Hi, I'm not sure if I have Asperger's syndrome but I think there is something wrong with me.
I've moved out of my parents house in the last year and things have actually gotten worse so I want to know about what kind of help is available.
The worst part is that my routine has taken over my life. When I used to live with people, my routine would constantly get disrupted but now even the littlest of things completely ruins my day.
Also, my obsessions have become dangerous, more obscure, and more socially unacceptable (I don't even want to discuss any of the ones over the last couple of years). As a result I can socialize barely at all. I can only socialize with people that I don't care what they think and then I just talk at them.
And I've become really lonely over the last year. I used to get so wrapped up in my interests that the world didn't matter but I haven't had a really strong obsession for a while now. This is why I want to change the most. Sadly, the more I try, the more I realize it's very hard for me to make friends.
Anyways, other Aspergers traits:
-Wear the same clothes every day. I have to get used to the feeling of the clothes and only have a memory of 1-2 outfits. It's complicated..
- HATE to be touched.
Why not:
- I always get sarcasm
- I think I can read peoples faces
- I can make eye contact unless I"m intimidated.