Post ONE fact about yourself (and your asperger's)

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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03 Sep 2006, 2:22 pm

I cannot listen to music if the volume is set to an odd number

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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06 Sep 2006, 12:42 am

Good things:
I can memorize numbers and text extremely quickly, but for short periods of time and I have always been able to freehand draw copies of things I'm looking at without practice or training. I can't draw crap without a reference tho.

Bad things:
I got carried away here at first so I'm editing to shorten it.

As a teen, I would be extremely self-concious in stores because I was afraid people would think I might steal something. I wouldn't, but I worried they'd THINK I would. To this day I think I go overboard to prove my honesty to people.

For a long time in my youth, I would envision myself looking like whoever I was talking to at the time, imagining that they see me the same way I see them. It's like they're a mirror. It was very disorienting once I realized I was doing it, especially with women (seeing myself as female). I started making a concious effort to envision myself as myself (from memory) when I tried to imagine my own expressions and envision how they see me when I'm talking. Actually, I think I still do this... some.


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07 Sep 2006, 11:29 am

maygen wrote:

Researchers have been trying to teach absolute pitch ability for more than a century[23], and various commercial absolute-pitch training courses have been offered to the public since the early 1900s[24]. It has been shown possible to learn the naming of tones later in life, although some consider this skill not to be true absolute pitch[25]. No training method for adults has yet been shown to produce abilities comparable to naturally-occurring absolute pitch[26].

if it isnt a gift then why cant they teach it?
maybe it isnt as rare as say growing a third leg but dont dis it please.

It's unusual in the general population, but amongst autties, I don't think it's especially rare at all. Not like every aspie has it of course. But for musical autties, I think its occurrence rate is much more common.

I definitely don't have perfect pitch. But then I'm not exactly a "musical" autty.

Definitely something to be proud of though. Unless you're in a room of autistics, most often it will be "rare".

My Science blog, Science Over a Cuppa -

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07 Sep 2006, 12:01 pm

> I can fix some things yet I can break some things. For example, I can fix some errors on a computer, yet I can create and make some errors on a computer.

> I do not judge people immediately like NTs and as the phrase goes "tar everyone with the same brush." [Look up the meaning.]

> People think I'm lying by how modest my answer is.


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07 Sep 2006, 1:27 pm

I can recognise songs that I know from literally 2 seconds worth of playing max.
If I hear the voice of a singer I know, I know the singer instantly, even if I never heard the actual song before. If I hear lyrics or lines from a movie that I know, I can usually place it within seconds. I have about 2000 cds worth of music, all of which I can name within seconds of starting. I've got hundreds of movies and dozens of television series, all of which I know every second worth. And sophist, blackadder is one of those :D


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07 Sep 2006, 3:14 pm

A yes blackadder! Best series ever!

> I also don't judge people on first sight
> I always must tell the truth, I can't lie
> I don't like bullying other people, while the "social" NT's do


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08 Sep 2006, 3:58 pm

Pug wrote:
A yes blackadder! Best series ever!

> I also don't judge people on first sight
> I always must tell the truth, I can't lie
> I don't like bullying other people, while the "social" NT's do

Glad to see that you don't bully others - I don't understand how it can be "cool" to bully...?

I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.


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09 Sep 2006, 2:44 pm

I have Obsessions that are strange and wonderful.


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09 Sep 2006, 2:48 pm

> If some NT is low, they can wind me up. If I was low, I wind them up, and they won't allow it and get me in trouble.

> In general when I'm low, I at least wind someone up or I wind up other forums. Not this one, because Wrongplanet is No.1. :P


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09 Sep 2006, 5:05 pm

1. Balancing my checkbook in my head
2. I am quiet in groups
3. I am fascinated with transportation design


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12 Sep 2006, 3:54 pm

Hi - I am Janicka as my login name suggests

Good traits: I speak 4 languages, play the violin, and like to photograph things from unusual perspectives. I also never had to study a day in my life and I am almost done with graduate school.

Bad traits: I get upset in social situations really easily. In fact, I try to avoid most social situations. I didn't have sex until I was 22 (though maybe in this day and age it isn't so bad). I'm really uncoordinated. I had to go to special gym class when I was in school. Obviously that made my social problems even worse.

Worst trait: I don't know how to tell my current beau that I love (or even like) him. When our dates end I usually hop in my car and drive off. Talk about having to do damage control.


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12 Sep 2006, 4:13 pm

Hi, I am Pheas (say "fez").

I love anything to do with words or language (grammar, foreign languages, Scrabble, copyediting, puns, &c.).

I can spot a typo at 100 paces. Only in someone else's writing, though. :(

I've never been by myself long enough that I missed being around others in general -- I have missed specific people. I wonder whether I ever would feel lonely in that way.


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12 Sep 2006, 4:55 pm

Pheas wrote:
I love anything to do with words or language (grammar, foreign languages, Scrabble, copyediting, puns, &c.).

Words are beautifull :)

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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14 Sep 2006, 9:07 am

When I first moved out on my own, I would have people, that claimed to be my friends, stop over unannounced, talk non-stop while they were there and wouldn't leave even though numerous hints were left. I finally got smart and decided to be a "great" hostess and went out of my way to make their stay at my house as Boring as possible. It worked. I made sure that there were no pictures on the walls or knick knacks or books on the bookcases for them to look at and comment on. Everything that I considered to be a "conversational" piece was placed in another room locked up. No one stayed long after that, I wonder why? I don't do that much anymore. I still keep some things hidden that I don't want others to see.

Another thing about myself is that I tend to react to people's news inappropriately. If someone tells me they lost their job, I will laugh. When I heard that Pluto may not be considered a planet anymore I cried. Nothing really excites me. People hate it when they ask me if I liked something and I say it's okay or I hated it. I never seem to say that something was great.


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14 Sep 2006, 9:54 am

CaseyJ400 wrote:
Nothing really excites me. People hate it when they ask me if I liked something and I say it's okay or I hated it. I never seem to say that something was great.

Same here. Like: 'Did you like the party?' 'Yeah (first, quick reaction. NTs hate slow reactions. always yeah. then I memorize some things) Well actually, there were some very boring and annoying things'

Also, Horror/thriller movies or something are boring as hell. Like: we were watching a thriller, that appeared to be a really great hit when it came out. My brothers and father watched it, and were 'scared' during the movie. My mother didn't even dare to watch it after the first 10 minutes. And I, well, I was laughing at all the conversations. There were funny as nothing else can be. I don't seem to be shocked by movies, unlike NTs. It's all fake, and still NTs get shocked. I don't see that point.


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14 Sep 2006, 1:37 pm

[quote="Pug]Also, Horror/thriller movies or something are boring as hell. Like: we were watching a thriller, that appeared to be a really great hit when it came out. My brothers and father watched it, and were 'scared' during the movie. My mother didn't even dare to watch it after the first 10 minutes. And I, well, I was laughing at all the conversations. There were funny as nothing else can be. I don't seem to be shocked by movies, unlike NTs. It's all fake, and still NTs get shocked. I don't see that point.[/quote]

ITA - I HATE horror movies. You can always see what's coming a mile away and it's fake. Same with romantic movies - why are the ladies always pretty and made-up and fall for a "perfect" guy. Mysteries that really make you think are OK. So are Woody Allen movies - he is really witty.