hello anyone here that has aspergers and is a christian?

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Tufted Titmouse
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12 Feb 2010, 6:12 pm

I have aspergers and I'm also a Christian.


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15 Feb 2010, 6:13 pm

Hello, I am Aspie Christian.

Emu Egg
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15 Feb 2010, 7:29 pm

Hi, I'm new here, not officially diagnosed. Christian. I try to be open minded to other people's thoughts and ideas. Probably unorthodox in some of my thoughts and questions. Ecumenical.


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16 Feb 2010, 1:11 pm

I am the tip of a niceberg. Part of a loose consortium of probably but undiagnosed Aspies of various degrees and descriptions, mostly declared Christian of various degrees and histories, mostly finding it difficult to associate in the average social church.

Which Desert Father was it? I forget. In the church he would stand behind a pillar, and as soon as the liturgy was over he would flee. They asked, Don't you like us? Sezzee, Nothing against you, but it is the only way I can hold onto my connection with God.

That is me - and A and B at least out of the set.

Tufted Titmouse
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18 Feb 2010, 6:14 pm

I am a Christian and have Aspergers. I sometimes wonder how non-Christians make it in life without Christ to lean on... but they do. I do not mean that as a judgment, just that I dump me stuff on Christ all the time, so that I can fined some peace and lighten my load.

Emu Egg
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07 Aug 2010, 3:04 am

Iam ADHD/OCD. Oh, I'm also a Christian. I think it's great that you are interested in finding your faith. I do however have a problem with most people on this site who keep bringing up the fact that they are Autistic/Asperger's. OK. So what? There is nobody that is perfect. So we have a condition. Does that mean we need sympathy? Are we a bunch of idiots that cannot function in the real world. We must be intelligent enough to ask questions of faith, money, relationships, etc.
Just so you know, I'm not picking on you or anyone in particular. Websites like this make people with mental conditions seem like a bunch of pansies that blame our condition on the rest of the world. GOD loves those who helps themselves.
The name of this site "wrong planet" infers that we have already given up. We cannot enter a website that deals with everyday problems. No. We need a website that excludes the average person (who by the way has more mental problems than any one of us), and invites a certain group of people who can only deal with problems only when talking to other people with the same type of condition. I'm being sarcastic, but come on, I hope we are all better than this.


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07 Aug 2010, 3:18 am

I am a Christian but not sure if I have Asperger's or not.

To the above poster: Most of us haven't given up and we are here to learn how to cope with different things in life. A lot of us have never felt like we fit in with our peers (or understand why some things happen certain ways) so I believe that is why it might be called wrong planet; not because we have "given up". It's quite the opposite. We're here to help each other; not to have a self-pitying party. God loves not only those who help themselves, but those who help each other.

And by the way, this website allows anyone to join, and not just those with Asperger's. :)


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07 Aug 2010, 4:28 am

pat2rome wrote:
Just nitpicking here, remember that creationist is not analogous to Christian; you can be a Christian and accept evolution (like me).

And that, as we rational atheists say, is the acceptable form of Christian. Or if you're name is Christian, but that's another thing. I'll shut up now.

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08 Aug 2010, 10:46 pm

Stellar wrote:
To the above poster: God loves not only those who help themselves, but those who help each other.

Interesting that some group did a survey a few years ago and 75% of the "Christian" respondents believed there was a Bible verse that said "God helps those who help themselves". Which is actually a quote from Ben Franklin, and not all that biblical, considering all the verses about helping the poor and whatnot.

The early Christians leaned on each other during hard times, not sure what is wrong with people coming together on the Interwebs to do the same. Just a different type of community.

Oh and I'm a Christian, btw. Have struggled with my faith because I have beliefs that do not fit into a nice Protestant box. Like about auras and energy patterns--but in my brain it all makes sense in a cohesive way. I just have a hard time explaining all of this to Christians and non-Christians alike. So I'm a little fragmented in my faith, just like everywhere else.


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10 Aug 2010, 6:58 am

am an aspie and a christian. I was a christian before I was diagnosed, but it probably had to do with my parents and us kids having to go to church every sunday. I don't know how I really felt as a kid with the whole God thing.

