Questions about you
What is your first name? Wesley
Age: 44
Location: Irvington (a suburb of Indianapolis).
Hobbies and Interests: Art, reading, bicycles, tinkering with electronics, staring at insects.
Why are you here? Support, the need to feel connected. Afterall, man is the most social of all the primates. Perhaps I'm a Chimp or a Bonobo.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): July 2009
Favorite subjects: Art
Year/Grade: BAE in Education, BFA in Fine Arts, 1 semester of grad school.
Favorite music: Dropkick Murphys, The Cramps, Elvis, Circle Jerks, Screamin Jay Hawkins, etc.
Books: The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris, The Old Man and the Sea by Hemmingway, Anything by Cormac McCarthy
TV shows/Movies: Lost, Star Trek (TOS), America's Funniest Home Videos (something about seeing a guy get popped in the bits). For movies I'd pick Star Wars A New Hope, Eagle Vs. Shark, Babe (yeah, the one about the pig).
Instrument: Bagpipes
Do you like sports? I like tossing a baseball with someone.
Family: Sherry, my spouse. Best thing that ever happened to me.
Clothing: If it's green, then I'll probably wear it.
How did you find this website? Google and a lot of clicking.
Job: Private Tutor (grammar and math), Artist (just now started drawing again)
Plans for the future? Survive long enough to get out of the city
Any comments? I always wanted to be a surfer but am afraid of water. Would LOVE to be a surfboard shaper, but not much need for one in Indiana.
What is your first name?
My nickname is T. My first name is too cutesy for me.
Turning 42. Feel the same as when I was 25, though.
South Carolina
Hobbies and Interests:
Writing, travel, reading, art (mixed media sculpture), multimedia design, organizing things and setting up systems, Handheld PDAs (Palm OS, but getting an iPAQ soon), cats.
Why are you here?
Looking for some intellectual stimulation from those who understand.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Self diagnosed over a number of years.
Favorite subjects:
When I was in school, I loved everything but Math, especially English, Art, History, and Science.
Favorite music:
Techno, Ambient, Classical, World Music, Film Music.
Mostly non-fiction (especially social anthropology, history, and literary biographies) but fiction authors include James Clavell (I met my husband because of Shogun), Junichiro Tanizaki, Peter Carey, E.M. Forster, and Honore Balzac. I love reading biographies of writers and artists (ie. the Bloomsbury Group, the French Surrealists, etc.).
TV shows/Movies:
I don't watch TV at all, just BBC and PBS documentaries and miniseries online or on DVD from the public library (ie. Frontier House, Jane Austen adaptations).
I really love movies on DVD.
Favorite Classic Films: A Matter of Life and Death (also known as A Stairway to Heaven), Lawrence of Arabia, the Browning Report, Of Human Bondage, the Seventh Veil, Pygmalion, Imitation of Life, Letter to Three Wives, Tea and Sympathy.
Dramas: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Synecdoche, the Piano, Closer, Imitation of Life, Tea and Sympathy, Kinsey, Off the Map, Carrington, Emma, Howard's End, Vatel, Tampopo, Separate Tables, Frida, Carrington, Pollock, Basquiat.
Sci-Fi/Fantasy: Star Trek, LOTR (won a contest to see the Extended Cut of The Fellowship of the Ring on a massive screen in NYC).
No. I would love to learn to play the xylophone, vibraphone, etc.
Do you like sports?
I love to swim.
Very happily married for more than 2 decades. Don't want children (great for others but not for me). An elderly cocker spaniel.
I don't like to waste a lot of time of this, so I dress simply but dramatically in a semi-goth/ art gallery kind of style.
Usually a solid black blouse and pair of pants, paired with an artistic looking blazer or translucent see through overshirt (I live in SC, so it gets warm down here). I can get dressed and out the door easily in less than half an hour. Most of my jewelry is homemade.
I love shopping in thrift shops and vintage stores but normal clothing stores are not really my speed.
How did you find this website?
Web Designer. Self employed.
Plans for the future?
Buying a house, travel.
?How I wish that somewhere there existed an island for those who are wise and of good will.?--Albert Einstein
What is your first name? Tristan
Age: 16
Location: New Hampshire
Hobbies and Interests: Music, flying, writng, reading, video games, programming.
Why are you here? To meet other people and connect with other people who have to deal with similar things as me in life.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): age 7.
Favorite subjects: AP Physics, Chemistry, AP Calc, Orchestra.
