Hello, I may soon be joining those on the spectrum.

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04 Mar 2010, 5:41 pm

I've just recently become familiar with Aspergers Symdrome because my old therapist tested me for it about a year ago.
Everything just fit and the symptoms and definitions explained so much about my past and present and how i see the world around me. My mother was actually relieved to know what was going on with her daughter. In the end I was diagnosed with "Avoidant Personality Disorder" but it was a close call. I was off by one detail, my ability to pick up social ques.
Now months later with a new therapist wants to re-test me.
He thinks my APD doesent fit and wants to re-open the Aspergers file.

Although being able to read peoples social ques isint a classic trait of the disorder neither were any of Temple Grandins accomplishments during the generation she grew up in but that didnt make her any less autistic. I couldnt for the life of me understand people when i was a child and had no idea why they made fun of me, i knew i was different but i just didnt know what i was doing wrong. upon entering highschool i figured out the people around me because i could see specific patterns in their pecking orders.
I knew animals and i understood things like being terretorial and having alpha-male personalities. I also saw that teens were neatly categorized into different tribes.
Geek etc. etc. etc.
these tribes dominated different parts of the school house and in regards to the value system of each particular tribe. All the info was online. Teens are predicable. The right outfit and the right information saved my ass in highschool.
The net gave me a way to put people into categories and find recurring patterns in their interaction. This knowledge gave me the ability to blend in with them because they were all so incredibly mundane and repetitive. Without modern technology id have been completely lost.

The only problem is...adults are more complex and less predictable meaning harder to find patterns, i am one now but i have NO IDEA how they operate! Now that im not in highschool anymore and i moved to a different country people just illude me. Highschool kids are easy, so easy its boring but adults, people i should be getting to know now are just impossible. I need another pattern, a formula for adults! But i havent figured it out, although hiding inside my house and having no friends and very little contact with the outside world doesent exactly help either.
Its been a BIG drop scince highschool.


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04 Mar 2010, 6:23 pm

Welcome to WP!


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04 Mar 2010, 6:25 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet. We know how that feels.


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04 Mar 2010, 8:57 pm

Welcome to WP

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04 Mar 2010, 9:16 pm

Welcome to WrongPlanet. :)

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04 Mar 2010, 9:20 pm

Greetings, and welcome to the Wrong Planet neighborhood, bijouxmiu.

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05 Mar 2010, 5:14 am

Hello bijouxmiu, welcome, enjoy your stay on the Wrong Planet!

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05 Mar 2010, 4:09 pm

Hello and welcome! :)

I know how you feel about that. But, actually, adults are super easy for me. I too have spent a great deal of time looking for the pattern. And, adults are just as boring if not more so than children or teenagers.

I can guarantee you that if you look at the world around you, you will see that those tribes and pecking order still exist. They are dull, boring and unimaginative. The fighting and squabbling. The he said she said. The pouting and the tantrums. They still exist. Only, in adult form. Most people don't grow up. It's just that their behavior evolves and morphs into something different.

If you want to know the secret to the "adult", it's the selfishness and wanting that drives them. Sense of entitlement. A lot of ego driven stuff. And, of course,, we can't leave out fear. Wow do they just love this one. I see so many actions and things being done out of fear. But, what can you expect when this is all they know.

Yeah, I better end here before I end up writing a novel here.

And, welcome to the forums! :)

Take care,


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06 Mar 2010, 11:53 am

The major difficulty that comes with being an older Aspie is that by a certain age, you've learned to read a lot of social cues in self-defense. It's still not instinctive (or possibly just nearly so), as is the case with soi-distant "normal" people - rather, it's a learned procedure, much like learning a foreign language as an adult - but some psychs will disallow an AS diagnosis on the basis that "you can read social cues!"

So, the question becomes, did you learn this, or did it just come to you, as it does to them? From your post, it seems as though you did indeed learn it in order to survive school, which of course leaves you floundering a bit in the adult world (where the cues and the pecking orders differ - but they still seem to understand it all).

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06 Mar 2010, 12:48 pm

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07 Mar 2010, 2:41 am

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30 Apr 2010, 6:51 pm

Well after all my retesting it turns out i dont have aspergers syndrome but i do have something that is very easlity mistaken for it.
Schizoid Personality Disorder.
Im glad to know the root cause of my at times disabling behaviour but the thing is after all of this searching and all the doctors and testing. I dont want to "get better" Im a victimless nutter. So what if im overly introspective and greatly prefer solitude. Why is there so much pressure to be in the limelight or at least to persue it. Id rather stay in my fantasy world. I like it here, im not hurting anybody, im not angry fearful or sadistic. Im just content being as i am and i am abnormal. Besides scince when was normal so normal anyways everyones weird in their own indosyncratic fashion, mines just more visible than most.

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30 Apr 2010, 7:10 pm

bijouxmiu wrote:
i could see specific patterns in their pecking orders. I knew animals

and its not much to strive for, was it? :lol:

the very reason Aspies tend to think of NT's are Morlochs and Knuckle Draggers.

My mind was telling me, "they may treat you like the omega" but you're alllllll alpha... and I stick with what I know is true.

Truth is a quality of leadership. *smile* Few NT's ever, want to go there... actually stand for anything... alone. they'll fall for anything too. Just get enough people repeating the same lies, and NT's will buy into it... in fact, the more people parroting a lie, the more NT's want to identify with it... that's part of what makes them so ignorant. Aspies tend to be very individualistic.

bijouxmiu wrote:
I need another pattern, a formula for adults!

Instead of the right outfit, the adults are establishing their social "hierarchy" with cars, bank accounts, trophy girlfriends and boyfriends, ball teams (to identify themself) and tennis bracelets (to show social value / prestige ... ahhhhh, only a woman who has a hubby who earns big bucks, has a piece of jewelry like that).

Its a load of huey and human ignorance... which, unfortunately, there's no cure or medication for NT.

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30 Apr 2010, 7:22 pm

bijouxmiu wrote:
Well after all my retesting it turns out i dont have aspergers syndrome but i do have something that is very easlity mistaken for it.
Schizoid Personality Disorder.

Welcome all the same. I liked the way you discuss social hierarchy stuff...

You don't have problems with making eye contact, or initiating and holding conversations?

Those would be symptoms of Aspergers (personality and body language like an omega)... but I swear, the mind of the alpha. Because I'm not letting people push me around... I did when I was young, and then I got fed up with their pecking order BS

3/3 children diagnosed Asperger/PDD-NOS(2009-2010)
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30 Apr 2010, 8:00 pm

bijouxmiu wrote:
Besides scince when was normal so normal anyways everyones weird in their own indosyncratic fashion, mines just more visible than most.


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