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27 Jun 2009, 3:06 pm

What is your first name? Allison

Age: 18

Location: South Jersey

Hobbies and Interests: Writing, Reading, Artwork, Listening to music, Watching movies, Walking, Traveling, Photography

Why are you here? For support and help with certain issues that may relate to my disorder

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):Age 17 with a non-verbal learning disorder

Favorite subjects: English, History, Art, Social Sciences

Year/Grade: Freshman in college this Fall

Favorite music: A mix of everything but I prefer classic rock, alternative, hard rock. Some My favorite artists are Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, The Who, The Rolling Stones, The Smiths, Smashing Pumpkins, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, David Bowie.

Books: Real life Fiction novels. I enjoy books geared to both teenagers, young adults, and adults.

TV shows/Movies: Criminal Minds, Cold Case, The Amazing Race, Older television and cartoon shows/ Ghost World, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Billy Elliot, Stand by Me, Empire Records, The Mighty, Trainspotting, Dazed and Confused.

Instrument: I don't play any instruments but would love to learn how to play the guitar.

Do you like sports? For the most part no but I prefer singular athletic activities more than team ones. I do enjoy basketball and soccer though.

Family: Father, Mother, 1 older half-sister who is 34, her husband, my nephew who is 6 and was actually diagnosed as quirky, and my older brother who is 20.

Clothing: I'm not sure what this means but I enjoy wearing t-shirts and jeans mostly. My favorite clothing stores are H&M, Gap, Old Navy, and wherever else I find clothes I like.

How did you find this website? I can't remember, I believe through looking up adults with aspergers on google.

Job: No, would be nice though

Plans for the future? After college I want to become an author for young adults novels or become involved in the journalism field while living in New York City. I also want to become a mother one day.

Any comments? No, not at the moment, sort of nervous :lol:

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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27 Jun 2009, 4:57 pm



I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam! (Popeye)


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28 Jun 2009, 10:25 am

I'm not sure if I've done this already, but if I have, it'll probably be lost in the mass of pages this thread has managed already.

What is your first name?
I don't disclose that. Not that I'm ashamed of it, I just prefer my nickname, Redders.

19, just over two months until I'm 20.

Northamptonshire, England

Hobbies and Interests:
Singing, Formula One

Why are you here?
Just to communicate with other Aspies and see how many people have been in situations I have.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
1994, when I was 4

Favorite subjects (when I was in school):
Media, ICT

Technically, at this moment in time I'm not a student, but I finished College a few weeks ago and now I'm waiting to start University at the end of September.

Favorite music:
Anything really, but mostly anything in between the categories of soft rock and heavy-ish metal.

Favourite Fictional Books:
Don't read, really.

TV shows:
Harry Hill's TV Burp
The Simpsons
Family Guy
Grand Prix

Surprisingly for a media student, I'm not really into that many films.

Vocals, Triangle. Was given the latter for my 18th Birthday!

Do you like sports?
Formula One. The next race will be my 100th consecutive Grand Prix that I watch live, and I've seen loads since I started watching in 1994 - and given there's been 811 GP's to date, that means I've seen pretty much about 1/5 of all the races ever. Not bad for a 19 year old watching a sport 60 years old!

I'm presuming this means my casual wear? Usually just a T-Shirt and jeans, and a jumper during winter. I like to make sure I'm wearing some of my F1 gear as often as I can.

How did you find this website?
Mum found it from a suggestion of another website.


Plans for the future?
University in September hopefully! 280 points is difficult to reach, but I hope I've done enough!

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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28 Jun 2009, 10:34 am



I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam! (Popeye)


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28 Jun 2009, 10:55 am

What is your first name? Juha (that would be John in English...)

