Questions about you

Joined: 12 Apr 2010
Gender: Male
Posts: 48,772
Location: Spokane area, Washington state.
Age: 25
rhode island usa
Hobbies and Interests:
i like animals and stuffed animals and i like calvin and hobbes
Why are you here?
im here to connect with other people like me and share stories
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
ive not been formally diagnosed but ive always different and had a hard time relating and talking to other people. i tryed so hard to act "normal" and it just wasnt working so i heard about asperegers and i read alot about it and im sure i have it
Favorite subjects:
im going to school for biotech. i like science but i like writing the best.
in college; freshman
Favorite music:
i like all kinds of music. right now im listening to alot of bob seger and gogol bordello.
hp lovecraft, calvin and hobbes anything really i love to read
TV shows/Movies:
i like the food network and cartoon network. chowder is one of favorite cartoons out now. beetlejuice is my all time favorite movie ever.
i used to play saxaphone as a child. i like singing but i sound real bad.
Do you like sports?
not really i dont care for team sports but i am taking tae kwon do now. tae kwon do is helping me alot but i still get nervous every class and i spend the free time before class by myself fidgeting nervously.
i dont have a family. my parents were both abusive and i stay away. but i have one sister i like we talk sometimes.
whatever is clean
How did you find this website?
i inspect houses and i hate it
Plans for the future?
finish school and live my life
Any comments?[/b]
Seems like a lot of us around here like Lovecraft.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Age: 16
Location: USA
Hobbies and Interests: dolls (BJDs in particular), sewing, knitting, making plush toys, writing, RPing, reading, making films
When were you diagnosed? I think I was about six?
Favorite subjects: video production!
Favorite music: Neutral Milk Hotel, Abney Park, Teagan and Sara, Rise Against, Sunset Rubdown, Wolf Parade.
Books: Artemis Fowl, The Supernaturalist, the Young Wizards series, Catcher in the Rye.
TV shows: Madmen, Dexter, Danny Phantom, BtVs, Firefly
Movies: Too many to list.
Instrument: Anything that the above bands/artists play
How did you find this website? wiki
Job: Student/Wannabe novelist/toy maker
Plans for the future? I want to get a dual degree in toy design and film making.
What is your first name? Jon. No H.
Age: 23
Location: Denver Colorado
Hobbies and Interests: movies, games, reading day dreaming.
Why are you here? I have aspergers. and this site has good jokes?
When were you diagnosed? 1999
Favorite subjects: reading/writing.
Year/Grade: 2006
Favorite music: Jpop.
Books: Meta game. Harry potter
TV shows/Movies: Big bang. house, bones, Doctor who.
Instrument: none
Do you like sports? no
Family: mom and dad older brother. Little brother and little sister.
Clothing: on me/ soft
How did you find this website? was googleing "doctor who has aspergers"
Job: was a teacher Aid, was laid off
Plans for the future? Go to Japan
Any comments? persona 3 best video game ever.
Who says I only have one mind?
What is your first name? Christian.
Age: 14.
Location: Florida.
Hobbies and Interests: HTML, storywriting, BIONICLE-related things.
Why are you here? I'm an Aspie.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 5th Grade.
Favorite subjects: History and Computers.
Year/Grade: Heading off to my first year of High School next year.
Favorite music: Linkin Park.
Books: Greg Farshtey's BIONICLE series.
TV shows/Movies: Avatar!
Instrument: None.
Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: Nope, not really.
Family: A mom, a dad, a stepded, a sister, two stepbrothers. Out of them all, I'm he only Aspie.
Clothing: I usually just wear whatever's lying around.
How did you find this website? I was looking around for an Aspie website.
Job: None yet. Maybe work at Public or something, then get published.
Plans for the future? Science-Fiction Novelist.
What is your first name? Melbi. I have another first name in real life but I love being called Melbi and all the Aspies I've met are "forced" to call me Melbi
Age: 22yo
Location: Gold Coast, Australia
Hobbies and Interests: see profile
Why are you here? meet Aspies and support each others
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2009
Favorite subjects:
you mean in school and uni?
in high school: maths and chemistry
in university: clinical dental practise, periodontology and pharmacology
Year/Grade: graduated from high school in 2007, now third year in uni
Favorite music: lots...
Books: lots...
TV shows/Movies: again, too many to list
Instrument: Violin, piano, recorder, vocal (mum was a music teacher and a vocalist so...)
