When I first started joining forums, I wanted to use my middle name, Ariel, as my user name; but that was always taken. So I added an e to create Aeriel, which I liked because a) it's close to my real name and b) I'm an ex-gymnast.
Later I found that the Aeriel are also mythical creatures:
"The Aeriel share the facial features, pointed ears, and build of their land-dwelling cousins: the Elves. The only noticeable difference between an Aeriel and an Elf is that the Aeriel have a pair of translucent angelic wings emerging from their backs, one wing on each side. These wings are any color of the rainbow and have feathers of solidified light, not of actual feathers. The wings have a silvery outline, like moonlight, and the "feathers" are inside. The Aeriel have some of the hair and eye colors of the Elves and typically wear light, airy clothing like robes, which are specially modified for their wings. They tend to prefer sandals as they don't like to be tied down.
"The Aeriel tend to be aloof and cold, having the arrogance of their land-bound Elven cousins. The Aeriel tend to shun other species save the Elves and their kindred. They are surprisingly warm to the Elven kindreds, but wary, cold, suspicious, and sometimes even overtly hostile to non-Elves. They remain in their aerial cities and usually only come to the ground to deal with the Elves and occasional Speriel. Some Aeriel, typically young ones in their first two or three centuries, like to go out and adventure. This usually earns the Aeriel the scorn of his or her elders, who don't like to admit it if they too once adventured. The adventuring phase tends to end after the Aeriel's fourth or fifth century of life.
"The Aeriel have the ability of unlimited flight and an inbuilt resistance to Light/Holy attacks. They take double damage from Darkness attacks and take double damage from physical attacks due to their light, hollow bones."
I liked that and thought it fit me (except for the bit about the wings), so I kept the name. It's easier not to have to remember different names for different boards.