and it's doing my head in. Wanted to discuss it with people who understand... :)

Favourite subjects (you mean like at school? :) ): Art, painting and English (I'm really anal about spelling, grammar and punctuation)

Favourite music: At the moment, folk music. Also KT Tunstall, Daniel Bedingfield, Maroon 5, Aerosmith, James Taylor, Stevie Wonder. Too many to mention here... :lol:

Books: At the moment, anything Asperger-ish (yes, including Curious Incident...) Bill Bryson stuff

TV shows/Movies: Buffy, Friends (Don't really watch much TV) Cinema tends to give me a headache. And I never saw the point in going to cinema with friends if you're going to talk all way through movie. Gosh aren't I a barrel of laughs :lol:

Instruments: Piano, Guitar, Tin Whistles. Thinking about learning accordion next.

Do you like sports? Nah not really. Although I can get into tennis or snooker. And I like to watch sport involving snow sometimes. It's really pretty.

Family: Think my dad might have AS. My mum seems to have autistic behaviour too. My sister is pretty normal (by NT standards)

Clothing: Usually, yes :lol:

How did you find this website? Can't remember haha! But I really like it...

Job: Goods Inspection/Dispatch at signmaking company

Plans for the future? Well I finally fulfilled my dream of moving out of my parent's house this year so that's a start...thinking about copying my friend and going to uni to study folk music, it looks like a lot of fun but I would have to move up to the other end of the country and I don't know if I could handle that as well as being a penniless student...I hate the thought of change :wink:

Any comments? This forum is fantastic and really friendly, hello everyone.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 Mar 2006, 1:15 am

What is your first name? Mike

Age: 31 (b. 1974)

Location: Calgary, Canada

Hobbies and Interests: Listening to music, playing music, computers, reading, writing, video games I can cheat at.

Why are you here? Aspergers, baby!

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): self-diagnosed, October 21, 2002

Favorite subjects: Back in school, it was science and social studies. I hated math. Now it's still science, politics, history and... math.

Year/Grade: Made it to high school graduation and fled school as fast as possible.

Favorite music: Anything good and loud. Classic rock, old school metal, old school punk, rap, classical, jazz, some pop and a tiny bit of country.

Books: Don't really have favourites, except maybe Gödel, Escher, Bach and books by Noam Chomsky. I don't read fiction, yet I write it.

TV shows/Movies: Don't care much for either unless they're extremely funny. Beavis & Butthead, Kids In The Hall, Family Guy come to mind. Napoleon Dynamite rules.

Instrument: Vocal cords, guitar, bass, keyboards (sort of), flugelhorn (sort of)

Do you like sports? No

Family: Mom & Dad and 2 brothers I don't talk to.

Clothing: Comfortable, not-formal without logos.

How did you find this website? Surfing aimlessly on Wikipedia.

Job: Warehouse monkey.

Plans for the future? Lots of imaginary plans and flights of fancy. Nothing concrete.

Any comments? Not really. I'll just add that I'm glad I'm typing this instead of talking. I'm sure many can sympathise. :D

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 Mar 2006, 10:28 am

First name : Ben

Age : 20

Location : West Midlands, UK

Hobbies and interests : Reading, writing, music, online messageboards

Why are you here : Got bored of - that and I have AS

When were you diagnosed : When I was about five years old

Favourite subjects : In my school days it was maths, in college it was care

Year : 2006

Favourite music : James, James Blunt, Embrace, Kate Bush, The Darkness - lots o' stuffs

Books : Steven Levenkron and Anna Paterson stuff mostly, with the odd bit of Sophie Kinsella thrown in

TV shows / movies : Not my kinda thing

Instrument : I sing in a band, though I wish I could play flugelhorn

Do you like sports : I like playing pool and snooker, and I like watching Man City win :)

Family : Live with mum, dad and younger sister, got a brother with AS who's away at uni

Clothing : Lots and lots and lots of layers, think Pass The Parcel :P

How did you find this website : I can't remember

Job : Dole scum, can't work because of unstable epilepsy

Plans for the future : If I told you, I'd have to kill you ;)

Any comments : Meh

Vital-Spark :
Failed To Mature :

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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30 Mar 2006, 12:53 pm

What is your first name? Lynda

Age: 37

Location: South Wales, UK

Hobbies and Interests: Books, writing, music, travel, cooking, being a mother to an NT

Why are you here? Because I've been avoiding who I am and have embarked upon the discover me journey having had several hints from pshycotherapists about 20 years ago

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Undiagnosed but seeking diagnosis although not really sure why I have to be labelled. I know I have Aspergers and dyspraxia

Favorite subjects: Writing, internet communication, books mainly sci-fi, fantasy and horror

Year/Grade: ermm...I have the attention span of a flea pmsl...almost 20 years out of school too :)

Favorite music: Rock, classical, hard trance..anything appart from RnB and country

Books: Fav authors Stephen King, Tolkien, Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams

TV shows/Movies: Sci-fi, comedy but I have to 'drawn' into something

Instrument: 'cello

Do you like sports? not really appart from watching rugby

Family: hmmm

Clothing: my own style :)

How did you find this website? after a long search into finding out who I really am

Job: Mum

Plans for the future? To become a sucessful writer

Any comments? Thank you for providing this, it means a lot to not be alone


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30 Mar 2006, 1:02 pm

You aren't alone. There is always someone here willing to listen, or argue. :lol:

My little NT is 14 years old and my PPDer (with dyspraxia too) is 13 years old. How old is your child?


Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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30 Mar 2006, 2:55 pm

What is your first name? Ciara (Irish; pron. KEE-rah)

Age: 32

Location: Sunny Southern Spain

Hobbies and Interests: Computers (specially hardware and networks), LOTR movies, human/computer symbiotic evolution, many other things.

Why are you here? Asperger's Syndrome, generalized anxiety disorder and episodic depression

When were you diagnosed? Last year; age 31

Favorite subjects: Zoology, Microbiology, anything technical.

Year/Grade: Five times college drop-out

Favorite music: Hard rock, specially Rammstein, Metallica, Six Feet Under, Hatebreed and the like. Also traditional Irish music.

Books: The Lord of the Rings, technical and specialized books on any subject I'm interested in.

TV shows/Movies: The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Alien... I love Sci-Fi and Action movies, too.

Instrument: I would *love* to play the fiddle, but I lack the talent. :oops:

Do you like sports? Not really

Family: Parents, aunt, sister + brother-in-law, two lovely nephews.

Clothing: Casual

How did you find this website? After a search for "Asperger's" in Google. :lol:

Job: Documentalist and computer technician at an historical archive.

Plans for the future? Learning more about computers and networks.

Any comments? Great forum; I hope to make new friends here. :wink:

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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30 Mar 2006, 3:35 pm

Emz is 13 and a bit difficult at the moment because she doesn't understand AS


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03 Apr 2006, 1:52 am

Age: 22

Location: canada

Hobbies and Interests: Computers, music, politics

Why are you here? I have Asperger's Syndrome, I think I am crazy, I need to know I am not the only one with AS

When were you diagnosed? when I was 19

Favorite subjects: political studies, economics

Year/Grade: in college

Favorite music: drum and bass, electronica, rap/hip-hop

Books: graphic novels, the bible, non-fiction

TV shows/Movies: Ali G, family guy

Do you like sports? Not really

Family: Parents, brother with classic autism

Clothing: Casual

How did you find this website? aspergian island, google search

Job: in school

Plans for the future? get a job, have some sort of life, be happy

Any comments? it's nice to see that this place gets more traffic than Aspergian Island