Doesn't look like these get much response other than "Welcome", so here's the sticky questions...
What is your first name? Convince me you care and I'll tell you.
Age: 25.
Location: Atlanta.
Hobbies and Interests: Politics, Wikipedia addiction.
Why are you here? Seeking answers...
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): -
Favorite subjects: Programming, organic chemistry, history.
Year/Grade: -
Favorite music: Doom/symphonic metal.
Books: Anna Karenina, 1984, Farenheit 451.
TV shows/Movies: -
Instrument: Piano. I used to sing.
Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: Never played, don't watch much these days.
Family: Mom, dad, and sister.
Clothing: Preferably loose-fitting.
How did you find this website? Wikipedia.
Job: Computer programmer.
Plans for the future? Do something that matters.