Age: 42

Location: Finland

Hobbies and Interests: computers, radios

Why are you here?: I think I have Asperger's. I read the whole YMBAAI thread first, and it seems that this is a place for me.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I'm in the diagnosis process. I had an interview with a neurologist first, about my communication issues, and they thought first of dysphasia. Then I was interviewed by a psychologist and took a neuropsychological test (4 hours) . After the test, the psychologist said it definitely was not dysphasia and that my intelligence is above average. The interview was kind of confusing, especially the questions like "do some smells disturb you more than normal." I guess I relate the normal to me and others as "abnormal" so I answered no. Only afterward I thought they might have meant that all those air fresheners, for example, freak me out, but they seem to be OK with those around me.... I'll get the results in a week or so. It is somewhat frustrating, that after reading a lot of info on the Internet and going through the online tests, I think I already know more about Asperger's than those trying to diagnose me... sigh...

Favorite music: 1970's

Books: All of them would be my favourites, I guess :-) Learned to read when 4 years old, and had read more books when started school than most of the classmates during all of their lives probably will.

TV shows/Movies: the Martix, i guess.

Instrument: I played guitar some 20 years ago, but lost interest.

Do you like sports? Nope.

Family: 4 cats, 4 children, wife

Clothing: All shirts are blue with a pocket. Blue jeans. Socks + underwear that feel comfortable. Black comfortable shoes.

How did you find this website? While searching the Internet for info about Asperger's.

Job: Computers

Plans for the future? Plans? What are those? :-)

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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06 Jul 2009, 4:55 pm

What is your first name?
A danish name you can't pronnounce in english.-Alberte- Believe me, I've tried several times haha

16, born in 2/2-93

A place called Denmark

Hobbies and Interests:
Singing, drumming, writing songs, poetry, writing stories&essays, danish grama, anthropology and animals - especialy horses and cats.

Why are you here?
Because I wanted to join a forum, and have a ''meeting-place'' with other aspies. Love the feeling of how many aspies there actually is out there.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
I was diagnosed last year (november 2008) with asperger syndrome and adhd ^-^.

Favorite subjects (when I was in school):
Music, religion, society science, danish, biology and science (when I had a teacher who understood how to teach me in it. Now I got a teacher who just can't catch me and make me remember it. A shame. )

Well just finished my 10th year. But last year I got on a special school for autistic people (where I am now), But the other 9 years was in a ''normal school''

Favorite music:
I love a lot of music. Music is my life! Pearl Jam, Michael Jackson, Linkin Park, Agent, Coldplay, Flyleaf, and I could go on forever.

Favourite Fictional Books:
Well I'm mostely into social-realism books. But my favorite fictional book must be Hitchikers guide to the galaxy. In my family it's nearly 'the bible' haha . (every 9 of us do have 1 or more autism diagnose)

TV shows:
Exstreme home makeover

Hitchikers guide to the galaxy, Mozart and the whale, BenX, A lot of disney movies, Airplane.

My voice for so long time I can remember, recorder for 4 years when i was a little girl, drums since I was 9, french horn in a year when I was 14, Now, I'm still singing and playing drums, but I'm trying to learn a little bas, keyboard and guitar.

Do you like sports?
I love horseriding! I've been riding dressage for more than 7 years. When I'm on a horse, I do have this focus and concentration, which is hard to get in the normal day life.

Well... Kinda hard to desribe. Some people have descriped me as a mix between hippie and alternative?

How did you find this website?
My stepfather (who is an aspie himself) showed me.

Nothing at the moment.

Plans for the future?
I would really love to study anthropology.


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07 Jul 2009, 12:36 pm

First Name: Marcus

Age: 16 3/4

Location, Arendal, Norway

Interests: Music, Videos, Videogames

I'm here to hang out with my fellow aspies, duh!

I was diagnosed when i was 6

Favorite subjects: I ONLY like gymnastics, everything else sucks!

Year/Grade: I can't tell it any differently, 1. Grade at videregående, will begin at second after this summer.

Favorite music: Dimmu Borgir :heart:

Books: Nintendo magazines

TV show, Hotel Cæsar

Instrument: DRUMS!! !! !! I admire Hellhammer and Frost, they own!

I like basketball, jumping trampoline, used to like skateboarding, walking.

Family: SKIP!

Clothing: Everthing but not formal clothes and jeans

My stephfather found the website

Job: Ain't going to get one for a while... and i doubt i will get well paid :(

I don't have any plans, hope to get a good job!


