I'm new. Don't know if I have Asperger's or not.

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12 Aug 2010, 4:41 pm

Hello. I joined this community at the recommendation of an online friend who believes I have some characteristics of Asperger's. What she pointed out was social awkwardness (I told her all about some real life issues I've been having), mostly. She doesn't have it, herself, but several of my online friends do, and it's possible that some of my real life friends have it, but if so it's mild and undiagnosed...

Anyway. I mostly joined to get more opinions, and share more about myself so people can help me figure it out.

I also think I can get some advice/help for my social anxiety, which has been affecting me quite a bit as of late. I do go to a therapist, but usually only once a month, and most of what we talked about previously was my past, and driving issues. (I have anxiety about driving, too...especially about driving on the Interstate...long story but I'll share if anyone's interested.) So I just thought people here might give additional advice, or point me to more resources...

That's about it for now, I think. Look forward to meeting people here and finding answers!

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12 Aug 2010, 6:20 pm

Hi Shehzain! I'm in roughly the same position, I found my way here through a reading-burst (I go through months-long phases of reading everything that takes my fancy), picked up John Elder Robison's 'Look Me In The Eye' and identified with it more than anything I ever had before. I started consuming books on Asperger's and ended up here on the Wrong Planet, where I've found been learning enormous amounts about myself. As far as I'm aware I've never seen a psych[ologist|iatrist] except maybe in early childhood, and a lot of things I've done or felt my whole life without thinking seem to be echoed a lot by people here.

Welcome to WP, and I hope you find some answers one way or another :D


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12 Aug 2010, 6:51 pm

Shehzain wrote:
Hello. I joined this community at the recommendation of an online friend who believes I have some characteristics of Asperger's. What she pointed out was social awkwardness (I told her all about some real life issues I've been having), mostly. She doesn't have it, herself, but several of my online friends do, and it's possible that some of my real life friends have it, but if so it's mild and undiagnosed...

Anyway. I mostly joined to get more opinions, and share more about myself so people can help me figure it out.

I also think I can get some advice/help for my social anxiety, which has been affecting me quite a bit as of late. I do go to a therapist, but usually only once a month, and most of what we talked about previously was my past, and driving issues. (I have anxiety about driving, too...especially about driving on the Interstate...long story but I'll share if anyone's interested.) So I just thought people here might give additional advice, or point me to more resources...

That's about it for now, I think. Look forward to meeting people here and finding answers!

"mild" AS < Link


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12 Aug 2010, 8:49 pm

Greetings, Shehzain, and welcome to the WP neighborhood.

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12 Aug 2010, 10:54 pm

Welcome to WrongPlanet. :D

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13 Aug 2010, 1:29 pm

Welcome to WP!

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13 Aug 2010, 4:53 pm

Whether you have it or not, welcome.

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13 Aug 2010, 5:17 pm




The only way you can find out about if you have aspergers if you get a diagnosis? In the UK, apparently you get it for free and it could take a couple of sessions before you find out that you do have it.

Lately, there has been this MRI scan to quickly identify if you have it or not which is pretty awesome and I think it would cost up to £6000 to do but I'm not too sure at the moment.

Enjoy your time here and happy posting. :D

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13 Aug 2010, 7:06 pm

@DogDaySunshine: I do go to a therapist, but I haven't brought up the issue of possibly being on the Autistic spectrum. I've never had any tests done. I remember having to go to this physical therapy class briefly in elementary school because I was nervous about walking up steep sets of stairs and I refused to do sommersaults after a certain age. No idea if that relates to Autism at all...I haven't heard of it, but then I'm just learning about it...

@Willard: Thanks, I guess I should have been more accurate in my post and said that they might be "somewhere on the Autism spectrum". But again, I don't know for sure.

@superboyian: Thanks for the welcome, but no, I don't live in the U.K. unfortunately. I live in the USA. Do you think there are any free sessions here for finding out if you have it?

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13 Aug 2010, 7:20 pm

Willard wrote:

I've always hated that argument, it conflates degree of cause with degree of effect lol.

Shehzain - might be worth suggesting to your therapist next time you go, even if only as an avenue of exploration; if you feel it's a set of conditions that fits you, it's worth having it looked into (and that's what the buggers are paid for anyway lol) :) There's a thread here somewhere with a set of tests relating to Asperger's and Autistic Spectrum Disorders, I can't remember what the name is exactly but it shouldn't be hard to find ;)

Hope you're well & happy in any case ^_^


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14 Aug 2010, 5:32 pm



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17 Aug 2010, 5:20 pm

DogDaySunshine: Thanks, I may ask my therapist about it during my next appointment. One of the online tests I took said I was "somewhere on the spectrum" but wasn't specific and I don't know how accurate that was.

Yeah, I'm doing well, aside from recent stresses I suppose. :o