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14 Jan 2010, 12:55 pm

So I joined this site. :3 Um...well my name is Mary-Marikunin almost everywhere else besides one or two exceptions-and I hope that I can make some friends on here!
...*doesn't know what else to say* XD


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14 Jan 2010, 2:33 pm

Hello Marikunin, welcome, enjoy your stay on the Wrong Planet!

1975, ASD: Asperger's Syndrome (diagnosed: October 22, 2009)

Interests: science, experimental psychology, psychophysics, music (listening and playing (guitar)) and visual arts

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14 Jan 2010, 2:50 pm

Heeeeeey, I hope you will come to term with your diagnosis, not beeing to upset about it, and can see it as help for your future. Feel yourself very welcomed to Wrong Planet!



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14 Jan 2010, 2:59 pm

Welcome to WrongPlanet. :)

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14 Jan 2010, 3:11 pm

Welcome to WP!

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14 Jan 2010, 3:37 pm

Welcome to WrongPlanet.


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14 Jan 2010, 7:00 pm

Hi Marikunin! I 've been on WP for about 4 months.........ALSO JUST got DIAGNOSED with Asperger's the other day...12th Jan....had to travel interstate for the appointment........ as I also have ME/CFS I'm really exhausted now and haven't left the house since returning from

Feel very strange........close friend not able to meet aware of when my major disintergration ( of my few social coping skills commenced) a bit more than a year ago....and am now EXTREMELY wary of ALL NTs. I moved from a city to a rural area 4 years ago...... it seems that as soon as NTs here worked out that I wasn't
"quite right" ( we have a store in OZ called Not Quite Right forwhat would normally be called "seconds") they, NTs began to play mind games and other nasty behaviours that "freaked" me out to the point of disintergration....meaning that I can't cope at all with NTs either individually, and much less in groups.
Am in the process of deciding who and who not to tell of my diagnosis......and wondering if by letting some individuals know my life might be easier.... is that too much to expect.... some understanding and possibly consideration???! !!

Marikunin do/are you experiencing any of these things also?


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15 Jan 2010, 11:42 am

Well, I do have some friends that are NTs, and of course most of my family if not all are NTs, but in general people don't treat me badly because I have Asperger's...(yes, I already told people at work and one immediately asked me if I was gonna get SSI and I said yes)...and my boyfriend also has Asperger's, but 3 of my closest friends are NTs, so yeah. I'm sorry to hear that you were treated poorly because of your Asperger's...

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15 Jan 2010, 12:31 pm

I was unlucky, then. Or was I just ignorant/paranoid that people would be treating me badly (even with good intent) due to my PDD (used to be AS, got changed to PDD-NOS). But I did get some of that bad treatment from people. Welcome to WP, Mary!

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15 Jan 2010, 9:14 pm

Welcome to WrongPlanet!