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08 Jul 2009, 10:29 am

aspie_girl wrote:
16, born in 2/2-93

Alberte, you are one week younger than my daughter. :D

Anyway, welcome. I hope you'll feel at home here.

Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.


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08 Jul 2009, 10:33 am

OddFinn wrote:
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I'm in the diagnosis process.

Update: I was diagnosed today. The neurologist said: "Ok, you have Asperger's syndrome. That said, I don't think there is any need for me to explain what it is, because you probably already know everything about it." :D

I changed my profile accordingly.

Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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08 Jul 2009, 2:08 pm

OddFinn wrote:
aspie_girl wrote:
16, born in 2/2-93

Alberte, you are one week younger than my daughter. :D

Anyway, welcome. I hope you'll feel at home here.

Haha Cool :D
And I do feel at home here. I've been here for a while. Have had some breaks, but always got back on here haha.


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12 Jul 2009, 11:19 am

What is your first name? Gerard

Age: 23

Location: Manila, the Philippines

Hobbies and Interests: Reading books, multimedia design (print, video, and web), surfing the Net, eating in and out, strolling, playing video games (PSP, PS2, PC)

Why are you here? To learn more about my condition, as well as to interact with my fellows within the spectrum

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): My parents disclosed I have HFA, but I still have to confirm it officially by myself

Favorite subjects: History, English, Broadcasting, Graphic Design

Year/Grade: Graduated with a degree of AB Broadcast Journalism in 2009

Favorite music: classical music, OST, J-pop, music of Queen and the Scorpions, Original Filipino Music

Books: encyclopedias (no kidding), Tuesdays with Morrie, Inadmissible Evidence, The Da Vinci Code, Mixed Blessings, The Onion Almanac

TV shows/Movies: Nicktoons, Scary Movie series, 300, Kung Pow!, CSI, Cheaters, The Daily Show

Instrument: Acoustic guitar, currently learning the electric guitar, PC MIDI

Do you like sports? Hmm... I don't play sports that much, but most likely, my sports would be swimming and chess

Family: my parents (both dad and mom), an elder sister, two younger brothers, and my nephew (my sister's son)

Clothing: Casual, but will wear formal when needed and in the mood; my fave color is usually black

How did you find this website? A friend referred me here

Job: Multimedia Designer (currently freelancing, looking for a stable job)

Plans for the future? Get a stable job, invest on a good home, as well as a happy family


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14 Jul 2009, 3:54 pm

What is your first name? Chris although my mother insists on calling me *Cindy* as that was the name I was tortured with as a child by my family... LOL

Age: 37

Location: Sierra Nevada Mountain in central CA...

Hobbies and Interests: nature, myself!! HAHA lol... reading, hiking, physical activity, cars, sex- again- LOL, lucky hubby huh??! !! ! there is more- but I am tired

Why are you here? recently (self) diagnosed Asperger's...

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Within a week

Favorite subjects: health, medicine, sports, cars, animals, environmental,

Year/Grade: I graduated HS in 1990 if that is what you are asking LOL

Favorite music: most everything

Books: again, most everything LOL

TV shows/Movies: no tv right now... movies- hard to pick...

Instrument: drumming

Do you like sports? YES I was a college athlete on scholarship

Family: yes... most have at least some aspects of Asperger's

Clothing: when necessary ;-) I have issues with seams, and labels and tightness...

How did you find this website? A friend on CafeMom pointed me this way!! !

Job: YEP... bartender for now, want to be a registered nurse- going back to school soon. (I hope)...

Plans for the future? Like I said- hope to be going back to school this autumn...

Any comments?
I feel relief at discovery the answer to this part of myself...
What is your first name?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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17 Jul 2009, 10:21 am

What is your first name? Becky

Age: 28

Location: Menasha, Wisconsin

Hobbies and Interests: horses, animals, art, music (metal)

Why are you here? I have Asperger's

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): not yet

Favorite subjects: Not in school anymore, but art was always my favorite.

Year/Grade: n/a

Favorite music: extreme and underground metal....favorite band is Nevermore.