Do you like sports? No...I have horrible motor skills, but are good at fine motor skills for some reason...
Family: mum, dad, two younger sisters, my puppy, and my dolphin (stuffed toy)
Clothing: Reivew (a women's fashion brand in Australia)...totally addicted...99% of my cloths are from Review. The ones that are not from Review are bought before I got addicted to Review
How did you find this website? Google
Job: Student
Plans for the future? graduate from uni, get a job, earn money, and do everyting I want to do for life!
Any comments?
One day I was depressed and was talking to an Aspie friend on phone.
I said "I wish there's a planet for all the Aspies..."
and then I realised right after I said that "Wait, there already is one! Wrong planet!" being on here (so far)... thanks for the one who created this site and make a difference (quite a huge one as well) to the autism community
What is your first name? Amanda
Age: 18
Location: New Yrok
Hobbies and Interests: Video Games, Yoga/Relaxation, Swimming, Sports, Writing, Daydreaming
Why are you here? Diagnosed recently
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): May 2010
Favorite subjects: I don't really have a preference
Year/Grade: Graduating from high school this year
Favorite music: classic rock
Books: not enough space to list
TV shows/Movies: Big Bang Theory, Anchorman
Instrument: used to play clarinet, but noise of instruments gives me headaches
Do you like sports? Yes, always have.
Family: They're all Rednecks
Clothing: Must be comfortable
How did you find this website? Google
Job: Student
Plans for the future? Live independently and be happy.
Any comments?
What is your first name? Ronan
Age: 20
Location: Work in New York City, split my living time between New Jersey and DC
Hobbies and Interests: Music, history, politics, feminism, hip hop, writing, criminology, guitar, poetry, psychology, philosophy, existentialism
Why are you here? To help bridge the gap between NTs and AS
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Undiagnosed, though examined
Favorite subjects: Literature, sociology, history
Year/Grade: 3rd year of college
Favorite music: Queens of the Stone Age, Kyuss, Velvet Underground, Jay-Z, Yeasayer, Ratatat, Tegan and Sara, Grateful Dead, the Beatles, Pixies, Incubus, Nirvana, Neutral Milk Hotel
Books: James Joyce, Martin McDonagh, John Keats, John Donne, Rumi, George Carlin, Kurt Vonnegut, Chuck Palahniuk, Mark Twain, Victor Hugo, Roald Dahl, Stephen King, Steven Colbert, John Milton, E. E. Cummings
TV shows/Movies: The Departed, The Room, The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, Goodfellas, Amelie, Full Metal Jacket, Life Is Beautiful, Big Fish, Pink Floyd The Wall, Borat, Pineapple Express, Battle Royale, Flcl, Road to Perdition, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Fox and the Hound, The Line, ----- The Sopranos, The Wire, Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, King of the Hill, Californication, Generation Kill, Beavis and Butt-head
Instrument: Tin whistle, accordion, flute, guitar
Do you like sports? Only when I know the people playing
Family: Father, mother, and younger brother, as well as a gigantic extended family
Clothing: I'd probably be called a hipster, though I reject that label. I wear whatever looks good.
How did you find this website? Through a friend who studies abnormal psych.
Job: Pizza delivery and political consultant.
Plans for the future? Nothing but hope.
Any comments? Objective reality doesn't exist.
What is your first name?
Essex, England, Un-United Kingdom
Hobbies and Interests:
None, computer (used as a tool) Thinking....
Why are you here?
Differential diagnosis attempt/clarifications.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Official ADHD consultation (2010) at maudsley london pointing towards PDD-NOS/ASD but also low testosterone theory.....need to top it up.
Favorite subjects:
Whatever grabs my attention except for material, gimmicky things
Favorite music:
Never bought a track in my life. Don't listen to it, but I can tolerate it without fail..
For some reason though I don't like to admit I enjoy it unless its to my closest friends.
None, stopped reading at 16, felt like I was trying to complete chores. (symptoms of ADD, via ASD)
TV shows/Movies:
Dexter (serial killer - fantastic only IMO!) LOST, oh that fails now I think about it. Can't think of anything else, but nothing intellectually stupid!! !! !! I like SCI-FI, horror, comedy but I do not like modern based films, gangsta, detective yawn athough some films are clever regardless. Also, a bit tiring of twist films that need a twist and films that just can't stick to what they set out to be or portray themselves as. Sometimes, good people have to die, it is a fact......