Back in 2005, I decided to transfer out of state to a school in KY and you're in the heart of the "Bible Belt" and so I kind of decided I needed something, something to get my mind off of the fact that I was 8 hours away from home and I wanted to not be cooped up in the dorms. I wanted to get out and get involved, so I joined a couple of youth campus groups and I fell in love with the people. I felt weird going to something that was way out of my comfort zone because I grew up Presbyterian and the groups I were a part of were very radical and very contemporary.

I didn't agree with the people who were radical, although they were very accepting of me and some of them knew about me being an aspie and they didn't care and I loved that. I enjoyed hanging out with them, even if I didn't agree with what they believed in. I did enjoy the contemporary aspect of it (the music in particular).

I guess I kind of grew with everyone and everything that happened for the three years that I was there. I never felt the way I did before I got there. But, whatever happened there, I was glad it did. I try and keep all that I learned from the people I hung out with current and real to what I do every day.

So, I might have been a christian all my life, but I became a christian in 2005 because I opened up a lot more and I grew a lot more than I ever did before.

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14 Aug 2010, 8:08 pm

I'm also a Christian with AS, and like the last person said, I believed long before I was diagnosed, but I haven't been serious with it until high school.

Right now I feel so blessed to have God in my life and He will surely strengthen me even with my condition.

Tufted Titmouse
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28 Aug 2010, 3:23 pm

I have been saved since Aug 1991 (I was 16 then). I am 35, single, female, not yet diagnosed as having Asperger Syndrome. I can see the traits in my father - and he lives in Texas (he came to visit me in 2009 for my gradutaion from University of Redlands). So, I'm 99.9% sure I have it.

I was going to a baptist church since 1992 (after I got saved) and stopped going to church sometime in 2006. I just recently starting go back to church in Feb 2010. I love the church - but as an adult with Asperger Syndrome - it is diffucult to fit in my church. They accept everyone there - so it is not "them". It is me - I have gaps - and it is hard for me to do certian things. When the fellowship hall gets loud - I must leave (and this just contributes to me missing out more on Christian fellowship). As you probably know - Autisics tend to be brutally honest - and I can tell that some people don't like that in me. (Reminding you - these are Christians). Me talking very loud also does not sit well with others in the church. I can tell - after the fact. (I wish I could be more aware of my actions and stop them before I do them). The other thing that happens (sometimes) is people want to hold hands during prayer - and I'm not one to hold hands - with anyone. (Well, may be my husband - If God so chooses and allows me to marry someday).

As a single adult surrounded by other 30somethings - It makes me feel like something is wrong with ME(I'm 35 and never married and no kids).

I also highly doubt that any adult in the church has AS and I'm quiet sure most of the members have never even heard of Asperger Syndrome.

I hope this helped.


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28 Aug 2010, 6:52 pm

hello anyone here that has aspergers and is a christian? [quote]

Yes their is. I am a christian, but I was diagnosed PDD-NOS and right now is considered an Aspie.

Welcome to WP newcomer :)

ADHD-PDD/NOS//AS (I am a friend and a menace to society)
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29 Aug 2010, 2:17 pm

I'm also a Christian Aspie (though I could have NLD or PDD-NOS).

Snowy Owl
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29 Aug 2010, 4:14 pm

Roman Catholic right here, the original Christianity! :D

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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03 Sep 2010, 7:06 am

jec6613 wrote:
Roman Catholic right here, the original Christianity! :D


I converted to Catholicism from Paganism in 2005. It would be cool if Christian Aspies could have a forum where they could have Christian fellowship without atheists insisting on turning everything in to a debate.

There is a time and a place for debating over faith. Atheists don't march into churches and interrupt the Mass in order to demand a religion debate, why do they need to do similar things on the internet. (I would feel the same way about a Christian marching into an atheist support group and demanding debate.)

Because sometimes folks (atheists, Christians, Jews, Pagans or Muslims) are in the mood for debate, and sometimes just want to share things with co-believers. We should all respect that.

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