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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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20 May 2009, 10:43 pm

I have been informally diagnosed by a few medical professionals (my sister is a pharma rep and has taken me on quite a few ride-alongs).

Anyhow, I am quite confounded as to how to feel about having AS... I thought I was alone. I fit no other categories which I researched, as I was always extremely high in my classes intellectually. The inciting incident that brought about the whole "diagnosis" was that a few doctors that I saw on the ride-alongs were all having dinner and somebody brought up film. Three of the four doctors immediately launched into a description of a late-twenties male that they had met in their office. When they all had compared their notes, it was me that all three were talking about.

Okay, enough of this, I just wanted to say hi!



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20 May 2009, 10:47 pm

How's it going? welcome to the forum

Keep in mind that a diagnosis changes absolutely nothing about you except that you now have a word to describe what makes you different than others (I wish I knew that when I was diagnosed when I was 12, I thought it meant I had a terminal disease).

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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20 May 2009, 10:58 pm

Is there anything that can be done about the whole social awkwardness thing? That appears to be the most prevalent trait of mine, even though I have had girlfriends and social "friends". I really fit many of the symptoms which I read in various pieces of literature. However, my distancing from society has become so much more pronounced in the past few years.


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20 May 2009, 11:02 pm

That's the most prevalent thing for everybody here. Some have had varying degrees of success with medications, but for the most part, that's what this forum is for, figuring out ways to deal with it.


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21 May 2009, 10:20 am

"Hello," TwoD, and welcome aboard the Wrong Planet.

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21 May 2009, 3:03 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

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21 May 2009, 9:53 pm


Books about body language might be useful. Some people also construct 'scripts' for recurring social interactions, so they know what the 'correct' response is. The social skills/making friends forum on here is all about this sort of thing.

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26 May 2009, 10:38 pm

Welcome to WP!