Would be nice to have some well known actors killed off early in a sort of randomized (roulette wheel script) film.
Do you like sports?
Can't stand it, probably because it brings me to be noticed and I suffer under stress (or what I think is stress) Oh and I would fail permanently If I made one or two mistakes, leading to a negative feedback loop......
No point mentioning.
Whatever is comfortable, not too tight, not too colorful (avoiding attention lol) I'm totally anti-style/fashion but I will try to dress so as not to be too noticed......
How did you find this website?
Brain search engine.....
Plans for the future?
Who knows? Right now, I'm an open book with pages to be filled.
Any comments?
Thanks for a helpful site. Like many other sites, without them, many people would be lost without a means of education or understanding.
Most of my problems seem to stem from over awareness, self consciousness, paranoia (mild) the need to avoid being seen or to avoid delicate situations and relationships..... rofl.
What is your first name? Cindy
Age: 41
Location: North Carolina, USA
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, writing, cooking,
Why are you here? Have a son whose five who has been recently diagnosed with ASD
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Favorite subjects:
Favorite music: almost anything (not a big fan of rap)
Books: The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Wicked, The Vampire Chronicles. (I read at lot of non-fiction, as well)
TV shows/Movies: V (the TV series), Survivor, American Idol, Lost (even if it's ended), General Hospital, One Life to Live, Bones, Fringe, The Big Bang theory, Hell's Kitchen, Glee
Instrument: don't play any
Do you like sports? Watching but only some , am a fan of Figure Skating
Family: I am married with one son. I come from a large family of 3 brothers and 2 sisters, of which I'm the youngest.
Clothing: with a five year old...I usually wear comfortable and casual
How did you find this website? My sister found it and sent me the link.
Job: Stay at home mom
Plans for the future?
Any comments?
What is your first name? Marissa
Age: 19
Location: Nova Scotia
Hobbies and Interests: Natural Disasters and Medical Stuff.
Why are you here? I don't know anyone else with AS. I'm all alone in this.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Whem I was like 11-ish.
Favorite subjects: Geography, Biology.
Year/Grade: Finished grade 10 (then dropped out)
Favorite music: I like everything. It changes. At the moment, Folk music.
Books: Twilight Series. Journals. DIY books. Medical Dictionaries.
TV shows/Movies: Discovery Channel, TLC and A&E.
Instrument: Piano. I learn by ear.
Do you like sports? I like to watch hockey sometimes. I absolutely love swimming.
Family: I think my father has AS, he's never been diagnosed though. I have a brother and sister, both have ADHD, neither have AS. My mother is my best friend.
Clothing: I have my own style. It evolves every now and then. I'd describe it as artsy, indie, bohemian?
How did you find this website? Google, how else? Haha.
Job: Unemployed :/
Plans for the future? Get married to my fiance, maybe have a baby.
Any comments? I need to talk to someone like me.
What is your first name? Jason
Age: 36
Location: Spokane, Wa for now.
Hobbies and Interests: Anything Electrical, my dog.
Why are you here? I'm not sure.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Asperger's Syndrome June 4, 2010.
Favorite subjects: Anything about computers or electrical.
Year/Grade: 9'th grade when I was told to find a Tech school when I left the center.
Favorite music: Jazz, Classical, and Swing.
Books: Anything, Tech., Religion, Sci-fi
TV shows/Movies: I don't watch TV.
Instrument: None
Do you like sports? No
Family: My dog
Clothing: Anything I find that fits.
How did you find this website? Someone in the waiting room at Northwest Autism Center.
Job: Not allowed to work right now. So they put me on SSDI last year.
Plans for the future? Unsure

Joined: 12 Apr 2010
Gender: Male
Posts: 48,772
Location: Spokane area, Washington state.
Age: 36
Location: Spokane, Wa for now.
Hobbies and Interests: Anything Electrical, my dog.
Why are you here? I'm not sure.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Asperger's Syndrome June 4, 2010.
Favorite subjects: Anything about computers or electrical.
Year/Grade: 9'th grade when I was told to find a Tech school when I left the center.
Favorite music: Jazz, Classical, and Swing.
Books: Anything, Tech., Religion, Sci-fi
TV shows/Movies: I don't watch TV.
Instrument: None
Do you like sports? No
Family: My dog
Clothing: Anything I find that fits.
How did you find this website? Someone in the waiting room at Northwest Autism Center.
Job: Not allowed to work right now. So they put me on SSDI last year.