Year/Grade: 11 (this coming school term)
Favorite music: Grunge, Indie, Metal, Insdustrial, Punk, Funk, Rock, Classic Rock, Blues, Jazz, Classical, and Folk.
Books: Ender's Game, The Bartimaeus Trilogy, and The Redwall Series.
TV shows: House, Dexter, Monk, Fringe, South Park, SNL, Chappelle's Show.
Movies: The Matrix, Monty Python and The Holy Grail, The Meaning of Life, LOTR.
Instrument: Guitar, Piano, or Cello.
Do you like sports? Tennis, golf, and baseball.
Family: Brother (in college), Mother, and Father
Clothing: Anything in my closet that looks good on a certain day.
How did you find this website? My mad searching skills.
Job: Work on the baseball fields with a couple of my friends at a local organization, and I work at Dunkin Donuts (free coffee )
Plans for the future? I plan to major in Computer Engineering at RIT in New York and from there go into OS development.
Any comments? No.
What is your first name? Astrid
Age: 23
Location: Netherlands
Hobbies and Interests: hobibes: reading, writing, internet. INtersts: psychology, neuroscience, health law and ethics, venomous animals and plants
Why are you here? have Asperger's
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2007
Favorite subjects: I'm not in school
Year/Grade: N/A
Favorite music: Tom Lehrer, Beatles, Jim Croce, Simon & Garfunkel, Irish folk
Books: too many to mention
TV shows/Movies: medical shows and documentaries
Instrument: guitar, but I don't play any
Do you like sports? Sometimes
Family: yes, my parents and one sister
Clothing: mostly black and wear skirts in summer
How did you find this website? Don't remember anymore
Job: Never had any
Plans for the future? Get out of psych institution
Snowy Owl

Joined: 23 Jul 2009
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Posts: 136
Location: Geelong,Victoria (Australia)
What is your first name? Michael (aka Mickalicious lol.)
Age: 22
Location: Geelong, Victoria (Australia)
Hobbies and Interests: Trains,my gf,family and freinds
Why are you here? to meet freinds that have Autism like me
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 1991 when i was 4 years old
Favorite subjects: not at school
Year/Grade: finished 4 years ago!!
Favorite music: Nickelback,Hunters and Collectors,Planetshakers,John Farnham and Jet
Books: train books and cook books
TV shows/Movies: lots of favourite TV shows
Instrument: dont play a instrument
Do you like sports? yes of course
Family: mum,dad,cousin and my brother
Clothing: cool clothes what boys wear
How did you find this website? saw it as i doing research on Autism
Job: at a cafe and at a hospital
Plans for the future? hopefully get married to my beautiful girlfreind and having children of my own
What is your first name?
Age: 18
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Hobbies and Interests: video games, computers, internet, comedy, music, biking, television
Why are you here? to talk with other people who have this disorder, and make a friend or 2....
When were you diagnosed?: october 2008
Favorite subjects: language arts
Year/Grade: N/A
Favorite music: chicago, michael w. smith, doobie brothers, journey, huey lewis & the news, bryan adams, van halen, dokken, metallica, the eagles, bruce springsteen, billy joel, mr. mister, stevie wonder
Books: none
TV shows/Movies: the shining (1980), batman (1989), friday the 13th part 3 (1982), ghostbusters (1984), legend (1985), one flew over the cuckoo's nest (1975), splatter university (1984), amityville horror 4 (1989), star wars 4-6 (1978-1983), Jaws (1978), love horror movies.
Instrument: none
Do you like sports? not really
Family: mom, dad, sister
Clothing: skinny shirts, baggy jeans, converse shoes
How did you find this website? google search
Job: none
Plans for the future? Car, and, a girlfriend!!
Any comments? Kernel Nathan R. Jessop, commanding officer marine ground forces guantanamo bay cuba.
What is your first name? Nate.
Age: 17
Location: Gold Coast, Aus.
Hobbies and Interests: Writing (lyrics, poetry), guitar, soccer. <_< >_> poker online and call of duty (pc game)
Why are you here? Right now? I'm a bit bored.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): A few months ago.
Favorite subjects: I don't really have one. I guess music, to an extent, or english.
Year/Grade: 12
Favorite music: I don't have a favourite genre, really. I love music that isn't afraid to not be conventional, and decent lyrics are a must (unless I'm just in the mood for something heavy/hip-hop-y)
Books: -shrug-
TV shows/Movies: I like movies that are romantic, in whatever form. I like movies that make you question what you're doing with your life, the way you treat people and think about the world.
