Gray Owl is my own name that I have for myself, I think it would be interesting to use that here rather than my given name Jonathan Dill. As a child I thought of myself as Golden Eagle. Very few people know that about me. I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome April 23rd, 2010 at age 41. My wife describes me as Dr. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds which is fairly accurate, especially his manner of speaking, but I only have a Bachelor's degree in English. I related to "Look Me In The Eye" although my internal thinking process is very well described in "The Curious Incident of The Dog in the Nighttime" and the character Lisbeth Salinder in Steig Larsson's novels. I want to get a wasp tattoo probably on one of my triceps but my wife is against it, probably just as well because my obsession with Lisbeth Salinder will probably go away at some point, but then I'd still be left with the tattoo. I do have a Lemony Snicket tattoo however, VFD on the right ankle as I am a noble, not treacherous, volunteer (psst the world is quiet here). I have Crohn's Disease diagnosed August of 2008, currently on Humira every 2 weeks and a bunch of other meds, mostly in remission but having sporadic problems with large joint pain and fatigue. I talk to computers, video games and computers have been my most enduring obsession, but I don't think of it as particularly special about me because it's like breathing or eating or going to the bathroom, just something I do without thinking much about it. I am currently involved in a traffic signal modernization project, when the project is complete it is projected to cover about 1200 intersections. Music especially bass guitar is a current obsession. I love Sparklehorse, A Camp, and Charlotte Hatherley to name a few, but mainly I am obsessed with Sparklehorse and Mark Linkous and the weird and cool things he did with sound until he committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart with a rifle in March of this year (apparently, he wasn't taking any chances). I have a very good but not quite photographic memory, I am learning to control it and access it deliberately, certain things like songs are keys that unlock very detailed memories going as far back as about 2 years old. I started on Deplin when I was diagnosed and it has really changed my life, I find that I am better able to steer my associative thinking process and do less unintentional daydreaming--I enjoy daydreaming, but during work hours, it's not something people really want to pay you to do. I did enjoy that about working retail, especially stocking shelves when I didn't have to interact with customers, because it was repetitive work that did not require my attention, so I could daydream to my heart's content, but it's hard work and the pay sucks, my joints and mostly being on my feet would not be up to that now. Oh yeah, I'm married I forget how many years now to a woman I have been in a relationship with for almost 24 years and I have an 11 year old daughter, Jasmine.