Plans for the future? Unsure
Hey, Jason, I live in Spokane Valley! In Alderwood Apartments on Farr, just up the hill south of Winco, with my wife and daughter. If you don't mind me asking, where in Spokane do you live?
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
What is your first name?
Age: 18
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Hobbies and Interests: Music, movies, reading...
Why are you here?
I took this aspie test. On the results page was a link to a forum which linked to this forum. So I signed up because this seemed a good a place as any.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
ADD: Grade 3
Social anxiety: September of 2009
Asperger's: I'm positive I'm an aspie, but I'm undiagnosed as of yet. I want to wait until I'm on my own before doing this. [rant] I'm afraid to ask my parents about this because I know they'll just tell me I'm full of bull and go on to explain why I can't be an aspie based on a gross misunderstanding of what it actually is. They did the same for my ADD: I can spend hours on the computer; therefore, it's impossible for me to have ADD. For my social anxiety: yeah, you get anxious but it's only because you're too negative an expect the worst to happen; get over it. Even about my own sexuality! Both: Everyone likes sex. Mom: You're obviously a repressed lesbian. Dad: It's because you're afraid of commitment. (I'm asexual, btw.) [/rant]
Favorite subjects: Eh, whatever really.
Year/Grade: High school dropout. I only made it half way through my first year of HS.
Favorite music:
Top 5 Bands:
Kiss Kiss
Nightmare Of You
Streetlight Manifesto
My Chemical Romance
One Second 2 Late
Books: My top 2 authors are Stephen King and Darren Shan, though my most favourite book of all time is Holes.
TV shows/Movies: Too many to list.
What makes up most of my TV shows are cartoons and comedy.
What makes up most of my movies are anime (Hayao Miyazaki), Pixar, Disney's animated films, and Asian horror.
Instrument: I took piano lessons for three years and I can still kind of play.
Do you like sports?
I don't mind Wii sports, or playing real life badminton, tennis, or ping pong though.
Family: I've lived with my grandparents since I was 18 months. As far as I'm concerned, they are my parents.
Clothing: I have a punk/rocker look going on.
How did you find this website?
Said above.
Job: Unemployed.
Plans for the future?
None currently.
Any comments?
What is your first name? Stephen
Age: 20 years and 7 days old
Location: New Albany, Pennsylvania
Hobbies and Interests: Videogames, cars, reading magazines about videogames and cars, music (Including some singing), and writing (Only because a lot people tell me that I'm apparently good at it...)
Why are you here? I've been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, and I was hoping to find some friends and people who can sympathize with some of my problems better than those I know offline. Maybe I'll even start having some semblance of a social life!
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Once in early elementary school, and again right before starting college, in the summer of 2008.
Favorite subjects: English/Writing, Physics
Year/Grade: Just finished with my second year of college
Favorite music: My favorite genre is definitely classic rock, mainly stuff from the 50's to the 80's and mainly stuff from England, like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Pink Floyd, and especially Queen (When it came to both songwriting and singing, Freddie Mercury was GOD ON EARTH!! ! R.I.P. Freddie )!
Books: Shakespeare, The Inferno, the Harry Potter series, Watchmen, right now I'm reading Fight Club
TV shows/Movies: I haven't really had the time to watch TV lately, but I usually just watch cartoons and Adult Swim. In terms of movies, I do like some live-action stuff, like the first two films in the Mad Max franchise, but I tend to prefer animated movies, especially most of the films that Pixar comes out with.
Instrument: Played percussion from 4th-12th grades, took a few years of piano lessons, and have also tried doing some more singing (Again, only because people tell me that I have a good singing voice...)
Do you like sports? Not really, except for some auto racing, bowling, golf, and pool.
Family: Mother and father who own a True Value store, and a sister who has just graduated from college.
Clothing: I usually wear a combo of a t-shirt (Usually with some sort of graphic on it) and jeans (Even during summer), because I know that formal wear and I definitely do not mix!
How did you find this website? An article in an autism support magazine, which I believe was called the "Advocate"
Job: Nothing on a regular basis (At least, not yet...)
Plans for the future? Since I'm at a point in my life now where I have no idea if I want to continue on with college or even what career I would be the happiest in pursuing/having, I don't really have any idea what to do with my life...
Any comments? As stated before, I just hope I can find some friends on this site so I won't feel lonely this summer and, hopefully, so I can start being much more trusting of society in general!
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