Instrument: Guitar.
Do you like sports? I like playing sport more than I like watching it. I play soccer - have done for ten years. I used to be pretty good, but I've slackened off over the last few years.
Family: My family is great. My relationship with my brother is, for the most part, very strong. Same with my mum. Me and Dad clash occasionally but he means well, and when we're not locking horns we have a good friendship.
Clothing: Starting to become interested in fashion. I used to dress in jeans and band-tees, but now I'm beginning to steer towards designer label jeans and smart/casual jackets, etc.
How did you find this website? My dad recommended it to me a few months ago. He seems more interested in this aspergers thing than I am.
Job: I work casual hours at a supermarket.
Plans for the future? Go to uni, cut an album, write poetry, maybe write a book. I'm ready to be poor, but happy.
Any comments? Not really...
Age: 24
Location: Vancouver, BC
Hobbies and Interests: photography, reading, writing, teaching myself the piano, drawing....etc...
Why are you here? To gain a better understanding of AS
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): In the process of confirming the diagnosis.
Favorite subjects: philosophy, history, biology, psychology, literature
Year/Grade: Fourth year
Favorite music: Depends on my mood
Books: hmm too many to list, so I'll just list some of my recent favourites: Notes from the Underground- Dostoevsky, Nausea- Sartre, Beyond Good and Evil- Nietzsche, Ecce Homo- Nietzsche, The Second Sex-Beauvoir, The Good European, If on a winter's night a traveler- Calvino, Fear and Trembling- Kierkegaard, The Seventh Solitude, In the Penal Colony-Kafka, The myth of Sisyphus- Camus, Medea-Euripides, Thus Spake Zarathrustra- Nietzsche, Fragments from Heraclitus, The Phenonmenology of Spirit- Hegel, Voltaire- Candide, Waiting for Godo- Beckett.... etc etc I'm sure I'm forgetting something
TV shows: HOUSE!! !, Dexter, Family Guy, American Dad, and most programs on the history or discovery channel
Movies: The Libertine, Fight Club, Russian Ark, Irreversible, Memento, Hannibal Rising (the entire series I love), Quills, Seven, Videodrone, Eraserhead, A Clockwork Orange, Begotten, Shadow of a Vampire, Titus, Troy, 300, Alexander, Eyes Wide Shut, Max, Downfall, Braveheart, The Lives of Others, A Beautiful Mind...etc.
Instrument: Learning the piano
Do you like sports? Not unless I'm playing them.
Clothing: Not sure how to answer this one
How did you find this website? Looked up Autism forum
Job: student
Plans for the future? grad school, publishing my novel and traveling
"Hell is other people"- Sartre
What is your first name? Natalie
Age: 15
Location: California
Hobbies and Interests: video games, animals, Japan
Why are you here? I think I might have aspergers
Favorite subjects: don´t have one
Year/Grade: 10
TV shows/Movies: anime
Instrument: I´m trying to learn how to play piano
Do you like sports? I´m not very good at them
Family: mom, dad, sister
How did you find this website? through an article that i was reading
Plans for the future? i don´t know
What is your first name? Mandy
Age: 24
Hobbies and Interests: reading, swimming, surfing the net
When were you diagnosed? last year
Favorite subjects: reading ,swimming
Favorite music: Pop, and you are not alone
Books: The Alice Series
Instrument: None
Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: Track and swimming
Family: mom,dad
Clothing: Overalls and T-shirts
What are you planning to do when you get older? round-the-world tour
What is your first name? -unknown-
Age: 16
Hobbies and Interests: research, play, read, exercise mentally and physically
Why are you here? I don't know.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I don't know if I have it.
Favorite subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Psychiatry, Psychology, Art
Year/Grade: Form 4, secondary
Favorite music: Mockingbird
Favorite TV/movies: Numb3rs
Books: Artemis Fowl series
Instrument: pipa (chinese orchestra), pai gu (chinese orchestra), trumpet (school band), snare drum (drum roll)
Do you like sports? Ya, esp Teakwondo.
Family: 6 members, god-family = 8 members
How did you find this website? through books
Job: Student, prefect
Plans for the future? Not sure, but I'm surely going to study after graduating secondary school.
Any comments? ... ...
First of all I have a question for all of you. What is stimming?
Second of all I have some answers.
