Hi guys!
I'm never sure what to say in these intros, but hopefully I'll meet some great people here. Some background, I've been tested for AS and the "official results" say i don't have it, but I still don't think I'm completely normal. I don't agree with many American social norms and live my life differently than most people, so it's hard for me to make friends and I get along better with people that have AS than others.
I used to have OCD, but got over most of it on my own by doing behavioral changes and realizing how worthless it all was. It took me several years to overcome and was really hard but definitely not impossible. I'm also more sensitive to loud noises and crowded places than most people and feel uncomfortable doing things like going to parties or movie theaters.
My interests include art, music (I love classic and prog rock), hiking/mountain climbing, eastern religion, meditation and yoga, shamanism, entheogens and botany. Hopefully I'll find some similar people on here.