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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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14 Nov 2009, 3:37 am

Hello. I'm not sure what else to say here, I have a lot in my head but and usually I try to type as much as possible to let the other people know what I am thinking, but I was recently told that angers people for some strange reason and I would rather not piss too many people off on my first post.

I was told if it was a "wall of text" people would get angry. I don't understand most of this social stuff or how people can get offended by a long post; If you don't want to read something, then stop reading it. Seems simple enough, so no need to get angry. Its an interesting concept, a wall created with text. I have to wonder what it would say.

The patterns I'm trying to learn for social interaction tell me I should say "No not a joke" here. I tend to be literal, analytical, focused.. usually too much. People often mistake the dry, almost monotone voice that I cant help but have when I am not trying to add or change it for others comfort - I usually forget and it takes as much effort at singing to change as add to it as an attempt to make it sound more normal. I really don't understand the need, but in my tests the average number of seconds that people stick around greatly increases when I try, much as I don't really understand the petty need for a lot of the social things I cant seem to catch, so I like to try.

Not that changing my voice is hard. Its often pretty simple, I just make it match something else I have heard before or can create and hear in my head. Most of the people around me cant do this, but it seems so simple to me.

Is anybody else photosensitive? Light hurts my eyes and gives me migraines, so I mostly stay inside on the computer if I can help it since I don't really want to waste time outside anyway. It dos gets lonely though, because people expect me to talk to them about random stuff and it just seems so hard.. does anybody else have these problems or is it just me?


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14 Nov 2009, 6:19 am

Hi dfk.. welcome.. i think here is a good place to just be yourself from what i can see, i am new and still viewing posts here and there when i can, but everyone seems pretty non judgemental..


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14 Nov 2009, 9:05 am

I'm guilty of the wall of text sometimes-but I don't get why it would make anyone angry-if they don't want to read it then they don't have to-this is ironic to impose unspoken social rules in a place habituated by people who don't understand unspoken social rules. :?
Welcome to Wrong Planet :)

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14 Nov 2009, 11:28 am

Welcome greetings to the WP neighborhood, fellow-traveler dfk.

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14 Nov 2009, 6:25 pm

To WrongPlanet!! !Image

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14 Nov 2009, 11:18 pm

Welcome to WP!

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17 Nov 2009, 5:33 am

I like to read things like this, I just hate
typing specsalsu if i don't type like I want
ti to. I won't correct typos because it upsets
me and makes me bnang the keyoabad and
smash it.

I would rather read than type.

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