What is your first name? Michael
Age:22 almost 23
Location:The most unfortunate state of Utah.
Hobbies and Interests:Wandering the city of Salt Lake and drinking coffee, reading anything available, and just making stuff up.
Why are you here? To find people who don't just look at me like I'm crazy when I talk to them.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I believe I have AS but I have not been diagnosed. I am far too broke for that sort of thing.
Favorite subjects: Physics, math, and linguistics.
Year/Grade:Beginning university study, a little late I'll admit but I was busy.
Favorite music: Anything I like.
Books: The majority of the ones on my shelves.
TV shows/Movies: Firefly, Boondock Saints, and M.A.S.H.
Instrument: Penny Whistle
Do you like sports? I like soccer (football for you foreigners) but I do tend to foul a lot.
Family: Extensive and confusing.
Clothing: I change it from time to time out of boredom.
How did you find this website? Surfing the web.
Job: I'm on it, I swear.
Plans for the future? I want to teach, because a teacher is paid to drone on and on about one subject endlessly.
Any comments? Yes, why do normal people refuse to make sense?
I am aware that that was a question as opposed to a comment but it's rhetorical so I figure it will do well enough.
Blue Jay

Joined: 28 Jul 2009
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 90
Location: imagination land, Florida
Age: 15
Location: Florida
Hobbies and Interests: art, music, animals
Why are you here? to get to know Asperger's better and talk to other people that have it.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I was either 9 or 10 and in 4th grade.
Favorite subjects: English, math (even though I sometimes get so stressed out in math classes that I have a meltdown from time to time, I actually do enjoy math) geography, science, band, art...actually I like all of them, but I think my favorite would probably be English.
Year/Grade: I'm going into my sophomore year of high school.
Favorite music: Depends...I like all sorts of music though: Everything from jazz and classical music to rock (new rock and old rock) to even some rap at times.
Books: I honestly don't read all that much. I used to read like 3 books a week it seemed like when I was in 5th grade, but now I can never seem to finish a book. The last book I read was 'Gilda Joyce: The Ladies of the Lake' at the beginning of summer.
TV shows: Family Guy, South Park, That 70's Show, King of the Hill, Invader Zim, OLD Polemon, OLD Digimon, Degrassi
Movies: Pineapple Express, Puff Puff Pass, Without a Paddle, 1408, Rose Red, all the Harry Potter movies, Twilight, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Wizard Of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, The Secret Life of Bees, Romeo and Juliet, Memoirs of a Geisha.
Instrument: bassoon, flute, piccolo, and I used to play pit percussion and sax. I also love to sing and mess around with my keyboard, guitar, and recorders.
Do you like sports? Not unless marching band or color guard count as sports.
Clothing: Clothing is a good thing I guess.
How did you find this website? I posted a question on Yahoo Answers and someone recommended it for me.
Job: student
Plans for the future? college, defiantly.
What is your first name? Sean
Age: 19
Location: Bremerton, WA
Hobbies and Interests: writing, reading, spacing out, goofing off, video games, music, guitars, sleeping, sciences, trivial facts, foreign languages, coffee, cars, outdoorsy stuff, the concept of duality/symmetry/duplicity/ambiguity, people, cars, shooting clay pigeons with my 12-gauge, driving, energy drinks, self-analysis, alot more etc . i'm fairly eclectic
Why are you here? because i'm a lonely aspie
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 7-10? only found ut about it within the last year or so though
Favorite subjects: in school? English, chemistry, biotechnology, guitar, pottery, materials science tech, media&broadcasting, spanish (i wanted to take german but my school didn't offer it), etc
Year/Grade: graduated high school. maybe college this fall or winter?
Favorite music: indie/alternative/metal/rock/80s rock/acoustic/some R&B/even less rap
Books: not too into nonfiction unless i suddenly see something and just compulsively wanna know about it every once in a great while. mostly contemporary fiction/science fiction/adventure/fantasy/historical-fiction/mystery/satire. as for specific books, way too many to list. i hate short books though, i usually aim for something that both looks interesting and is upward of 200 pages.
authors such as: Kurt Vonnegut jr, Stephanie Meyers, Katherine Neville, J.K. Rowling, Terry Brooks, Dan Brown, C.S. Lewis, Dean Koontz, Etc.
