Questions about you
[quote="Crabs_the_Warthog"]name: Reuben
age: 18
occupation: student
talents: Cartoonist, fencer, judo, tai chi, Parkour
Video Games: Uncharted 2, Little Big Planet, Rayman, Galaga, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Fusion Fall
TV Shows: I Love Lucy, The Simpsons, Scooby-Doo, Starsky & Hutch, Jonny Quest, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Samurai Jack, Popeye
Feel free to talk to me about the interests highlighted anytime. Especially the Simpsons. i have many doh! moments and loved the movie so much ive seen it 4 times.
aspergers, dyslexia, fibromyalgia, ocd, depression, anxiety, ptsd, insomnia, EDS, suspected dyspraxia, SPD
Life isnt always logical Mr Spock
If you are from the UK then try i moderate on that site a
What is your first name? Brian.
Age: 27
Location: California
Hobbies and Interests: Science, science fiction, technology, reading, literature, history, epic poetry, films, and architecture.
Why are you here? Thought I could make a connection, maybe meet some quirky women (I love quirky).
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Just this year, but I've suspected it for several and have seen counselors most of my life - useless bastards.
Year/Grade: I dropped out of college as a 3rd-year upperclassman.
Favorite music: Alt rock and classic rock. Smashing Pumpkins, Led Zeppelin, etc.
Books: Foundation series, Dune series, Middle Earth universe, Asimov's robot books, the Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy, various and sundry others.
TV shows/Movies: Primer, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Goodfellas, Casino, The Departed, Firefly, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer (TV show, obviously), The Big Lebowski, etc.
Do you like sports? Hell no.
"If you must label the absolute, use its proper name: Temporary." -God Emperor of Dune
What is your first name? Magnus
Age: 16
Location: Norway
Hobbies and Interests: Music, computers, reading, science, history, debunking woo (conspiracy theories, alternative medicine, religion and pseudoscience), politics (I'm a mix between liberal and libertarian)
Why are you here? Gifted/hyperlexic and possibly aspie
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Not yet.
Year/Grade: Year 11 / 1st year in High School
Favorite music: jazz, indie, progrock, alt. pop/rock, classical music, experimental, noise, electronic, ska, metal, and much more. My favorite bands right now are XTC, Gentle Giant, The Beatles, Captain Beefheart, Primus and Everything Everything.
Books: The Wheel of Time series, the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, popular/unpopular science.
TV shows/Movies: South Park, Penn & Telller, Monty Python, Simpsons
Instrument: bass guitar, piano, voice, guitar
Do you like sports? Kind of. Used to play football before (you Americans call it soccer but I refuse to call it that)
Family: Two parents, one and a half younger sister, one older sister and one older brother. None of them are autistic/aspie, but my older brother is really popular and a dating king.
Clothing: Yes.
Job: Mowing lawns, babysitting, helping out Dad with tech stuff.
Plans for the future? Make good music, get a girlfriend, study something cool (like astrophysics) and become the President of the Intergalactic Federation.
Friends: 4 or 5, one really close.
Acquaintances: Maany. It's just that I never get beyond that "Hi, what's up" phase.
First, I noticed a post for today (Sep 27, 2010) that has a PM time; it's still AM in Cuba, MO. Can someone tell me how to adjust this for my location? Thank you.
What is your first name? Cindy.
Age: 52.
Hobbies and Interests: Etymology; Origins of Names; Ancient History.
Why are you here? To read about people who have trouble coping in this ALIEN world. I feel at home here.
When were you diagnosed? I haven't been diagnosed, or even analyzed. But I recently read some sample pages of Temple Grandin's books and I have all the symptoms of Autism. Actually, it may be Asperger's, because I did start out ahead, then fell back about 3rd grade.
Favorite Music: Don't listen to music anymore.
Books: Etymology and Ancient History; don't care much for Fiction anymore.
TV shows/Movies: Don't watch TV; I'm too high strung; it makes me nervous.
Instrument: I used to play a lot of different musical instruments, mostly keyboard and stringed; gave it up years ago.
Do you like sports? No.
Family: Parents are dead. Both brothers are dead. Detached from the rest of the family.
Job: self-employed; internet information site.
Plans for the future? To endure the best I can, and to preserve what's left of my health and shattered nervous system.
Friends: no.
Acquaintances: A few. Most I don't even have a name for. I'm usually in a panic when I go out and just want to get home quickly.
I have never been married and have no children. I live alone.
What is your first name?: My name is Ryan.
Age: I am 25 years of age.
