I've also put this in a blog but I'll post it here too. This is a whole bunch I wrote bout myself
I'm new to this site so I'm just gonna write some stuff down. I'm terrible at letting out my emotions but because here I feel they'll be most understood I'll try. My name is David but my internet alias is Zeek so I would prefer to be called so here. I'm a fourteen year old kid with Aspergers. It helps to know why I'm different. I seclude myself at school preferring my own company except for at breaks, then I have a few friends. Lately I've been cutting myself, I love the endorphin rush and it doesn't hurt much either so that's ok. Had to lie to my sister that I stopped. She won't find out. My mother I hate, she's had so many men and is here so little that she is dead to me. Now I hate having to go there once a week. It's plain awful. School classes are fine. I'm brilliant at Maths, in the top classes for everything. Good at English Science as well. Social Studies I can be good at but it bores me so I don't really do perfectly. I'm bad at Art and languages. Ok at music and good at singing. In the school mixed choir and joining the boys (we just made a boys or else I woulda gone sooner). Lifes ok cus I live with my grandparents and that's a basic overview. Hope to get to know some of the people here.