TV shows/Movies: south park, house, psych, x-files, family guy, etc.
the orphanage, pan's labyrinth
just about anything directed by tim burton
fight club, team america, beerfest, pirates of the caribbean 12&3, wanted, forrest gump, saving private ryan, what dreams may come, big fish, braveheart, monty python quest for the holy grail, the grudge, the ring, american pie, transformers, point break, a river runs through it, etc
Instrument: guitar?
Do you like sports? not really. some are mildy entertaining to watch at times though if they're violent enough. like rugby, or hockey. as for participation, i like volleyball i guess. almost tried out for cross-country running too since i do like running.
Family: parents are divorced. i'm living with my dad and his GF. i have 2 younger sisters, 2 stepsisters, i younger bro, 1 older stepbro
Clothing: soft materials generally and with a good cut. i don't like baggy clothes. stores/brands: hollister, zumiez, etc.
How did you find this website? ran across it
Job: looking for one. economy's terrible
Plans for the future? college? job? GF? marriage eventually? someday kids? my plans are pretty general. fleshing them out as i go along
Any comments? nope
+"Beneath all chaos lies perfect order"
Havent done this in a long while...
Real Name: Kevin, although I call myself "Kelvin" among friends. Sounds cooler.
Age: 18
Location: Laramie, WY
Hobbies and Interests: Anime, video games, Japanese Culture, computers, camping, hiking, tow-tubing (where you tie an inner tube to the back of a speedboat and pray you don't die), and trying my damndest to get us lost every time my family takes a trip to the mountains.
Why are you here: I joined so @#$%ing long ago that whatever REAL reason I had for being here has long since forgotten. Now I'm here for the party.
When were you diagnosed: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
Favorite subjects: In school if I didn't have a theatre class my choice would be either English or Newspaper staff. Now that I'm going to college, I'd say Computer Science 1010 is looking somewhat interesting.
Year: Freshmeat at University of Wyoming starting in August
Music: Depends on my mood. Mostly J-rock and J-pop. Some classic rock and some modern pop songs. Recently I've been into electro-metal. My most recent bands are MELL and Machinae Supremacy.
Books: Do you really want to know? I live 7 blocks from a library. I bike there every day. In the two months I've been going there I've blown through at least 3 manga series, and I never leave without a book on the back of my bike. The rest is details.
TV/Anime: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Bleach, Gundam 00, and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. As for normal TV I only watch sporadically, although I do like tuning in to Syfy every once in a while.
Movies: Mostly fantasy/adventure series or superhero series, plus the occasional Disney on behalf of my younger sis.
Instrument: Gunblade... oh, you meant MUSICAL instruments.
Sports: Watching, not really, although I will keep up with baseball rankings for my mom. Playing, not any organized teams but as far as your Sandlot crew goes, I'll play most anything.
How did you find WP: I've been a member for five years. Details.
Job: Work in progress. So far I've applied to an opening at the University and as a sales associate for RadioShack. Still waiting for a response from either. And you wonder why I'm antiestablishmentarianist, cause everyones knows the government f***ed up the f***ing economy.
Plans for the future: What future? Not going to be a future for long if the goverment doesnt unf*** the economy that they very nicely f***ed up for us poor motherf***ers who don't have cushy offices and nice clean suits...
Any comments: ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!! !
"Yeah, so this one time, I tried playing poker with tarot cards... got a full house, and about four people died." ~ Unknown comedian
Happy New Year from WP's resident fortune-teller! May the cards be ever in your favor.
What is your first name? Michelle
Age: 23
Location: Indiana
Hobbies and Interests: Language (wanna learn Spanish and Japanese, maybe Korean), Art, Reading (especially manga at the moment), [EDIT] and video games! How could I forget? I play them every day. =P
Why are you here? I thought it would be good for me to get to know some other aspies.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Middle school. About 10 years ago?
Favorite subjects: Science!
Year/Grade: Freshman college student this August
Favorite music: I like every genre, but I'm especially partial to anything that's especially dramatic or dance-worthy.
Books: I used to read lots of novels, now it's the occasional science book, art book, or manga.
TV shows/Movies: Lots of documentaries, lots of Adult Swim.
Instrument: I played sax in High School, but I wish I could learn flute or violin.
Do you like sports? Hate watching. I like playing some. I want to try my hand at some sort of martial art. I figure it could help me work out some of my aggression. ^_^
Family: I live with my boyfriend and our 2 year old daughter.
Plans for the future? Getting ready to join a college engineering program. I want to go into the aerospace industry, though I have no idea which concentration or area. I wonder if anyone else here has an interest in the area?
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