Location: Washington State, USA, Terra.
Hobbies and Interests: Computers, electronics, electricity, sound, music, Hammond organs, very occasionally exploring the frontier of psychonautics, and pushing the envelope in general.
Why are you here?: To learn how to cope, to get to know some fellow aspies.
When were you diagnosed?: This is a really fuzzy answer, so forgive me. When I was a child, it had been brought to my parents attention that I could very likely have some form of an ASD. I touched on the subject of my social deficiencies with my counselor, and they started asking me if I was familiar with Asperger Syndrome. I'm not entirely sure whether to consider this a diagnosis, or just a high probability, but I most definitely fit the profile.
Favorite subjects: Mathematics, Engineering, Science, English, Music.
Year/Grade: I'm a college dropout.
Favorite music: Wendy Carlos, Boards of Canada, The Residents, ELP, The Moody Blues, The Beatles (Post-1965).
Books: 1984, Animal Farm, The Catcher in the Rye, The Pigman (as well as The Pigman's Legacy, and The Pigman & Me).
TV shows/Movies: A Clockwork Orange, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Full Metal Jacket (Okay, let's just say I like Stanley Kubrick's movies.) Tron, Caddyshack, Pulp Fiction (And let's say...I like Quentin Tarantino movies in general.)
Instrument: I've played piano, trumpet, tuba, guitar, bass, xylophone, and right now, I'm currently playing the organ.
Do you like sports?: For the most part, I don't care for sports. I like to play golf sometimes, and I think flugtag would be really fun. Flugtag is the only sport I can stand to watch. (But I won't plan my day around it.)
Family: I'm not sure what the meaning of this question is... Yes, I am part of a family. A rather distant part of one, but I do have a mother, and a father. I have three half-siblings that were long out of the house by the time I came along, and they're all old enough to be my parents.
Clothing: Why yes, I do rather enjoy being clothed. I like to dress nice, though I often get odd reactions for it.
How did you find this website?: On one of the information and resource sheets given to me by my counselor.
Job: Unemployed at the moment. I don't interview very well, for some reason. I used to be a graphic designer/typesetter. I was really good at it, but my supervisor found me "intolerable". I really can't figure out why...I put more effort into that job than any other. I loved it, I wasn't argumentative with anybody, or anything of that sort. :/
Plans for the future?: Short-term: Trying to figure out more about Asperger Syndrome and how it affects me, and to see if I can make myself function in the neurotypical world. Long-term: Find a career I can be proficient in, and enjoy. Perhaps even get married and have a family of my own someday, though perhaps that might be too high of an expectation.
Any comments?: None that I can think of, really... I'm sorry if I seem a bit long-winded in some of my responses.
What is your first name? Zach
Age: 18
Location: St. Louis
Hobbies and Interests: Mostly School and Music
Why are you here? My mom told me about this site and I thought I'd give it a try.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): around 6 or 7. Not sure which.
Favorite subjects: Math, Science, French, Government, English...well, I just like school in general. Haha.
Year/Grade: College Freshman
Favorite music: Favorite band is Nirvana. Favorite genres are Black Metal, Death Metal, Punk, Classical, Industrial, Progressive,
pretty much any insane stuff I can find.
Books: Anything about physics/astronomy or history. As far as fiction, I like really dark and morbid books. Haha.
TV shows/Movies: I don't watch TV. Favorite movies are: It's A Wonderful Life, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, Scarface, The Godfather Trilogy, American History X, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, A Brief History Of Time, and of course...Rainman. Haha.
Instrument: I've been playing Guitar for almost 5 years. I'm starting to learn Drums, and I play a little piano.
Do you like sports? The only thing I can say that wouldn't get me in trouble on here is...NO.
Family: Me, My mom, my dad, my brother, my cat, and 2 dogs.
Clothing: Anything that looks good on me. I'm really into extreme clothing (trip pants, extreme metal/hardcore punk t-shirts, studded belts/wristbands), I can look very modest, and I also like looking nice.
How did you find this website? My mom told me about it.
Job: Receptionist
Plans for the future? Get Ph.D, be a college professor. Maybe write a book or something.
Any comments? Hit me up (not literally, it's a slang term for "contact me, send me a message or something")
Why are you here? Think I have Asperger's at the ripe old age of 52.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Not diagnosed and probably never will be.
Favorite subjects: Raising kids, gardening and Asperger's at present
Year/Grade: It's 2010 and the grade has lessened; it's not quite so steep anymore. I think I'm going downhill actually.