Books: don't read much

TV shows/Movies: I'm addicted to Discovery Channel

Instrument: guitar (I don't know how to play, I just love music with guitars.)

Do you like sports? hell no

Family: I live with my fiance and our 1 1/2 year old daughter.

Clothing: mostly Tshirts and jeans....I hate clothes shopping and dressing up.

How did you find this website? it was mentioned in another autism group I was looking at.

Job: laid stay-at-home-mom currently.

Plans for the future? Would love to live on a little farm with a few horses and be an artist.

Any comments? love this site :)


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Location: Either working, hitting golf balls, or sleeping

18 Jul 2009, 3:13 am

What is your first name? Scott

Age: 32

Location: Vancouver, BC

Hobbies and Interests: Baseball, weightlifting, working on cars, home maintenance, programming

Why are you here? I have Aspergers

When were you diagnosed? I've never been diagnosed, but I'm certain I have it

Favorite subjects: Programming

Year/Grade: Finished high school in 1995, graduated University in 2000 with a B.S. in Physics

Favorite music: Classic rock and Motown... when singers really had to sing. It also sounds great on vintage AM radios.

Books: Non-fiction... anything by Glen Perkins or Malcolm Gladwell. I have never read a fiction book cover to cover.

TV shows/Movies: I don't watch TV and rarely watch movies. Gran Torino and World's Fastest Indian are my favorites.

Instrument: I used to play the piano but I've never enjoyed it. I would like to restore a player piano and maybe find a girlfriend who will play it for me.

Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: I was a pro baseball player, now I work out and play flag football.

Family: Mom, dad, and 2 brothers. (They're all more social than me)

Clothing: Jeans and T-Shirts... tight T-Shirts.

How did you find this website? I saw a link on Wikipedia when I was researching Asperger's... then some guy on Youtube mentioned it.

Job: I program video games. I used to design robotics.

Plans for the future? Just to keep doing the things I enjoy: maintain a beautiful home, keep my cars in tip top shape, fix stuff, help out the neighbors when they need it.

Any comments? I'm new here, so I'm hoping to learn a lot more about myself and maybe get some help overcoming some of the obstacles in my life... namely my social awkwardness (LOL)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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18 Jul 2009, 9:57 am

What is your first name? kyle

Age: 26

Location: st louis

Hobbies and Interests: cars... electronics..

Why are you here? i believe i have aspergers though im undiagnosed

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): see above

Favorite subjects: math.. science

Year/Grade: 01

Favorite music: all but country

Books: non-fiction

TV shows/Movies: educational... like national geographic or the history channel.. but i dont really watch tv

Instrument: none

Do you like sports? i dont mind playing but not to watch... just dont care about them

Family: close with my sisters

Clothing: well groomed.. i usually match well

How did you find this website? say an artical on digg. com about aspergers in the i.t. industry.. looked into it and discovered that there are people out there that seem to have the same problems that i do....

Job: construction right now but goin to school for network administration

Plans for the future? finish school school for network admin

Any comments? this site has been very helpful to me... jus knowing that other people seem to experience the same reality that i do helps my perspective greatly

thanks all

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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19 Jul 2009, 6:29 pm

What is your first name? Morrosseth


Location: Washington (state)

Hobbies and Interests: reading, marine biology, science, painting models, video games, languages, violin, guitar, (and if I ever get the chance) aikido, archery, kendo, riding, piano.

Why are you here? mild aspergers

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): last month

Favorite subjects: science, languages

Year/Grade: recent graduate

Favorite music: heavy metal, electronic, rock

Books: The Lord of the Rings, Rurouni Kenshin, Dragonhaven, nonfiction on sealife.

TV shows/Movies: Lord of the Rings, Stargate, Star Wars, Final Fantasy 7

Instrument: violin and guitar

Do you like sports? I like soccer but there's no one to play with.

Family: mom, dad, cat

Clothing: whatever feels comfortable

How did you find this website? google

Job: not yet

Plans for the future? a job, a car, and a blind guardian concert in 2010

Any comments?
This site is great, so many people I can relate too.