Uniquitous wrote:
It's weird though... all my life I've thought I was weird or different, but I thought it was my own unique weirdness. The kind of thing that, once you own it, you begin to take a perverse sort of pride in it. Now I can see that there's a name for this thing... while I am relieved that there are resources and other folk with the same experiences, this thing is no longer uniquely mine. I'm still coming to grips with that... I dislike being easily classified
Classification is just a mental pigeonhole to help people achieve a level of focus on - wrap their heads around - something in order to process it's specifically unique aspects (
Crike! That was a mouthful -
harrumph harrumph). It doesn't reduce all that you are to that one thing. We here may all have Aspie characteristics, but those reveal themselves in ways distinctly unique to each individual. We are all human (I assume), but that classification does not reduce us all to simple and identical lumps of protoplasm. Fear not - your weirdness is as uniquely yours as it ever was. Now you have an explanation for why the rest of the world's population seems so incomprehensibly, obtusely
dense. They don't think, or process information or stimuli in the same way you do. Unfortunately for all involved, their way isn't always superior, it's just the officially endorsed template.