Favorite music: Anything quiet and soothing
Books: Faith based at present
TV shows/Movies: Just saw Temple Grandin with Claire Danes--very interesting
Instrument: Flute a long time ago
Do you like sports? My kids swim
Family: Quirky husband and seven quirky kids
Clothing: I conform to the norm but prefer loose cotton with no tags. I love my jammies! (I say that every evening)
How did you find this website? Just cruising for current forum on Asperger's
Job: Homemaker who sometimes feels more like a home wrecker
Plans for the future? Navigate life as well as possible
Any comments? I feel for all you people if you feel like I feel.
What is your first name? Crystal
Age: 15
Location: Maine, USA
Hobbies and Interests: The Lion King, computer, drawing, TV etc
Why are you here?
Because I wanted to make some friends that are going through the same thing as me, and I like discussions
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I don't remember, some time in early september this month
Favorite subjects: English, and Biology
Year/Grade: Sophomore
Favorite music: Blue October <3
Books: Anything that has to do with lions or wolves.
TV shows/Movies: The Lion King
Instrument: Used to play the flute
Do you like sports? No xD
Family: Huh?
Clothing: Only specific kinds
How did you find this website? Google!
Job: Only high school right now
Plans for the future? I hope to be able to live a successful life
Any comments? Nah
What is your first name? Dennis
Age: 24
Location: SW Ohio
Hobbies and Interests: Video games, computers, cats, nature, Photoshop, malls, Emilie Autumn, psychology
Why are you here? I have Asperger's and clinical depression. Just to talk to people. Would be nice if I met some people from here in real life someday but doubt that'll happen.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I was 5 or so.
Favorite subjects: Writing, psychology, graphic design
Year/Grade: Not in school, have a useless Asssociate's Degree
Favorite music: Video game music, Johnny Cash, Linkin Park, System of a Down, Radiohead, Michael Jackson, Black Sabbath, Kanye West, Lady Gaga, Muse, The Rolling Stones, Judas Priest, Emilie Autumn, Korn, The Beatles
Books: Battle Royale, The Watchmen, Dante's Inferno, The Da Vinci Code, The Lovely Bones, The Stand, Clockwork Orange, Under the Banner of Heaven, A Wrinkle in Time, Dreamcatcher, Look Me in the Eye, Running with Scissors, George Orwell, Hitman My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Professional Wrestling, Fullmetal Alchemist, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Berserk, Naruto, Bleach, Hajime No Ippo the Fighting, Gantz, History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, Blade of the Immortal, Hunter × Hunter, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Rurouni Kenshin
TV shows/Movies: The Matrix, Fight Club, Dogma, Batman: The Dark Knight, The Shining, The Crow, Kill Bill, Sin City, Inception, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Rain Man
Instrument: guitar
Do you like sports? Only MMA/UFC
Family: ?
Clothing: Casual
How did you find this website? Some link
Job: Unemployed
Plans for the future? Go back to college
What is your first name? Karla
Age: just turned 28 yrs old
Location: in the Southern California desert, near the Mexican border
Hobbies and Interests: literature, art, the humanities, fashion, music, psychology, collecting books, beauty (grooming, toiletries, make-up, etc.), international cuisine, sports cars, shopping
Why are you here? My beloved boyfriend of 3 yrs has a mild case of Asperger's Syndrome
When were you diagnosed? Never. I'm just a plain, boring neurotypical.
Favorite subjects: School subjects? Literature, psychology, art, biology, math, sociology, philosophy...
Year/Grade: sophomore in college
Favorite music: classical, oldies but goodies, alternative, r & b, soft rock, old standards, musicals, some pop, some rock, Frank Sinatra, Maroon 5, The Cure, Alanis Morisette, some Daughtry, The Killers, etc. I'm pretty open-minded and flexible when it comes to music.
Books: One Hundred Years of Solitude, Beloved, Anna Karenina, The Brothers Karamazov, A Confederacy of Dunces (hilarious!), The Master and Margarita, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Sons and Lovers and many more!
TV shows/Movies: I don't watch much TV (I just can't sit sit still long enough, usually, not to mention the fact that I don't care to commit so much of my time following a show), but I like The Venture Brothers and The Office. Movies: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Blade Runner, Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, Hero, Inception, The Men who Stare at Goats, Inception, and a few more
Instrument: When I was 14 yrs old, I was forced to take piano lessons, which I enjoyed until my father told me I would have to play at every Mass in the front of the church. At that point, I stopped trying to learn and avoided my lessons (I'm very shy and nonreligious).
