ChangelingGirl wrote:
Hi, welcome. It seems strange that your license would be taken away solely based on your diagnosis. I mean, I am unable to drive and ineligible for a license, but that's cause I'm blind. Asperger's by itself doesn't prevent one from being a competent driver.
To be honest, it had never occurred to me until my Dad mentioned it one day that it could even potentially be seen as a problem. I've got a friend with an ASD and she didn't realise she had to inform the DVLA/her insurance company either until I told her. It doesn't mean they'll automatically take my licence away - there's a medical questionnaire that needs to be filled in, and then they might ask the doctor to provide a statement, or ask that I'm seen by one of their 'medical advisers' to judge whether I'm fit to drive. All a bit of a pain. It'd probably be fine, but I don't like taking risks.