Do you like sports? Not really, though I'm marginally interested in martial arts (The Karate Kid) because my boyfriend is an enthusiast.
Family: I'm the oldest of four siblings- two brothers and a sister. My 25 yr old brother and 20 yr old sister are in university pre-med programs, and my youngest brother, 19 yrs old, just started college. My parents are still married and are quite conservative, though I am not.
Clothing: I love clothing! I tend to like girly, ornate clothing, sometimes revealing, mostly not. I like to wear high heels since I am very petite and don't like feeling like a 12 yr old compared to my much taller siblings. I like jewelry, purses and hair accessories. I love to shop at nice stores when I get the chance. I enjoy clothing very much, and am willing to sacrifice comfort for aesthetics most of the time. I have a lot of clothing.
How did you find this website? I found this website listed in the resources section of a book about Asperger's Syndrome. I've read about 5 books about AS thus far, and plan to read quite a few more.
Job: Currently a full-time student, though I did work for a time as a receptionist at my father's office.
Plans for the future? I would like to earn a B. A in literature, and a masters in therapy or a law degree. Maybe I can get both! I would also like to marry and have children someday, preferably with my current boyfriend.
Comments: I'm fairly open-minded, very intuitive/empathetic and caring, which I have learned is typical of female partners of AS males. So, I guess I fit the profile well! I love learning new things and am naturally very interested in psychology.
This is a model of how you should answer your questions. All questions are optional. I thought this would be a good icebreaker for everyone.
Age: 30
Location: South of England
Hobbies and Interests: Music, photography, psychology, cycling, military strategy games, learning languages.
Why are you here? This would explain a lot about my childhood, and I'd like to help anybody who feels the same.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Maybe by myself, yesterday, if that counts

Favorite subjects: Chemistry, psychology, German
Year/Grade: Got a BSc in Psychology,
Favorite music: Loud electronic stuff
Books: sci-fi
TV shows/Movies: sci-fi, comedy, dark gritty drama
Instrument: piano, hand percussion
Do you like sports? pathological hatred, with the exception of cycling, and martial arts
Clothing: tending towards the dark
How did you find this website? searching for adult aspie stuff, particularly relating to people who had "learnt their way out" of their traits, if that makes sense.
Job: sales
Plans for the future? living in the middle of nowhere, possibly training to be a hypnotherapist
Any comments?
First Name: Patrick
Age: 23
Location: Inland Empire, Southern California
Hobbies and Interests: Coins, theme parks (especially Disney parks), wanting to travel the world, and learning anything to be factual about.
Why are you here?: I wanted to meet other people who were like me and to truly know that I'm not alone in this world.
When were you diagnosed?: I was diagnosed autistic at age 2, but if I'm diagnosed today I would definitely have Asperger's more because I am so high functioning than I was as a kid.
Favorite subjects: Math, history, and geography.
Year/Grade: Graduated high school in 2004.
Favorite music: Not much of a music listener, but I am most comfortable with soul and 80's music
Books: Crime novels, Batman comics, comic strips (Peanuts, Calvin and Hobbes, etc), the almanac, and anything interestingly informative.
TV shows:The Simpson's, Law and Order SVU, cartoons, documentaries, and a lot of old programs especially from the 80's.
Movies: Mafia films, films from Quentin Tarantino, animated films, and some comedies.
Instrument:Don't play instruments.
Do you like sports?: Don't play sports.
Family: Mother and 3 brothers and one sister (I'm the oldest).
Clothing: Usually casual.
How did you find this website?: Looked around for one like this one.
Plans for the future?: Hope to go back to school or get into a support group.
Any comments?: Thanks for giving me the opportunity to post this, I'm very new at this.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 21 Jul 2010
Gender: Female
Posts: 56
Location: Paris, Île-de-France, France
What is your first name?
Age: 30
Location: Texas
Hobbies and Interests: Art, Photography, Design, Literature, Mental Disorders
Why are you here? I have Asperger's
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2009
Favorite subjects: Art, Photography, Design
Year/Grade: --
Favorite music: Jazz
Books: Waltz into Darkness, Sherlock Holmes
TV shows/Movies: CSI, Criminal Minds, Without a Trace, Miracles
Instrument: ?
Do you like sports? Yes, soccer.
Family: --
Clothing: I design myself.
How did you find this website? I was searching for articles about Asperger's
Job: Photographer, Designer.
Plans for the future? To be more successful in design and have my own label.
Any comments? I like this site, although I don't know what to say...
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